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Skipper_too 68G
4364 posts
2/16/2011 8:47 pm
Lied about WMD to lead us into war...(a continuation for further action)

I want to take this opportunity to inform all on this site that there is a movement underway in this country to call for full senatorial hearings into the responsibility for leading this country into the unwarranted and illegal war on the sovereign nation of Iraq.

I encourage all to contact their senators and request that the time has come for a full public hearing into the responsibility for this unwarranted attack on a sovereign nation. As support for this request the following provides basis...the recent book written by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in which he admits that he and others in the administration had foreknowledge that no nuclear weapons existed in Iraq prior to the invasion; that this admission directly contradicts what the American people were told by George W Bush, Dick Cheney and others.

The telephone numbers for the White House and Capital switchboards are available by searching on the net. In lieu of that you could email your senator as most senators do have contact information up on their sites.

Contact your Senator regardless of political affiliation. If these individuals receive enough requests for action they will tend to respond rather than face the consequences.

I can not overstate the importance of this. It is time that those accountable be held responsible for their complicity in this matter.

Should you decide to email your Senator, I have included the email that I sent to my Senator(s) for guidance of what you could state. It is as follows:

Dear Mr. McCain, Dear Mr. Kyl (insert your senator's name here),

I am writing to stress the importance of conducting full and open public hearings into the responsibility for lying the American citizes into the unwarranted and illegal war against the sovereign nation of Iraq.

These lies were about the threat posed by nuclear weapons and as stated by the President, Vice President and others in the administration during the Geo W Bush administration.

The recent publication of the book written by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld clearly states that he and others in the Bush administration knew that no nuclear weapons existed within Iraq prior to the invasion.

It is long past time that this matter be addressed. I call upon you to do your duty in this regard. Sincerely,

Skipper_too 68G

2/17/2011 7:34 am

    Quoting  :

Yes, of course I did. I encourage all US citizens to do the same.

Skipper_too 68G

2/17/2011 7:39 am

    Quoting  :

Your memory is faulty. George W Bush specifically stated that Saddam Hussein posed a nuclear threat to the United States...if you will take a moment and reflect, I am sure that you will remember the difficulty that Bush had in pronouncing "nuclear".

Additionally this same language was used by Colin Powell before the United Nations and also by Rumsfeld and Cheney on a number of occasions.

You memory is faulty on other matters as well. Going back to a former comment that you posted...We did not support Saddam Hussein in his dispute with Russia as you indicated by your words. We instead supported him in his conflict with Iran. What I assume you were attempting to address is our support of Afghanistan during their conflict with Russia.

It may be time for you to review some of your supposed "factual basis" for commentary.

Skipper_too 68G

2/17/2011 7:43 am

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That is your opinion...rather poorly formed I might add. Using your reasoning Africa would be warranted to turn this country into a (using your language)$hit lousy parking lot for what we did to citizens of that country by utilizing their some of their citizens as slaves in our country.

How about the Native Americans should they treat us in the manner that you think that we should have treated the country of Iraq?

Your memory is entirely too short sighted.

Skipper_too 68G

2/17/2011 7:45 am

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I don't believe that most Senators are quite as anal as some on this site.


2/17/2011 8:30 am

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Using your logic, the Western allies should have invaded Germany in the 1950's because Germany invaded Poland in 1939.

The Kuwait thing was, like, so totally over, dude, when Desert Stormtrooper II was launched.

RickySpin01 73M

2/17/2011 10:14 am

Excellent call to action. Good blog. It is time for American Democracy to work again.

Skipper_too 68G

2/17/2011 10:34 am

    Quoting  :

Blew it? By whose interpretation? What gives them credibility in this matter? Since you made a judgement, one would assume that you are proposing that you are "the" person that would fit the criteria of each of the foregoing questions. That being said I would be interested in hearing your assessment of your credibility.

Don't be shy and don't let your ego determine your worth...a difficult course to navigate between these two limits, but I have confidence that you will succeed in doing so.

I will not go quietly...make no mistake about that.

morefkz4u 43F

2/17/2011 11:01 am

There is a movement underway?
Yes, I believe there is, but you are focusing on the wrong movement.

Skipper_too 68G

2/17/2011 1:55 pm

    Quoting morefkz4u:
    There is a movement underway?
    Yes, I believe there is, but you are focusing on the wrong movement.
Yes there is and you might want to switch channels to find out about it.

Skipper_too 68G

2/17/2011 1:57 pm

    Quoting  :

Well you have to admit that there is a vast disparity between what we were led to believe about Iraq and what we found when we got there.

A good example is Cheney's assertion that we would be greeted as liberators.

Skipper_too 68G

2/18/2011 8:19 am

    Quoting  :

What error would that be?

That nuclear weapons were indeed mentioned? Do you recall the manufactured evidence involving Ambassador Joseph Wilson and the controversy involving the falsehood about yellow cake uranium and the country of Niger? The very same dispute of the Bush' and Cheney' claim by Wilson that led to the outing of his wife Valarie Plame who happened to be a CIA covert operative? The incident that led to Scooter Libby's conviction on perjury charges? For which Bush later pardoned him for, even before he served one day of his sentence?

Or are you asking me to apologize for the matter that the Bush Administration asserted that tubes for centrifuges for the purification of uranium had been determined to exist even though they were later found to be something else entirely?

Are these the errors that you "think" that I have made? Or do you have something else in mind? Perhaps that I have the "courage" to confront the tragic consequences (Iraq and otherwise) of the eight years of the former administration?

Skipper_too 68G

2/18/2011 8:23 am

    Quoting  :

Your language and manner of addressing another member is entirely uncalled for albeit consistent with what I have experienced from you in the past. If you cannot intelligently discuss matters without abusive language I will report you for abuse the next time.

Skipper_too 68G

2/18/2011 8:24 am

    Quoting  :

The problem that exists is in your mind. It occurs when you try to link widely disparate matters. Do you not see the fallacy of your reasoning?

Skipper_too 68G

2/18/2011 3:09 pm

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O.K. I will do what I said I would do. It is interesting that people like you that have neither the facts nor apparently the intellect to reasonably debate something resort to name calling. You are painting a wonderful depiction of yourself by your stupidity.

I won't block you because I prefer that you indicate your nature, your intellect, and your stupidity to others by your own actions and your own words.

So knock yourself out...I will regard you with forgiving kindness regardless.

Skipper_too 68G

2/18/2011 4:33 pm

    Quoting  :

Well, when I call someone stupid it is based upon verifiable behavior and in your case.

I try not to act as stupidly in my own words and behavior as you do. Not that I always succeed but I do try.

By the way my IQ is markedly higher than the level of an idiot. So you have once again shown your propensity for speaking from a lack of factual knowledge and the ability to employ it should you possess it.

That having been said why don't you relax, take a deep breath and get back on your medication. You pose no intellectual challenge for me.

Skipper_too 68G

2/18/2011 6:23 pm

    Quoting  :

Oh Boy! Are you ever emotionally and mentally out to lunch. Keep on keeping on because you are only hurting yourself. You wonder why I think that you are ill informed and your contentions are ill advised?

Take your meds and reflect on your words and your behavior. Take about thirty days. Above all else contact your doctor soon before you blow a gasket.


2/19/2011 8:40 am

    Quoting  :

Indeed you do. Your logic bears close resemblance to that used on Fox News.

Skipper_too 68G

2/19/2011 1:34 pm

    Quoting  :

O.K. This has gone far enough from you. I will use your post as a source for all to see what you are about. Your comments now and in the future that are off-topic are not going to be tolerated by me.

I fully expect another abusive comment coming from you and I will simply ask you if you are so lacking in manhood that you have to attack and use abusive language that maybe you want to deal with your own inadequacies rather than attacking other people.

You really need to get a grip are seriously out of touch.

Skipper_too 68G

2/19/2011 4:15 pm

Well, talking to someone that is misinformed is entertaining for awhile...but after a short interval it ceases to be entertaining and it certainly is never informative. The short form is that you present absolutely no meaningful source of intellectual curiosity of challenge for me. You will recall that I told you this once before and apparently you failed to grasp my meaning.

For that reason I must bid you farewell once again. Please don't waste your time responding to this because I will summarily delete anything that you have to say.

In other words go off and occupy yourself at someone else's detriment.

Skipper_too 68G

2/20/2011 1:34 am

I have deleted JKH's last comment because it was nothing more than the same only his level of abusive discourse has escalated. I do hope that this fellow gets help with his out of control anger problem before he strokes out.

B00Radley61 74M

2/24/2011 3:05 pm

Save your breath, Skipper. Keep in mind "With reasonable men I will reason..." There are some here who simply don't fit the first part of that equation.

I have a very good friend who was in command of the 1st Marines when they led the invasion. He had several run-ins with Rummy and the neo-chickens, although he won't say anything in public...yet. I've known him since jr. high school. His comments to me when we exchange email are, "You and I are going to sit down for a cold beer and a really long talk!"

Who can forget Ms Rice and Mr Powell and their "Mushroom Cloud Over America" scare tactics? Or Rhemy's "Shock and Awe" or The Big Dick's assertion that we will be greeted in the streets as liberators? My biggest disappointment with the current administration is that they did NOT hold any of these fools accountable. Sadly, it isn't likely to happen. And while the current crop of NO wants to gut every domestic program in the federal budget, they show absolutely no inclination into investigating where the BILLIONS of dollars went that vanished in that desert cess pit. Hypocrisy in action.

While the shallow righties point to Iraq as a major success story, the more educated neo-chickens aren't so vocal. According to the BBC reporters on the ground there, all that's happened is that we, America, have taken tribes that have been at each other's throats since biblical times, trained them, and given them better arms. Their assertion is that as soon as US Troop levels fall below a critical number, these three groups; Shi'ite, Sunni, and Kurd - will fall on each other with a vengeance unseen in modern times. We have YET to reap what we've sewn there.

And as abhorrent as I found the man and his tactics, you have to give Saddam least he kept them at bay...from each other. Granted, his methods were unacceptable and extreme...but very effective.

Just because you have silenced a man does not mean you have changed his mind.

Skipper_too 68G

2/27/2011 2:29 pm

    Quoting B00Radley61:
    Save your breath, Skipper. Keep in mind "With reasonable men I will reason..." There are some here who simply don't fit the first part of that equation.

    I have a very good friend who was in command of the 1st Marines when they led the invasion. He had several run-ins with Rummy and the neo-chickens, although he won't say anything in public...yet. I've known him since jr. high school. His comments to me when we exchange email are, "You and I are going to sit down for a cold beer and a really long talk!"

    Who can forget Ms Rice and Mr Powell and their "Mushroom Cloud Over America" scare tactics? Or Rhemy's "Shock and Awe" or The Big Dick's assertion that we will be greeted in the streets as liberators? My biggest disappointment with the current administration is that they did NOT hold any of these fools accountable. Sadly, it isn't likely to happen. And while the current crop of NO wants to gut every domestic program in the federal budget, they show absolutely no inclination into investigating where the BILLIONS of dollars went that vanished in that desert cess pit. Hypocrisy in action.

    While the shallow righties point to Iraq as a major success story, the more educated neo-chickens aren't so vocal. According to the BBC reporters on the ground there, all that's happened is that we, America, have taken tribes that have been at each other's throats since biblical times, trained them, and given them better arms. Their assertion is that as soon as US Troop levels fall below a critical number, these three groups; Shi'ite, Sunni, and Kurd - will fall on each other with a vengeance unseen in modern times. We have YET to reap what we've sewn there.

    And as abhorrent as I found the man and his tactics, you have to give Saddam least he kept them at bay...from each other. Granted, his methods were unacceptable and extreme...but very effective.
Thank you for your informed and factual comment.