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22314 posts
1/6/2016 12:44 pm
My Response to the God vs Athiests Debate

We can all agree that long ago in a galaxy far, far away it’s obvious that something happened that caused life as we know it to exist. After that everyone scrambles off on the path that looks and feels best to them. Some settle in as soon as they find their most comfortable place. A few of them build a fortress and defend their spot. Others wander the highways and byways to share their path with others. Some become aggressive, forcing others to comply. Some find their path has way stations along the way but keeps on going. Some never do find their path. Some refuse to explore any path and settle for what they see in the moment. As time passes some paths turn to dead ends, some merge, some sprout new branches and all change in some way. We humans may find enlightenment, knowledge; peace and bliss while others find pain and suffering. Some stay their path. Others switch paths and some even explore many.

In the end it boils down to feeling and intuition. There is no rationality. None of the paths can offer “scientific proof” that they are best or even that they exist physically. This is why it is called faith, accepting things that have no evidence, listening to our intuition and feelings. Back to Star Wars language it’s activating the Force.

Personally I have a strong belief system, at least as strong as any here and stronger than many here. It governs how I live my life. I am constantly refining the details. But it is my path. Like all, I am a unique individual. No one can walk it for me and It is not up to me to decide the right one for anyone else.

Spiritwoman ^i^

Rocketship 80F
18603 posts
1/6/2016 2:09 pm


Great blog!!!!

Hawkslayer 88M
13354 posts
1/6/2016 4:20 pm

We all have our opinions on how life came to exist on this planet, and to each his/her own.


It only takes a drop of ink to make a million people think. There are many stories.

hermitinthecity 70M
1698 posts
1/6/2016 5:48 pm

The question I ask and many ask is, "What is the real truth?" Made up myths, religious and atheistic explanations abound. There can only be one true history no matter how many try to distort it due to their belief. I dont want to place my eternal destiny on some myth or some type of Star Wars Hollywood fantasy

Judgment Day will be interesting - and all paths lead there.


1/7/2016 10:49 am

    Quoting  :

One of the best thoughts on the situation.

Spiritwoman ^i^


1/7/2016 10:51 am

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The toy car has been fun out here in our rains of late. It performs and handles well but kind of gets lost in the spray from larger vehicles.

Spiritwoman ^i^


1/7/2016 10:54 am

    Quoting  :

We are all unique which is why there are different life paths. Yes, my beliefs include that fact that there is a lot more. I find organized religions too restrictive at least for my personal way of learning and growing.

Spiritwoman ^i^


1/7/2016 10:56 am

    Quoting  :

What a wonderful way of summing things up. As you point out in the end it is up to us.

Spiritwoman ^i^