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It's in the book

In my own words.

What to make with scrap wood
Posted:Jun 10, 2017 6:51 pm
Last Updated:Jun 13, 2017 9:49 am
My brought some empty wire spools for me, and I had some junk wood. With some spare time and nothing to do (rainy day project) I threw these together.

A School Lunch YOU actually enjoyed
Posted:May 16, 2017 6:33 am
Last Updated:Jun 1, 2017 5:44 am

I went to an all boys High School and most days brought a lunch from home. Always made my own lunch, with mothers suggestion of course.
The school cafeteria was managed by a wonderful little old lady named Mrs Miller. It was a huge room with no windows and was nicknamed Millers Cave. The menu was standard and had a daily special. On Thursdays I think it was meat loaf with mashed potatoes, corn and a most fantastic thick gravy that was to die for. The cafeteria was always packed the day meat loaf was on the menu and if you did not get there early you lost out. I mean it was sooooo good it was addicting. I have never had meat loaf like it since then. Every time I have meat loaf, even now, I think of Mrs Miller and Millers cave. Never liked that rubber stuff they called Jello though.
Did you have a favorite school lunch?
We Are Entrusting Our To These People
Posted:May 1, 2017 9:32 am
Last Updated:Sep 16, 2017 7:44 pm

I am afraid of our education system not only in Canada but other parts of the world. Sexual abuse of students by a minority of heterosexual and GLBTQ teachers AND other students. Teachers can not inform parents that a is confused about the 's birth sex or sexual orientation. That they want to be a boy instead of a girl or a girl instead of a boy or maybe a hermaphrodite so they can have it both ways.
Now the Alberta education system wants bring in "GENDER EDUCATION" in Kindergarten.
It is bad enough that teachers are influencing the with the teachers political agenda, now the teachers will be able to influence the at a younger and impressionable age on what sex they want to be.
Sorry this is not a cut and paste posting, but its about what is on my mind after reading the news on recent educational instructors escapades over the past few weeks.
The only people who will be upset with me are the Liberal arts people. Or is it Liberal Farts people who believe you can be and do what ever you want.
My 1982 Flipping Coin
Posted:Mar 13, 2017 7:31 pm
Last Updated:Apr 29, 2017 6:15 am
In 1982 Justin's daddy Pierre Trudeau took the family on a holiday through British Columbia. At a stop in Salmon Arm BC a group of people protested as the train made a stop. Pierre was not pleased with the reception and gave the crowd what has become known as the Salmon Arm salute or the Trudeau salute. A coin was made to celebrate the event. Which I just happened to buy one of.

An observation, Who's got your back baby
Posted:Mar 11, 2017 1:51 pm
Last Updated:Mar 13, 2017 7:34 pm
My and I were sitting around talking about current affairs and noticed that at the majority of marches where Conservatives and Liberals meet and have conflict, when the police arrive to intervene , they never turn their backs to the Liberals. Guess the police trust the Conservatives more. Even though the Conservatives may carry guns the police are more afraid of the Liberals.

Just an observation .

Who is minding the store?
Posted:Mar 4, 2017 7:12 pm
Last Updated:Mar 7, 2017 7:54 pm
How do all these protesters get time off? Do any of them have jobs? Do they phone in sick? What happens if their boss sees them on TV or in the news? Why are the big percentage women?

True Dough did he really say that
Posted:Mar 4, 2017 12:41 pm
Last Updated:Mar 18, 2017 5:56 am

Excerpts from "Trudeau rewards terrorist with citizenship." a column in today's paper(Mar 04, 2017) by Candice Malcolm.
1. Zakaria Amara is a convicted terrorist , serving a life sentence for his role in a plot to murder scores of Canadians . And now, thanks to a Trudeau government bill passed through the Senate this week, Amara will soon be given the privilege of Canadian citizenship.
2. In the case of Amara , this "Canadian" was born in Jordan and raised in Saudi Arabia.
3. He came to Canada as a and became a Canadian citizen as a young man.
4, .Amara was the ringleader of a sophisticated terrorist cell known as the Toronto 18. He recruited trained and groomed fellow Islamist extremists and worked towards a deadly terrorist plot.
5. He wanted to mass murder Canadians. And even more, he wanted to shatter our sense of safety and security.
6. Amara pleaded guilty to terrorism and was slapped with a life sentence
7. Under the Harper government , Amara had his citizenship revoked and was set to be deported the moment he was released from prison.
8.Trudeau said during the 2015 campaign that he believes "terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship" and now he is keeping good on that pledge.
9. Trudeau's Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen told the Senate that the liberal Government had already initiated the process to restore citizenship to the convicted terrorist.
There is more to the story but I just wanted to confirm that I remember hearing Trudeau in his campaign speech state terrorists should keep their citizenship.
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen is also a Muslim and there are another 10 Muslim MP's in Trudeau's government. Just saying. Watch for M103 to pass.
Name that blog
Posted:Feb 12, 2017 1:25 pm
Last Updated:Mar 24, 2017 7:36 am

Mrsjoe wrote a blog just the other day about naming blogs. I thought it was pretty cool and agreed with her.
My blog is nonsensical, of no real importance or value, just entertaining to me and those with an odd sense of humor. I took the name from a record by Johnny Standley, you may of heard of it, It's In The Book/Grandma's Lye Soap. The tube place has it if you want to listen to it. Its just my type of humor.
Happy Blogging you all.
Cowboy's Shopping List for Feb 14th
Posted:Feb 12, 2017 7:36 am
Last Updated:Mar 2, 2017 5:36 pm

Cowboy's shopping list for Feb 14th


Rubber gloves


for calving season.......what did you think
Second U.S. Civil War in the making
Posted:Feb 5, 2017 10:27 am
Last Updated:Mar 4, 2017 8:48 am

It looks like the Executive Power and the Sons and Daughters of the United States of America are being challenged by the (enter pronoun here)----------------and (enter other pronoun here)---------------- and G. Soros.
There is civil unrest in the homes and streets , riots, fighting, setting of fires and acts against the Constitution of the United States of America. Leaders and Citizens of other Nations and Countries who wish to see harm to the U.S.A are urging the dissenters ever onward. There is even a sect of immigrants who want to the U.S.A fail so their religion may conquer what is left in the aftermath.
May God Bless the United States of America.

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