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Shartaun03 81F
6197 posts
11/18/2017 1:50 am

I heard that yesterday on the news. Somehow it didn't surprise me judging by some of the other things he has done. We are inundated with news about Donald Trump every day. Glad I am on the other side of the fence looking over.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
11/18/2017 9:24 am

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You and maisie don't get it... twist and shout.. that's all you do.

You think this blog is about elephants? That deal has already been decided, and you even agree with it.....You don't want to KILL elephants do YOU? You don't want to mount a tusk, on your mantel, Do you?

It's ironic .. It's always about elephants and donkeys... That today, it's about elephants, and you still don't realize that tomorrow, it will be your "AZZ" in a ringer.

Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
11/18/2017 9:32 am

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I can't believe you said that! You can't possibly be that ignorant of the fight to save elephants. Maybe you should take a bit more interest in the world around's been ongoing since the 70s. Take a look at Elefriends charity and also at the CITES agreements if you don't know.

For Trump to lift the ban and then change his mind in 24 hours is not a normal presidential happenstance. It shows, like you have in your comment, remarkable ignorance.

jiminycricket1 74M
13732 posts
11/18/2017 9:38 am

The only elephant that needs to be killed.. is the one in the room.

It's like the tail wagging the dog........

I think of Trump......when I ask myself.... Why does an elephant have four feet?

Because it makes Trump jealous that he's only got four inches!
If Trump can't hang with it... he wants to hang it on his wall.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/18/2017 5:24 pm

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Actual, living elephants.....those huge, intelligent, sentient beings that live in Africa are not "The mascot of the GOP".........The GOP has nothing to do with African Elephants.........The GOP mascot is merely an image of an elephant.....a idea.......

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/18/2017 5:30 pm

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Yup.....The first image in my mind and that of millions when we heard that news......was the image of Trump's son hacking off the tail of an elephant he killed for "pleasure" and then holding it up and smiling for a photo op............Look what I made, Daddy......and the camera shifts to the bloody, ragged stump ......Brava!!!

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/18/2017 5:36 pm

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Your incessant passionate concern for the interior of women's bodies is well noted, but you might ask yourself why a cluster of cells that can't breathe or feed on it's own has so much more worth in your eyes than actual living, breathing, feeling sentient beings?.......Another thing you don't seem to be aware of, is that "world" statistics are exceedingly variable. The organisations that compile these "statistics" vary greatly in their methods.......In most countries, and this includes Canada and the US, the term "abortion" includes "spontaneous abortion", which is the common medical term for miscarriage. This very subject was used in a Statistics class I took at college, as an example of how statistics can be greatly misrepresented, and we can't just quote statistics when writing research papers......we need to state the source and then research the methods........Women, generally, miscarry a certain % of pregnancies. I've had at least a couple myself.......Many miscarriages are unnoticed, and only experienced as an especially heavy period. So there is a general, approximate number of miscarriages based on averages and populations.......The numbers you post are approximations that probably include spontaneous abortion.........

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/18/2017 6:08 pm

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Isn't 8 billion Humans enough for you?.......Is your ideal World a planet devoid of Nature and Wilderness, consisting only of milling Humans choking on their own effluent?

Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
11/19/2017 1:13 am

    Quoting  :

Abortion is LEGAL in most countries. I did not make these LAWS, but as a citizen I have to live with them...I do not, however have to LIKE them, just accept that they are the law of my country. What you don't seem to understand, is that there is a great necessity for those laws. Women have been having abortions for thousands of years...dying from them in horrific circumstances. It was to stop this inhuman practice that the laws became necessary in the first place. Now, you have called me "a murderer and a hypocrite". If you would prefer to go back to those practices, that makes you a murderer and a hypocrite too.
Which would you rather have?
If your answer is "none" you do not live in the real world.

Now...about the elephants. I have been involved in various charities most of my life, a couple of them happen to be Elefriends and WWF but others like VSO and Save the Children...are people-concerned. These (and others) are ongoing, part of my life. Mainly because pardon me! I didn't know it was wrong to be active in protecting our environment and our fellow human beings.

Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
11/19/2017 1:46 am

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Why do you think all vegans are pro-abortion? And why do you think that concern for elephants rules out concern for humans?

Another question...why do you accept the killing of children with guns rather than do anything about it.

And the biggest question of all...why do you think republicans are always right in their thinking but liberals are always evil in theirs? No middle road.

Seems to me you have divided the world into two halves and made it "your way, or no way.

One word describes that attitude...prejudice.

Rocketship 80F
18575 posts
11/19/2017 9:55 am

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** This is deflection..... and takes away from the issue being discussed.

sparkleflit 76F
10271 posts
11/19/2017 12:47 pm

    Quoting  :

Endangered insects include the bees that pollinate food crops all over the World....Human life is dependent on other living things....Physically as well as Psychologically and Spiritually. You are more concerned about the destruction of man-made statues and a piece of coloured cloth than you are about the destruction of life.........unless that life lives in a Human womb.....Looks awfully out of kilter to me. By the way, don't pretend that late term abortions are a thing.......They are extremely rare and only performed in extreme circumstances.
In Canada, where there are no laws regarding abortion, there have only been one or 2 in a decade and that is true everywhere that abortions are easily available.....97% of abortions in Canada are performed in the first 20 days.In fact, in those countries where abortions are accessible to everyone,
the abortion rates are much lower than in the US.

You already know all this, yet you keep making the same old arguments.......In the late 60s, 70's there was a huge "Back to the Land" movement ........People homesteaded and lived off-grid with very little and grew most of their food.
They did value education though, and their children went off to college. They are now parents themselves and are approaching their environmentalism from a different angle. They are approaching it from the inside and there is a lot of activity. Lots of them are growing their own food and finding innovative ways to support young organic food producers in their communities. You obviously are outside of that web, but it is a movement and it is happening.......

As is your usual approach, you see this in black and white terms. You expect that unless someone lives completely without the benefit of any technology and grow all their own food, they have no business making choices that are less severe.....So according to you there are only 2 choices. Either find a place where you can live a hermit's existence in complete isolation and devote your life to martyrdom, or practice deliberate ignorance of the plight of the environment,
refuting all Scientific findings on the subject and participate fully in the orgy of polluting technology and unrelenting consumption and waste........