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dusty117 73M

9/6/2017 11:31 am

Deferred, it's deferred because the party of NO said no to everything Obama. Remember that part? It's not complicated and no lawyers are needed.

President Liar pandered to the Dreamers and their families on the campaign trail same as he pandered/lied to you and everybody else.

The only 'preen fest' I see going on is coming from the White House and it's directed to Trump's shrinking racist/bigot base. It's called MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.

kneedtwoplease 68M
1189 posts
9/6/2017 1:30 pm

someone had to say NO as barry was spending faster than he was printing. all the while the Ob and clinton machines getting richer off their position. the same time the burner ranting about millionaire and billionaires and was himself bought off. HELL NO AHOLE. of course it seems not much has changed..

dusty117 73M

9/6/2017 3:30 pm

    Quoting  :

I like to write a short reply to political blogs. In doing that I assume that the writer already knows the the facts. My bad.

Here are some facts:

DACA could have been challenged by the Republican majority. It wasn't successfully challenged so it stands. As I said 'no lawyers are needed' and that's pertaining to your blog.

A perfect example of this is ... Trump attempted to write an executive order that was challenged and failed constitutionally because Trump is ignorant of what his job is.

Campaign trail fact.. Trump misrepresented his view on DACA to Dreamers and their families. Not a problem for his base.

Preen> congratulate or pride oneself.

If you're looking for an emotional reply with absolutely nothing to do with DACA you should have read Fossil's blubbering.

dusty117 73M

9/6/2017 5:00 pm

As I said DACA was not successfully challenged by Republicans (and sure, you are correct "Republican majority" is incorrect terminology) as it was an executive order. Result is the same Republicans did the best they could and DACA still stands as of right now.

As to what President Liar said to Dreamers and their families, his words speak for themselves. Turn on the fake news for that.

dusty117 73M

9/7/2017 11:39 am

    Quoting  :

You spent a lot of time stating the obvious. The Obvious being that United States policy changes from one administration to the next.

In US History the southern border has never been secure because both parties have wanted it open. Even following 9/11 Bush could have easily built a wall with an executive order written with pencil and paper.

Do you find it odd that neither party is interested in ENFORCING LABOR LAW. Documentation is needed in order to legally work in the USA but the fact is employers get the most bang for there buck from illegals. Employers do as they please with them and they can't complain.

The law is what you're interested in right?

dusty117 73M

9/7/2017 2:36 pm

    Quoting  :

In the days immediately following 9/11/2001 George W Bush had the political clout to do pretty much whatever he wanted. Congress was afraid of appearing unpatriotic, so much so that Bush as able to invade an occupy (for his entire presidency) a Sovereign Nation that was absolutely no threat to the USA. And he did it because that's what he WANTED to do. So go ahead try to tell me again that Bush couldn't have funded border security at that time.

We already know why Democrats want open borders. As I said both parties want open borders.

And now your trying to say that illegal immigrants (without papers) don't get hired ...

Good luck selling that bridge