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starwomyn 70F
5425 posts
3/5/2009 7:28 pm

Last Read:
3/11/2009 2:55 am

Geographics and the Search for HOME!!!!!

So I'm told that where ever I go, I take me with me which is fine. I usually enjoy my own company but enjoying my own company in a PLACE called HOME would be nice.

I have felt displaced since my divorce in 2002. I opted to let ex-hubby keep the house in West Virginia because he is older with health issue. It is much easier for me to start over than it would be for him.

Nevertheless, I lost my HOME and starting over in West Virginia is the pits. I love the 12 Step Community and being surrounded by RAW NATURE in West Virginia!!!! But the Job Market and Financial Realities suck Swampwater.

So in 2006, my youngest graduated from High School. He repeated 11th Grade three times. All I could do is stand back and let reality kick him in the glutenous maxims and when it did he got serious and finally finished High School.

So now, I've fulfilled my responsibilities and my youngster is able to be self-supporting through his own contributions. He always worked even when he was ditching school so it wasn't that much of a jump for him to be on his own.

It was time for Star to live for Star versus living for someone else. So along comes the Truckdriver with an offer for a Love Connection in Texas.

I didn't find Love but I did find Wal-Mart in Texas. The problem with Texas is that all I saw was the Trinity River and lots of pavement. The twelve step community is outstanding. I can find that wherever I go.

So I headed for Nevada and another Wal-Mart. I thought to myself "WTF"!!!!! I considered going over the boarder to California but a family emergency had me heading for Arkansas instead.

I headed back to West Virginia but the Wal-Mart over the boarder in Virginia hired me. Along comes Mr. Joe with an offer of a Love Connection in Historical Charlottesville, Virginia. That Love Connection went South. Life on Life's Terms.

So Where to Next?????

Even if Love goes South twice since my divorce, that doesn't make me a defective person. That doesn't mean I don't like or love myself. Rigorous honesty was that I don't even like the Texas Trucker but I was totally in Love with Mr. Joe.

The Texas Trucker took my dream away. I lost Love with Mr. Joe. So the Motto is Cry a River, Build A Bridge, Get Over It.

So I've cried enough tears to fill that river. It's taken numerous calls to my 12 Step Sponsor, Wally World's Resource for Living and even a few calls to the Suicide Hotline.

At one point I was searching the cupboard for medications to send me to the Spirit World. I couldn't find anything. There was Medication for the Dog, Tylenol PM, Stool Softeners, Stuff for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Dang with my luck, I would attempt to gas myself with an electric oven.

What I though would really be great is to cross over in Mr. Joe's Hot tub and come back as a Ghost to Haunt It. That didn't happen so I better figure out how to build that bridge.

I have a local 12 Step Buddy who suggested that I check out CraigsList on line to find a shared rental so this is the ad that I placed.

55 Year old Woman looking for a Shared Housing Situation.
Affordable and Safe.- Sam's Club Wages are do not extend the "Save Money - Live Better" Logo to their Employees
I don't smoke, drink or use recreational herbs or chemicals thus I don't need a Party Hardy Atmospheare
Currently employed at Sam's Club and have an E-Bay Business
so I need a place where internet access is available.
I sell Dreamcatchers, and do Astrology and Tarot Card Readings on-line so if you have religious beliefs otherwise - we might not be a good match
I relocated to Lousia County and transferred from a Wal-Mart to a Sam's Club to follow a Love Connection that gone South!
Life on Life's Terms
I would truly love to rescue a and introduce the MUTT to my soon to be ex-Love Connection as his replacement but that's optional. Dogs are backward deities who understand the concept of Loyalty
I currently don't have any pets. (I prefer a Male Neutered that likes Hiking Trails)

So I've checked out two potential rentals today. One place is very affordable but way too city for me. The other place is really awesome. It's right on the Ashland-Highland which is the property of former President James Monroe. The Roads are not that much different from West Virginia.

Star is a Los Angeles Woman who has "Gone Country" and intends to stay that way.

I also have a response from a woman who owns a house in Ruckersville. She was laughing so hard from reading my ad. I'll be checking that place out within the next few days.

It doesn't appear that God is letting me go into the SpiritWorld anytime too soon so it's time to build another bridge. For the time being, it appears that I will be staying in Charlottesville. Maybe Six Months down the road it will lead to Georgia. Now Where's That Dog! I need a hiking buddy to get over that Bridge.


50TallandBuilt9 70M

3/5/2009 7:59 pm

To those that want to have a pity party for themselves, read and keep this blog near by....

Star , hang in there lady, good things happen to good people...Your time is coming !!!

Best to You and God bless you!!

ChardinLady 81F

3/5/2009 8:03 pm

Star, sometimes the most devastating occurances turn out to be the greatest blessings. You appear to be doing really well. Keep on going, Star.

Robyn5 83F

3/6/2009 4:11 am

Hi Star, When my marriage broke up I decided I couldnt live in the same house where we lived and I went out every day until I found a house that I liked. The minute I drove into this estate I loved it. I have made it my home, and everyone is welcome. You should feel the feeling that this is where I would be happy. Everything fell into place for me here, and my twelve step friends are all around me too.
I also had a lot of sadness and grief here but I always wanted to come home to my house where I feel safe and content. Keep going Star, Let go let God, and easy does it. You are very funny and i'd love to meet you. You didnt come this far to be stopped in your tracks and remember you didnt drink either. Good girl. yifs


3/6/2009 5:33 am

Hi Star: I really admire your independence and courage to take chances and try new things. Good luck and hope you find a place that feels like home.

Abelle2 83F
31261 posts
3/6/2009 8:38 am

See, we have no doubt you will be just fine.

Chardonnay57 67F

3/9/2009 4:09 am

I'm rootin tootin fer ya