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WellKnownAuthor 61M
12/9/2018 2:24 pm


Announcing the beginnings
Of our annual celebrations

Such joyous needed times
For all our festive jubilations

Winters harsh coldness
Finally melted fully away

Now new bright overhead skys
Replacing those unwanted grays

Brightness now running abound
Bringing welcomed color change

Dying plants yet reborn again
By mysteries to us all too strange

Our lost beautiful animal friends
Magically reappear to be seen

It's the time for brand new life
With Mother Nature on the scene

This repetitive miracle cycle
Unbroken over so much time

Producing new kinds of growing life
Plants, flowers, leaves and vines

With soft white puffy clouds
Now framed in a gentle blue

Our smiling Sun again casting shadows
While delivering such warmth for you

By late May Springtime has done her job
Showing both determination and patience

For Summer's now ready to step into her place
Completing the Miracle of Mother Natures Creations !

by Dan M. 03561 Springtime 2010

WellKnownAuthor 61M
722 posts
12/9/2018 2:26 pm

To be in touch with nature is to celebrate life the way it was meant to be.

this is a repeat post many of you might have missed.

WellKnownAuthor 61M
722 posts
12/9/2018 2:44 pm

Only 102 more days until it arrives! Well less than a 1/3 of a year!.

WellKnownAuthor 61M
722 posts
12/22/2018 9:20 am

good thing over 5,ooo on other fellow sites will view this blog. spring ahead and fall back.................not me..

Peggy08404 61F

12/22/2018 1:54 pm

I take a goose over a dam moose anyday..

singleagain2016 71F

12/23/2018 3:32 pm

a pinch to grow an inch Peggy? nice story mr. author guy.