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TwilightSpirit 56F
1192 posts
8/14/2022 8:37 pm
Men, I Don't Know About That

Ladies men play the world by different rules, and seem to think it best if we ladies do not know those rules.
On a rare occasion or two, we might catch on. Catching on only serves to confuse us more and not less. Knowing exactly what a man is up to is never as enlightening as you might think. Usually it adds a new layer of confusion to an already dismal puzzle.
Rest assured we confuse them as well.
Men like shiny things. It can be a car, a motorcycle, a sparkly bass can also be a woman, but know this, they always want to see the next shiniest thing....all of the above again. A lot of men know, that not being happy with what you have can cause a lot of heartache so they stick with what works and they are happy. Other men have a need to browse, but see no harm in just browsing......after all, it costs nothing. Still other men think they can browse, but then they put the pen to the ink and take home that better, shinier thing. 50/50 shot they are happier with the shiny new thing, 100% shot, it won't last. The man that chases shiny things is always going to want a newer shinier thing.
Now ladies here is the tricky bit to learn. Man 1, he loves his shiny thing and is happy. By our ages and stages in life ladies, man 1 has his shiny and is very happy. So Man 1 is ideal, but taken. Man 2, has his shiny thing, but he is looking for newer, better shiny things. He has one he really likes, but he cannot help himself. He is pretty sure he is keeping his shiny thing, but he wants to mess about with other shiny things. you do not want Man 2. He will not be respectful of your feelings. Man 3, he has messed up with so many new shiny things, he is broke. He has nothing left to give a new shiny thing, and even if he likes the shiny thing, he is moving onto the next, because it is his mojo. Man 3 is a mess. he will say anything, he will do anything, he just wants that next shiny. He is like an addict living from shiny to shiny.
Now at our ages your choices are a widower, or a man who is a Man1, but messed up and got himself a woman 2 or woman 3 and is now divorced and starting over.
The wrench in the whole thing is the men that never had his own shiny, he just likes every other mans do not want him either.
Now for the top secret code...
I love you = I have not fooled around in ages
You look so pretty = I really want to fool around
Want to go out? = I think you might want to fool around
Would you like to meet again? = I think I am close to getting to fool around
I feel like you are losing interest = Gosh she is shiny, I want to fool around with her
I just realized I really love you = She said, "heck no"
I have tickets to the show tonight and thought of you = Everyone else said no
I cannot stop thinking of you = everyone else always says no

The list can go on.

All that said and done, there are super great guys out there. It takes a lot of honesty and patience, but they are out there. They have probably met some not so nice 2 and 3 style women that ran them through a mill and they are just as confused by it all as we are.

And if all else fails S.M.H. = S*X May Help

TwilightSpirit 56F
1296 posts
8/14/2022 8:38 pm

Its just in fun.....

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
8/15/2022 4:51 am

Well, I think you managed to hit all the bases.
Of course most men want to hit a home run and hit all the bases at the same time..but for some getting a single is fine as long as one ultimately "scores" In fact for some it's even better..
but regardless no man likes to be "intentionally walked" so a woman can get to the next batter.
Some men just like "playing the field" ...but that's a lie...It all about the hitter's "box" and getting to the bases. LMAO

TwilightSpirit replies on 8/15/2022 5:51 am:
Now that is good.

Archer62 83F
7125 posts
8/15/2022 6:02 am


StarCandy1 69F
1848 posts
8/15/2022 7:01 am

That is exactly players. Men and women. Shiny things get dusty sometimes. What men fail to see is they shine up their cars and trophies, y not bring that nice shiny glow back in their woman ? Time to grow up and play the game of LIFE

TwilightSpirit replies on 8/15/2022 7:35 am:
Star, I think we all go through it, hugs.....

Rocketship 80F
18608 posts
8/15/2022 7:16 am

I think you pretty well covered all the 'bases' in their game~~

I wish women understood the 'rules/strategies' at a much much younger age~~

Thanks for this~~

TwilightSpirit replies on 8/15/2022 7:39 am:
Rocket, I could have saved myself a lot of trouble, had I known this younger.

Rule of life: Use things, do not use people.
Love people, do not love things.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
8/16/2022 5:36 am

    Quoting Archer62:

GOOD GRIEF! Charlie Brown

Now that's an interesting statement...One you can take to the bank..but you can't make a withdrawal

I imagine Charlie Brown speaking from heaven.....asking Lucy..
"MY darling.... Whatever happened to the "GOOD Grief"!

Nileyears 71F
4208 posts
8/16/2022 11:33 am

Yeah, I have a guy friend who thinks he's a gift to all women walking the planet. He's married to a wonderful lady, but still flirts with the shiny things. Can't count how many times he's made advances at me, but I just remind him that that could ruin our friendship of 22 years. Besides, I have no interest in a relationship. What's the point at my age?

Actually, I have a lot of guy friends who are good people and I love talking to them. Sure, they like their shiny things like cars, boats and bikes, but they are good to their wives and families. I'm sure they like to look at other shiny things, but don't we all?

TxJW027 81M

8/16/2022 6:18 pm

Jiminy stop while the guys are still ahead LMAOFF !

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
8/16/2022 7:56 pm

    Quoting TxJW027:
    Jiminy stop while the guys are still ahead LMAOFF !
I find it amazing how women have cornered the market on "bad relationships"

Like a women would find it impossible to find the right man. And a man can always find a woman for right now.

And as much as woman get the get shafted.

They never understand how more women fall off the pedestal than are put on it... ???? (you got to think about that one).

How more men today are choosing masterbation over marriage.

How women think what theirs is theirs, what's yours is theirs. what's ours is theirs.....But what's there in the relationship..they have nothing to do with.

A woman writing to other women.. said ..happiness is their sole responsibility, don't depend on a man to make you happy
I replied... that's good to know.. I'll never feel guilty again... Because.... When I don't MAKE her happy.. It's not my fault.
Women have a hard time putting things together. Like if I don't put the toilet seat down.... I am just flushing down a shitty relationship....
How women don't understand that a man doesn't pick up his dirty underwear..because he has no intention of putting them back on again.
That men don't think about being married..until they get married.....and once they get married, men stop thinking about being married. LMAO!

TwilightSpirit replies on 9/4/2022 6:30 am:
It is mentioned that there are women behaving the same ....
I have a number of male friends who have been taken for a great deal of cash, because some pretty young thing on line made them believe...grandpas are the new stud. Then they cash their checks and (if lucky) move on. Some create accounts and fraudulent charges, access banks and credit cards etc.
It is a mad crazy world out there if one does now keep just a wee bit of skepticism.

believe1967 56F
6 posts
9/2/2022 5:06 pm

I just don't think either gender will ever get it right