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Unsafe_Sax_54 69M
1228 posts
1/19/2019 9:00 pm
A Letter to One of my Senators

Got an email from Merkley this week. I can't get my fingers to type "Honorable". He was wringing his hands about dying in US custody. My reply pointed out that it was he and his Dem buddies who created that scenario. I suggested that his job description didn't include representing illegals at the expense of Citizens. I also suggested that his Oath of Office was for the Constitution which is in place. NOT the one where he and his buddies make up the rules as they go.

Haven't heard back.

Unsafe_Sax_54 69M
1590 posts
1/19/2019 9:03 pm

Not sure, but the part about his being a worthless POS may have had something to do with the silence on the other end.

I also invited him to come see me. I would have not problem explaining it to him in person - I like to think I'm a little better than the cowards who hide behind keyboards.

MrsJoe 76F
17402 posts
1/19/2019 9:41 pm

I really wonder how much good our letters, emails and phone calls do? I am skeptical enough to believe that the senators only listen to those who pour big money into their campaigns and pockets.
Maybe we have a bit more influence on our representatives because they are from a smaller area of our states, and often known personally to the people around their hometowns.
We used to have a representative who not only campaigned door to door, he often came out in the country to knock on doors and ask people's opinions about things. Sure don't see that happening anymore.

Be a prism, spreading God's light and love, not a mirror reflecting the world's hatred.

hermitinthecity 70M
1697 posts
1/19/2019 11:51 pm

Only their agenda counts, with the media backing them they parrot the same lies over and over, true justice right and wrong don't come into it, only their version of it. Open borders is their agenda so patriotism has to die. Every old fashioned value they are out to destroy. When it hits the fan they'll be the first to cry.

Judgment Day will be interesting - and all paths lead there.

Unsafe_Sax_54 69M
1590 posts
1/20/2019 9:30 am

    Quoting Rentier2:
    The US does lots of things at the expense of its citizens.
    Invading small countries for no good reason where thousands of young Americans are killed and maimed.

    Seems to me representing illegals is pretty small potatoes in comparison.
    Especially when those illegals are necessary to fill jobs Americans don't want to do.
Well, the useful idiot has chimed in. Perhaps you can explain why Donald's approval among Hispanics has gone up 15 points - since the shutdown started.

What would be "small potatoes" would be an illegal ripping YOUR family apart.

Rent: have you ever noticed that decades of lies and denial (trying to support your insane views) have made you more insane? Good evidence that, in general, this is the outcome. With you, it's specific.