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PeggyLou1000 38F
22 posts
4/26/2012 3:18 am
A Story to Tell

There once was a family of four boys and one girl. They lived in a very poor neighborhood and did good just to keep them fed and clothed. The girl was the youngest of the five and of course she was spoiled to death by not only her parents but also by her four brothers. They all gave everything they could to her but this was not enough. She always wanted more amd more and told herself daily that she would never live like that. She was not going to be poor. She left home at the age of 17 to go to the BIG CITY. Had her mind made up..she was going to find a job with really good pay. The first week she lived at the YMCA, certainly no rich people there. On Monday of the second week, while out looking for a job, she met this very good looking young man. She told him her life story and when she finished he asked her if she wanted to work for him. He told her what she would be doing but when he told her how much money she would be making she jumped at the chance. He let her stay with him until she started making some money. It didn't take her long to build up a good business and was really making a lot of loot. She loved her job and the money. She had worked this job for about five years when she met an older man that wanted to take her away from this life (Kinda like Pretty Woman isn't it) This man's wife had died, he had no , a hugh home and had more money than he could ever spend. She decided to help him spend that money. He traveled a lot in his work and she didn't like staying alone so she decided she caught him so she knew that she could catch some who was older than this man and had more money. They seperated but he was heart broken. Who cared?? She sure didn't. She started going to clubs, just any place that she might meet a wealthy man. Then she decided to try the Online Dating and see what would happen. She went to several different sites but still has not had any luck in finding a man that meets her standards. She decided to go back home and see if he would still let her come back. He set-up a very large bank account for her and then she is looking forward to inheriting the house, everything that he has when he dies. She came to SFF with the hopes of catching someone here. When she came into chat rusty740 was the man that talked to her and was always nice to her. And he was cute out there fishing with that little cap on. The sad part is that he was not wealthy and had some health problems that she could not cope with. Rusty, tell your wife that she has a good man. She is back home with her man with the money and plans to be there for the rest of his life. She has not tried to contact her family since she left home. They are still poor and she doesn't want to be with poor people again. She plans to continue coming into chat from time to time. She feels like she made some friends here. She is not ashamed of anything that she has done, any decisions that she made that got her to where she is today. She would do it all over again. It has been well worth it.

I am sure you know who this girl is. Yes, it's me. I also know that a few of you will probably not want to talk to me again and that is okay. O, and I am 26 not 71 and my man is 63.

Rusty, you take care of yourself. Will see you in chat.


4/26/2012 5:04 am

Hi Peggy: Good blog, and I admire you for being so open about your life. There are so many people lured into unusual occupations and lifestyles by the prospect of becoming rich. What about love and children though?

Not that many years ago I met a man at a dance studio and we hit it off and started dating. We were both the same age and he seemed like such an average guy with just an average little car. After a few months he made a confession that he was a multi-millionaire, showed me all his financial papers, and asked me to marry him. OMG the wheels in my head started spinning $$$$$, especially since he didn't want me to sign a pre-nup agreement and had no family. He brought me to his office and introduced me to all his staff, showed me around his huge home with an indoor pool. I didn't love him though, so a week before the wedding I called the whole thing off. I could kick myself now because he could have given me a nice life with no financial worries.


4/26/2012 6:55 am

Helluva story.

A good reminder that I should stick to women who have their own money.

Tx_JW 81M

4/26/2012 8:12 am

Testimony as to why everyone should consider a pre-nup agreement.
Party On.

PrairieSky 79F
589 posts
4/26/2012 9:12 am

Thanks PeggyLou. I admire your tenacity, but honestly I prefer people who don't pretend to be what they are not. You left me feeling duped into believing you were a 71 y.o. woman. However, I'm sure you aren't the first and won't be the last.

I grew up very poor too. I'm still proud of my roots and still love everyone attached to my youth and see them whenever I can. I've learned in my life that money can buy material things but it can't buy the things that make us whole. love, happiness and good health.



4/26/2012 9:18 am

Quite a story for a 26 year old. I agree with the guy who suggest partners of equal age and financial resources and good per-nups. Even a better suggestion is that you get an education and earn your own way in the world so you won't have to depend on men.

My situation is not as extreme but kind of reverse. I am not rich but comfortable in the financial department. I run as fast as I can from any man who can not take care of himself. If he can't pull his own I do not eliminate him as a relationship potential but there would be no commingling of resources. I would allow him to co inhabit my living situation and would be more than willing to provide all that goes with it but marry or become financially involved? No way in H@@l!

Spiritwoman ^i^

frenchsalsa2 77F
7809 posts
4/26/2012 11:33 am

Tx, perhaps true, but on the other hand, not every man should be so foolish, perhaps too gullible, as to think that having some cute young thing on his arm will boost his ego for life!! I have worked with people that this has happened to and as I felt for them back then, I also feel the same for you, Peggylou. Yes, life must be boring for you now but life must go on and have you not thought about your 'poor' family who may need your help now that you are in a position to offer them some assistance? Sorry, I'm not judging you, simply wondering and asking a simple queston....


4/26/2012 2:33 pm

I grew up poor, and am not especially proud of it.

I would far have preferred to have grown up with the advantages my grandsons have.

frenchsalsa2 77F
7809 posts
4/26/2012 7:15 pm

PS great response!!