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morgana444 79F
1051 posts
1/28/2012 12:47 pm
today , I heard just another Bi-polar joke...don't you realize what you do.

I hear, the stand up comedians, the seems that those inflicted with this terrible condition have become the centre for humour

But wait, have you ever walked in their shoes..I have..I am Bi-Polar (manic depressive). I got help over thirty years ago..and two little pills, one to bring me up, the other to bring me down..have made my life, almost normal. Many of you know the stress of the past two years..but I made it, no new meds..just the old faithful.
I worry that the jokes, the put downs will stop even one person from getting help.

People..the greater our heights (mine was super woman, nothing I couldn't do)the steeper the drop..and yes we do fall..for many the fall is too much and another life is lost.

This is not a joke, this is peoples lives..there are many of us, most hide it, some ignore it, to devastating results...and some like me have the love and support to find my way again.

So please, the next time you hear a bi-polar joke..don't laugh...this is real, there is no pulling up your's an imbalance that can be the Diabetic needs insulin...we also need medication...

We are not crazy, we are not demented, we are not playing..this is who we are..and be so very thankful you don't have to walk in our the's not contagious...

Thankyou for listening....we have to speak up.

Abelle2 83F
31246 posts
1/28/2012 2:15 pm

Very good blog

Rocketship 80F
18603 posts
1/28/2012 2:57 pm

Great blog!! Hugssssss Gal Pal!!!!

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 3:22 pm

Thankyou Abelle...

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 4:21 pm

Hugs Rocket

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 4:21 pm

JK, sometimes you need to speak up

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 4:23 pm

Thanks alpine, I've lived happily with this for many years...too many don't get help..leads to tragedy...just trying to pay back for my life.

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 4:32 pm

Thanyou Roses, but it's the people that helped me, believed in me, I have to thank. My life is pretty well normal now and has been for a long time, but I know the day I stop my medicine, like the diabetic who stops taking insulin..I would be in trouble.

So even after 30 odd years, I never miss a day....I remember before...don't want to suffer like that again. Wish they could all feel as good as I do..I love life.

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 6:30 pm

JK...I don't think so..many of us here listen to you...we may not always agree, but that's part of conversation.

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 6:34 pm

Jan..its more a matter of not understanding and maybe a bit of fear of the unknown. I don't think people are really cruel...laughter is a way of dealing with an uncomfortable subject...


1/28/2012 6:46 pm

Much needed info. You would not believe the numbers of clients I had to work hard at convincing to give meds a try. I use to use the same reasoning - that it is like being diabetic. Meds make all the difference in the quality of life a bi-polar person has and once one achieves stability few are willing to get n the roller coaster again.

Spiritwoman ^i^

morgana444 79F

1/28/2012 7:50 pm

Spirit exactly, education is needed so we all feel more comfortable. I've been living a good life, I worked, did all the mom and grandma does. But I know some, who were not so lucky, who did not get stabalized and when the crash came (and it always does) they took their lives. If only one person sees this and gets help, or helps another, than this was so worthwhile. It's so pill stops the manic behavior (the high) and the other prevents the crash (the low)...It's well over 30 years and those same two pills let me live a comfortable content life....Thankyou

morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 1:16 am

Thanks Marylola....there are many of us who take our meds faithfully and function well in society, but it still hurts and makes me upset when we are the but of jokes, as it does when any health problem or disability is made fun of,,just ignorance hiding behind humour.

morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 1:23 am

Hi Ellie, bullies come in many forms, but they attack what is different, they fear what they don't understand. They hide behind humour instead of learning and understanding..they can do a lot of harm..Anything to do with the brain and mental process' and they run. There are many conditions of the brain that have nothing to do with mental illness. A little knowledge goes a long way.


morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 1:29 am

Rich thankyou, with very little medication, to replace the chemicles missing, I have lived a full and eventful life for over 30 years.

ADHD is certainly another condition that has been successfuly treated with medication.

morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 1:48 am

Ricky surprised at you, I always thought you to be a learned man and after reading your latest blogs a man with compassion.

Bi-polar(manic/depressive) are just words to describe a condition. We are not mentally ill, but without help can become so. For many it's runs in my family.

I object strongly to desensitization..period. I hear jokes about the Holocaust, is this the way to deal with what can not be understood..or is education the key.
I know, apples and oranges..but not really..what we don't understand, we fear. like you say..we desensitize.

Not even going to mention your attempt at humour..

morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 6:27 am misunderstood, the humour I see cuts to the heart and makes the subject a victim. I watched my brother (who has the same condition) go through twenty years of hell..most of the time, so drugged he could hardly function. He is now on the same medication I am and enjoys his life to the fullest, but he pretty well lost those twenty years. A little eccentric, sure...but I can be too.I know four people, with this condition who killed themselves, and I wonder if it wasn't the drugs they pump into does strange things.
All in all, it's sad. when it can be so easily helped..just have to find the right doctor and the right soup(meds)
Hugs my Friend...

morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 6:28 am

Hugs marylou...puts the real person behind a name...


1/29/2012 11:27 am

Are Polish jokes still OK?

morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 1:32 pm

Well only if you're Polish Rentier...

Bruja 67F
2266 posts
1/29/2012 7:28 pm

    Quoting morgana444:
    Well only if you're Polish Rentier...
Yep..thats about the way it goes.

Ok to joke with someone very close to you but, very insensitive to make jokes about others handicaps.

My family have a history of depression and most have not addressed the issue. It's resulted in self medication with drugs or alcohol. I too suffer with depression but was fortunate to make find the right medication several years ago. I struggle but keep a check on it.

I feel for you and what you have gone through. Thanks for sharing such personal issues. I know it's difficult to put yourself out there. Please remember you have a friend here in Arizona.


The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel; its poverty by how little. W. R. Inge

morgana444 79F

1/29/2012 8:31 pm

Bruja, thankyou..I think we both have had a hard way to go...I think I wanted to personalize the condition, it's to easy to make fun of people you don't know...and I've seen how it can hurt.

The hardest part is asking for help, getting the right meds and sticking to them.

I've lived with so long, it's part of who I am and long ago learned to be comfortable with manic/depression(bi/polar) the same thing.

hugs my friend, and the same here...always here for you..up here in Ontario.

morgana444 79F

1/30/2012 8:04 am

Thanks Roxy...I don't find it funny either...but then you many do...take care...

honeycup12 83F
886 posts
1/31/2012 7:15 am

Thanks for a good blog. The whole key is staying on the med. So many people don't do that and then they run into trouble. I always enjoy reading your blog and I have very closed friends have the same problem as you.

It is good to have you as a friend.

morgana444 79F

1/31/2012 8:12 am

Thankyou Honey...I've been on the same meds for over thirty years, every now and then, a doctor wants to try something new..nope, if its not broken, don't fix it.

I've also heard.."there is nothing wrong with don't need the meds...oh yes I do. I am doing very well..even through Rob's illness and loss, I didn't change or add anything. I feel good about that, and came through it..with shinning colours..after 9 months..LOL

Oh honey, so many of us deal with these bumps in the road of life...when we share, there is always a helping hand and a shoulder.

my dear friend.