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Katie_au_lait 78F
7026 posts
9/21/2018 11:55 pm

Analysis by Anthony Zurcher, BBC Washington

Donald Trump has spent a lot of time disparaging "fake news" reports from the "failing" New York Times largely based on anonymous sources. It will be interesting to see how he responds to an article that seemingly confirms his suspicions that members of his own administration are out to get him.

Or maybe they're not. It all depends on whether you believe sources who talked to people who were in the room when Rod Rosenstein reportedly entertained notions of secretly taping the president or organising a constitutional manoeuvre to remove Mr Trump from office.

On some level, it doesn't matter if the reports are true. They alter events and perceptions either way. Mr Rosenstein has been on thin ice with the president for so long his feet probably have frostbite. The New York Times story could be the ominous crack that presages a plunge into the cold abyss.

Given Mr Rosenstein's position overseeing Robert Mueller and the Russia probe, any move against him by the president would be fraught with political peril. The president has vowed that he won't make a decision about Jeff Sessions until after the mid-term elections in November. Would that reluctance extend to the attorney general's second in command?