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MikeDoshi 66M
10 posts
3/30/2022 8:03 pm
The Right Path /Way

The Right Path/Way
Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior cont .
Greetings Good People, some more thoughts . Over the years I found a few things conducive to my may of thinking , conduct and ethics. Based on Bushido, The Way of the Warrior' . I do not always get it right, However, difficult it may seem, the rewards are awesome and make for a happy spirit.

When asked, “Why do you always insist on taking the hardest route.”
A good reply would be “Why do you assume that there are more than one Path To the warrior there is only one Way – The path of the warrior. The Way is not the easy road. It is not the one that most people choose because they see a choice – the easy way or the hard way. The warrior does not look at his life in those terms.
The average person looks at life in terms of what is best for him or her personally. The warrior looks at life in terms of what is right. To the warrior, there are not many choices to choose from; there is only right and wrong.
Warriors are dedicated to what is right, so they do not see two roads, but only the right Path. And they do not consider whether that Way is easy or hard, only whether or not it is right. The Way may not be easy for the warrior, but the choice of roads always is.
Everything we do in life involves a choice! The same applies that everything we do not do also involves a choice. We structure our life from birth to death with things we choose to do and other things we choose not to do. There is a huge difference, however, between choosing not to do something and choosing to do nothing! Doing nothing but wishing things to be different, seems to be a popular course of action. We all are creators of our present situation by the choices we have made whether we have chosen to do something, not to do something or to do nothing. Recognizing that we live in a world of our own creation means to take responsibility for our choices and their consequences. Yet responsibility is also not on the popular hit list. We are in control of our response and the values we decide to place on events in our lives.

There can be times when we are afraid to be still. We live in our heads, trying to analyze, organize, strategize, and figure everything out. All we really want is to be happy, and somehow our attempts keep missing the mark.

Learn to refrain from moving your attention anywhere. Learn to stop creating a life through a troubled mind and instead to let things be. Be free from noise, find a silence, go from doing to being.
A quote from a favourite film of mine. The Last Samurai, ‘Too many Minds’. Stillness is not about being still. It is having a clear mind, a constant mind. A still pond will reflect the image of the moon. Open your mind and let go. The perfection of stillness lies in the space between inhaling and exhaling. How long you spend in that space is up to you .
Be one with all things

Rocketship 80F
18571 posts
4/1/2022 7:51 am

I often suggest to friends when they seem to be in a frenzy of worry......


Maudie1 74F
8151 posts
4/1/2022 8:18 am

Great advise, difficult to do at times though. I must try harder. I love the pretty painting.

MikeDoshi 66M
5 posts
4/1/2022 8:39 pm

Greetings Good People.
Thank youi for the comments and kind words . Have a peaceful weekend