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Disabled, but not really
Posted:Jan 21, 2022 9:42 am
Last Updated:Jan 22, 2022 7:54 am

The path to recovery is a rocky one. I like to think of it like climbing Sugarloaf Mountain.
There are two paths up Sugarloaf, the easy one and the hard one. Many inexperienced hikers and tourists take the easy path, it meanders through the shaded woods, with boards walks, steps, and benches...ultimately taking an hour to two. It is a pretty woodland trail. Those who take the hard path soon find out there is nothing truly hard about it. It is a little steep at times, there are no benches. There are some rocks to make it around, some streams to get over. There is a lovely summit just over half way with a view of the entire county ( so gorgeous). In the end, the hard path is not much more work and takes half the time of the easy path and very much worth the effort.
How does this relate to recovery?
From the first day I met with PT/OT in the hospital, I chose the hard path. It was some combination of magic and miracle for them to assist me getting out of bed that first time, and I never got back in. In the bed I was reliant on others for everything. In the chair, I could use my leg power to get up and down, I could walk. I still needed help, but much less of it. If you put your hands together at mid chest, as if to pray, anything you could reach and do from that position, that was my mobility. They were not even considering releasing me, when I began asking "When can I go?" I was told it was at least a three week wait for assisted living. It was 24 hours for me to fake being able to care for myself at home well enough to I took the short path. I had a care team of friends and family and still do for many things. I find out that the orthopedics doctor would have expected someone with my injuries to still be in assisted living. Instead I am home, where everything creates a challenge and a new way to heal. although I lose patience, I am healing far faster than expected.
April has a date
Posted:Jan 15, 2022 11:07 am
Last Updated:Jan 16, 2022 3:51 pm
When her sister hit this age (the sister turns 30 this June) I seriously thought I was doing this first date stuff with a for the last time. Tonight there is an informal dance at the school...oh, and the young lady pictured has her first date. she is excited, nervous, happy, scared....all rolled in a ball.
Anyone remember their first date?
New Man
Posted:Jan 12, 2022 12:34 pm
Last Updated:Jan 12, 2022 6:44 pm
So, I hooked up with this guy Saturday and so far I haven't bitten his head off.....just saying last year the Easter Bunny did not last this long and I chewed his ears off. This could be the start of something
Best Worst Valentines Date Eva!!!!!!
Posted:Jan 12, 2022 7:29 am
Last Updated:Jan 12, 2022 1:09 pm

Valentie's being the net big Holiday explosion, I noticed in chat that some of us are not fans. I am sort of a fan. I am a huge fan of love and I enjoy seeing everyone put that little bit extra into things. I myself, have not ever really had what I would consider a Valentine, Husbands yes, Valentines....not so much .
All that said, am putting forth a best worst Valentines day challenge....we must have one. Mine is as follows...
As many know, I have a lovely hunting dog, soon to be 4 years old, her birthday is on Valentines day. This was her 2nd birthday. She was the Belle of the hunting club and loved by everyone in our little hunting group. We have a fun group and for giggles they had bought a huge velvet heart and filled it with doggie treats for Belle's birthday. My had sent me two dozen red roses for Valentines. These were on the dining table.
I had a date...sort of a blind date. We knew each other, but did not know we did. We were going ice fishing. 5:30 a.m. I was there all coffeed up with longjohns on under my clothes (I had been ice fishing before). Now, I won't deny drinking, but at 5:30 a.m. this fella was pretty far gone. My drinking history is one or two when I go dancing, or on the Holidays. he had polished a fifth by 6:30a.m. and was happily offering and drinking more. I was kinda impressed he could stand. The fishing was slow and we chatted, laughed, and put in 4 hours not to look like pansies.
It was still pretty early in the morning, he was an entire sheet factory to the wind, He offered that we should head to the bar....this bar, that bar, any bar...he seemed to know them all. It was still about ten hours early in the day for me, but I was not judging. We instead went two tracking. In case you do not know what two tracking is, it is at this time of year, driving on non plowed roads only idiots and snowmobilers had been on. He was driving a truck..... The scenery was lovely, and my mind drifted to ways to run off close enough to home not to freeze to death on the walk....seriously. I pointed to a grouse nestled in the branches of a which point he threw the truck in reverse, pulled out a loaded shotgun, and shot it. He proceeded to field dress the grouse with his bare hands and pop the meat in a bag with snow to keep it fresh. This changed everything, I was now looking for a way to run off out of shooting range . Anyway he got all messy and bloody and we decided it was time to drop me off. Being ever the optimist, he grabbed a flower and a little four piece heart candy box and followed me into the house, saying if he could only wash up a bit. I put on a pot of coffee, while he washed. He seemed to be bent on staying until........I went out to get my for her meal. He was being a wee nosey and discovered the huge velvet candy box, and the two dozen red roses, he leapt to the assumption that some man had completely out done him. If only he had been a little nosier . Hindsight being 20/20 if he had been nosier, he would have discovered the candy box full of doggie treats and the flowers were from my and grands, so maybe let us just leave him to jump to conclusions.
Before the conclusion of the story, I must say, I am not a completely daft woman, though sometimes a first is a first.
I did check to make sure he was not afraid of dogs, My dog, though still much a puppy, was friendly and normally well trained. However, A man who smells like game, blood, hunting, booze, etc, who is also a stranger....well, that was a bit much. She was friendly and not threatening, but she did pounce directly into his lap at full run. He did remember he had to work the next day and gosh wasn't it late (still well before noon). I apologized profusely. Then after he left......I punished Belle accordingly, with several treats and a grilled cheese to go with her lunch. We can work on her manners later. This day, I was just pleased as punch she managed to dispatch the drunken gentleman.
How is this the Best Worst Valentine? While I love fishing (ice fishing included), and I love hunting (field dressing a grouse barehanded was a bit gross) I don't mind a person who drinks socially (drunk by 5:30a.m. as a first impression might be a poor choice), Along with many just scary conversations in a five and a half hour period. He is bar none, the worst date ever. The best part was watching Belle go nuts with all the smells and quickly dispatch this person who refused to go. that was a nice thing . It was kind of funny in the end. And, he sent me a text asking if I'd like to go again the next weekend (I knew he made it home safe and did not have an accident) ....crying shame though I had to work doubles....every weekend...for months
January 9th
Posted:Jan 7, 2022 4:54 am
Last Updated:Jan 9, 2022 11:24 am
It is the 7th, I know. Well, I checked. January 9th is My oldest sons Birthday. He has reminded me that every year since he was 12, the one thing he asks for is a big family dinner. Which wasn't so tough, when he was 12, and the family did not have quite so many members. Still a wonderful day or two, those far off stay over.
This year Christmas decor was left up (its made me nuts). The family will celebrate Christmas together on the same day. We have incorporated so many careers and people, that it is difficult to all be together during the Holidays, but this works. I don't think which day matters, just to gather and pass out the hugs.
Today is for shopping, prepping, and last minute cleaning. Tomorrow, greeting, prepping, baking, snacking and wine. Then Games and eating, and the opening of presents. Finally, Sunday will bring tears and hugs and long goodbyes..........and a well earned nap.
A day is a day, it is all about what you fill it with thaat makes it wonderful.
A Different World
Posted:Jan 3, 2022 5:59 am
Last Updated:Jan 3, 2022 8:47 pm

This morning there were a couple hoodies on a chair, so I looked at them, inside there was a note....Happy Birthday Ollie, My didn't remember her friends birthday while we were out. I rummaged through my collection of jewelry making supplies, found a beautiful glass amulet and a chain, put them together and boxed them pretty. When she came down, I handed it to her and told her I thought Ollie might like it. She was happy, she had that slight smile and subtle tell tale glow. She has a great poker face, for everything but poker. In poker she giggles and wiggles and is absolutely animated with a good hand, you fold.
Ollie is a Bestie, I remember when Besties were the world, I have many here. Some of us have met, some are content to be cyber buddies. Still, all are dear.
It makes me think of how little it takes just to ask a favor, but how hard it is sometimes to do. Between two surgeries and an accident, I have had to rely on people...a lot. Not my favorite thing to do either. I try and appreciate but I just want to be me, fierce and standing up to the universe. It will be some time yet. remember and repeat the words of a patient, " Every day a little better, better and better."
The other quote is from a fine lady, "It is an ill wind that does not blow some good, somewhere" If she reads the Blog, she will I think of that quote and I hope that this experience somehow allows me to be a better person, a little more understanding,....we can hope. Maybe, I will achieve the tools to help another one day, if so, then it is not all for naught.
Every day we wake, it is to a different world, than the day before.
January 1st
Posted:Jan 1, 2022 1:15 pm
Last Updated:Jan 1, 2022 1:15 pm

I always heard that you spend the New Year with the person you kiss at midnight. This year I was completely ravished by a little Aussie Sheppard mix that was gifted my youngest . So I guess that means the will work
Another tradition broken this year is that of black eyed peas, greens, and ribs for the New Years Meal. It is supposed ensure a prosperous year. I must admit, I live a blessed life, but then I don't require much, so that isn't hard do. I am home this year though, back my beloved Upper Penninsula, so time for a new tradition, Pasties and a salad......that should bring me some Yooper style prosperity.
Of course, I read all the new Years predictions. First half of the year: dedication work and healing (sounds like my plans). Mid summer early fall: a series of wildly passionate short romances, supposedly all very wonderful (not much my style....honest). Once fall sets in: The fires of love ignite and I meet my one true love in a romance that ends in marriage (seriously? Me? I am beginning doubt how real these predictions are ). No I don't take any of that stuff seriously, it is all in good fun.
What do I hope for in 2022? I hope the world gets a chance heal and we cease think or hear of Covid and its many variants. I hope everyone has a beautiful new year.
Happy New Years
Posted:Dec 30, 2021 11:37 am
Last Updated:Jan 1, 2022 5:42 am
I hope you all have the happiest of New Yeaars. the world does not change because a date has passed, but in our hearts we can hold dreams and hope, sooner or laters those two things inspire a world of change.
Have a most Blessed New Year
Hot off the easel!
Posted:Dec 29, 2021 7:51 am
Last Updated:Jan 1, 2022 5:42 am
I was in an accident. It left me with a long way to go before I can do anything really heavy duty. So here is the outcome of my own art therapy path....
Posted:Dec 27, 2021 8:47 pm
Last Updated:Jan 1, 2022 8:14 am

The time is fast approaching to kiss the old year goodbye and to ring in the new with gusto!
Does anyone there make resolutions anymore?
In 2021, I resolved not to date or become involved beyond dating with anyone. I kept that resolution...well I have so far.
I have not found my exact resolution for 2022 yet. I have begun a cleansing and purging process. Since I moved this past fall, I am donating more than I put away. The house isn't smaller, but somehow, things just don't fit. Much from the past no longer serves to be clung to. There is a whole world there. A world about to be reborn.
I say Away! Gone with the old! Let 2022 be a year to take on just one thing, one thing to let go, one thing to make different, picks something and do it.
2020 was a wreck, 2021 was for inward reflection, 2022 will be for letting go and preparing for change. There must be faith that the change will be a good one.
Whatever your New ear brings, let us hope it is something wonderful, something new, and exactly the thing you always dreamed of.
Happy New Years

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