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jiminycricket1 74M
5533 posts
2/27/2020 9:17 am
Pandering to the Black vote, why it works, and why it doesn't

The debate in South Carolina.. was shameful on many levels..The first being the intended conflict between the Participants.. That anyone with a brain would know in reality doesn't exist.. It was theater.
It was an affront to American was.. if you can't beat 'em with the high road
beat 'em with the low road.

But the real sad state of individually it pays off in the end. I can regale against it.. but I can't regale against it's effectiveness.. when is enough enough..telling people what they want to hear...With no ability or intention to make it happen.

Black people for a lifetime have heard it...but it seems if you want to be effective you still have to say it.
Black people understand it...but they want to hear it anyway..Well, how do I know that..? Well, i talk to black people, ask them questions , a white person has never asked them.(.I'm like that you already know). I probe them for answers, so not to identify what they think, but how they think about it.
First, they know it's bullshit.. they don't say it but they show it.. black people do not give white people credit for any promises kept. the credit for white's people promises kept.. goes to black people. Which ironically is true. Black people deserve the credit for white people's promises kept.
So then why does pandering work?
Well pandering is not about keeping promises. pandering is about opening the door.
It seems silly that Joe Biden would somehow... gain support from black voters..because of how his promises and actions differ from the other candidates.
When one realizes promises.. one can't take to the take to bank don't matter, and only opportunity does... Biden support totally comes from Obama..He, of all the candidates, is the most representative of the opportunity given Obama. He doesn't need Obama's support, his endorsement....
.Biden has done the most important thing for Blacks.. Biden has given Obama..HIS SUPPORT. it's not that obvious from the other candidates.
Biden, to black people, is the candidate who least marginalizes them.
Neither white people or black people can understand what 250 years of marginalization can do to group of people. yes Black people too.. they can't understand the difficulty to overcome it... how it has created the Us against them..The battle that can never end, and they can never stop fighting. The priority of their own self interest.. and the bond it creates. In some respects black people need to be applauded for how far they have come to overcome it.
But, It can never end, because, in general, marginalization in this Country can never end, it only expands itself to different groups..There can never be equality in marginalization.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
2/27/2020 9:42 am

Well.. how I think about things...How promises and opportunity is suppose to work..Not for everybody.. but how for some, one can actually see it work.

Ten years ago at the IRS.. i was confounded by the people with ITIN is a taxpayer identification of a non citizen..I was confounded by the abuses of it.
there was a cloud hanging over every ITIN tax submittal.. A conspiracy between coyotes, tax preparers and employers.. than the actual "illegal immigrant".. it was more about hostage taking, than the abuses done by hostages.. but you see..these hostages had little choice.. had little reason not to abide.

So what's happening today.. that is different...Well, first off trump has had a positive effect in his negative way.. Illegal's fear has been brought to forefront.... yet so has the solution. There is no doubt that Dreamers will NOT be deported, So There is hope for people who have been here awhile and conformed to our laws, Whether you are a Dreamer or not.
People with ITINs are now taking charge of there own lives. they want to establish with the IRS...conditions that could lead to their citizenship.. not only are abuses by ITIN's down.. but they are trying to make up for any past abuses on their record.
It's fricken amazing...What a hopeful promise, and an opportunity can do for people, not just marginalized.. but excluded.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
2/27/2020 10:42 am

We look at things like DACA, and sanctuary actions against the LAW circumventing the Law..Even things like building a wall, deportations, ICE, and separating children from families, as upholding the law.

But we fail to see is what the LAW actually tells people in America.. how it's not so clear, not so absolute and how the extremes only reveal a whole lot in the middle, for people to consider.. It's about America, and what America means, that no "potentate" can change

the stories that are told..that "illegals" are actually people, not objects...Things now revealed, that were once swept under the rug and ruled by fear.. Brought to open.
That the "label' of being illegal doesn't apply all the same.. to all illegals. At least that is now a possibility.. that once was hidden.
the "left" has succeeded.. not in obtaining the desired result.. That will come latter.. the "left" has broken down barriers
A "wall" Trump will NEVER be able to put back up again
That upholding the law is not the same as applying the Law fairly. That is just the privy of Authoritarian rule.

If it ain't already obvious by what else is happening..
the President of the United States... Does not have the right, and does not have the pick and choose...What's fair and what's NOT.
He might have the "Stones" to do that....but his "balls" ain't that big, even if he thinks so.

LeafReport 73M

2/27/2020 2:59 pm

This really, really is a huge pile of shit, not worth discussion Cricket.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
2/27/2020 11:35 pm

    Quoting LeafReport:
    This really, really is a huge pile of shit, not worth discussion Cricket.
well.. you have a right to your opinion.

but i would like know what you found to be specifically a turd?