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Freedom of Speech.
Posted:Nov 18, 2020 6:46 am
Last Updated:Nov 20, 2020 6:05 am

If you want to get a handle on what's happening you've got understand The idea of what freedom of speech means. Who's responsibility is it.. and what constraints should be put on it.

There may appear to be a right or wrong answer but it's really not.. it's a common sense answer. both sides of it can make some sense..

There is currently hearings going on about Facebook and Twitter. about their immunity for their content, about the the need for constraints on the content.. and the abuses of social media.

It can clearly be defined with the power of the federal government.. to regulate..It applies to Facebook and Twitter. but it relates to everything.
it's not just about Facebook and Twitter.. It's about the meaning of free speech, and how that relates to political processes.

I'll try to give an example. to try to explain it..
Think of it as a salesmsan and a sales purpose..
Think of it it as "Buyer Beware" versus consumer protection.

The question... Is it against free speech for a salesman to lie to sell a legal product.
When we think of Lie.. we need proof.. not assumption.
It relation to the sale of a product there is consumer protection against lies.. by the product itself.. the product is the proof and the damages. This provides consumer protection against the fraud committed by salesman as a legal matter.. Salesman are regulated not by the law but by the product. This limits the idea of the "buyer beware"

But what happens when a salesman is selling information? The proof of the lie and the damages that result are not clear. When it come to information, Conservative believe entirely in "buyer beware". Liberals believe there must be consumer protection from false information, and disinformation.

Conservative believe it's not the responsibility of the lie.. It's the responsibility of the person believing the lie.. This gives Conservatives the ability to lie without taking responsibility for the lie, as a matter of free speech.. Without the proof and damages. every information lie falls into a gray area.. in which consumer protection is TRUMPED by free speech..
In the case of Facebook and Twitter any constraints on content is a constraint on free speech.
Because, In essence Twitter and Facebook are telling it consumers what to believe. by telling them what they can hear.
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Racism that transcends politics
Posted:Nov 17, 2020 7:09 am
Last Updated:Nov 18, 2020 4:35 am

I have always judged the idea of racism as a matter of what one does and not what one thinks.. that the racists things one does ... falls on Republicans not Democrats.
But racism in the way one thinks, the way they we were brought up.. I can not tell a Democrat from a Republican..

I have come to realized the true nature of white racism..against blacks.. the true racism of our generation is in how we think.... It's in how I once thought.

It's hard to find the right example.. in a multitude of possibilities. What is the common example of Democrats and Republican. That can both indicate the problem and when fixing it, results in the cure.
In our generation of Republicans it's a given.. not so easy to understand with liberal democrats..
White men Democrats.. will say they believe in equality.. equal opportunity, they will protect a black man right to vote. right to inalienable human rights, to jobs and opportunities. That they have contributed to our great nation, that black have been oppressed and treated unfairly.. that the judicial system and law enforcement is biased.,and needs reform.
None of that would be a good non-political example..

But what is it? that is inherent in a white man of our generation that transcends political lines..... that can explain all you need you know about racism..
It's that they wouldn't want their to marry one.
CoVid 19 have we reached the breaking point.
Posted:Nov 16, 2020 5:54 am
Last Updated:Nov 17, 2020 7:03 am

Old people die.. That's why we call them "old people".... people will say it just signifies a number but it doesn't....It signifies an ending not a beginning...
The stage of life for old people is a shrinking reality.. For most that reality ends alone, in a single bed and a single room.

Dylan Thomas wrote...
''Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

I always thought that meant We fight for life...until there is no light.
there is no such thing as a dying light.. There is just light and there is dark.

CoVid19 has given me a little different perspective of the dying light.
The dying light has become the shrinking reality. Some thing we really can't control.
It's the single Bed and the single room... reality.
With this Virus..Instead of just the single bed and single room...we become attached to "The Matrix" of a shrinking life.... controlled by screens, TV and Computer. Unattached to reality.

This virus takes it toll on everyone..Yet for most of the young it's a temporary reality.. but for the old.. It's shrinks ones life away into "The Matrix" of the dark
This Virus for the old.... has taken away the reality of life..The reasons we rage against the dying light...Friends, Family, purpose, freedom, choice...

We remember ....we see the light,,,but the breaking point comes when we can no longer touch it and feel it.......This Virus has put Us...Alone, in the final single room, in that single bed, but gave us a TV and computer screen.
We are prisoners..of it's Matrix.. for many it's a life sentence
LEAF'S POLL...Chances of getting Covid19
Posted:Nov 14, 2020 10:02 am
Last Updated:Nov 16, 2020 10:37 am

My answer was .. I'm just not feeling lucky... Empathy, doesn't hold water when one feels immune.. WE as a country, have distorted empathy.. We as a country, makes feel "unlucky"..

It's a hard question to answer, It's not like you have it or you don't have it.. WE all have it..Some to the extreme, some worst than others, and some asymptomatic It's never really been about them who got it and them who don't....

There is virtually nothing in our history to compare it with.. .
A negative event, that has occurred over a years time, and has to some degree effected everybody negatively., and still we react with "them who got it and them who don't".. The idea of it's long term effect for those who got it and those who don't . The idea that when it's over..if it's ever over..... everything will return to normal...We can just waited it out. Hell will eventually freeze over

Can we learn from this.. that it's the same for every ISSUE and every CONFLICT we have.. It's comes down.... to them who got it and them who don't ..

For me I don't need to have it...To have gotten it.. I get it,
No man is an island....
For me personally, I can only think, and fear and hope, Is it going to get better or is it going to get worse to the extreme? It's here, it's now, and it's in all of US. There is no them and us.. We ALL got it..
You too will feel "unlucky".. when you realize it's not up to you.. it's up to THEM
The Orange Marmalade Man
Posted:Nov 13, 2020 5:30 am
Last Updated:Nov 13, 2020 9:31 am

I get why people don't understand..., why I hate the Orange Marmalade Man,, so much

The sweet smell of suckexcess
The lack of consistency
The seeds of discontent
The pulp fiction..of rind and reason

That one can not understand when they lack the vitamin See
and the foreboding of a Marmalade sky. In the midst of their scurrying scurvy
That turns it jelly... and gets out of the jam
and ALL on which it spreads...becomes "Toast"
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The Pentagon Paper Tigers
Posted:Nov 12, 2020 1:55 pm
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2020 6:00 pm

Trump pis pretty scary with what's going on at the pentagon..

I believe there are possibilities, neither one is good..

First .. What Trump is prepared for scenarios he wants happen.. even if he can't make them happen.

The first scenario...Which will take democrats take offense action remove Trump before 01/20/2021... Is Trump's alt right, and militia insurrection against the democrats.
Trump can use that and with that only if he controls the military.
The plan.... at first be a paper tiger against the insurrection, but not stop it.. Second to prompt Democrat to fight back, and third finally have the military side with the insurrection. Turn the "bad" into not so bad guys.. Then turn them into the good guys. He would then figure his army is bigger than no army at all.. who's to stand in the way of the insurrectionist.. This he determines would be a quick Civil war and a force against his opponents

Second,.... is a plan to attack Iran..Remove troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.. and have Iran take some offensive action. even if just by the appearance.. In which he retaliates.

In either case he need the military to be loyal to only him.
The Unresolved
Posted:Nov 11, 2020 7:45 am
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2020 1:55 pm

People will believe i care one way or the other.. i don't..

The truth matters. regardless of what it is..

I believe that any questioning, investigation and or accusation must have in it's intent to be resolved.

Some issues can't be resolved.. what that means is the issue has neither completed the bases of the pro or con. An assumption that it has should with a rational approach assume the assumption to be negative to itself.

A President should have the wherewithal to resolve issues. not to intentionally leave them unresolved...

But that is what this president and his supporters are allowing to happen..
It happen to such extent that even resolved issue.. regain the assumptions.

No matter how much we resolve these3 election issues they still will be presented as unresolved.

The 2016 election is still unresolved.. Not by Democrats but by Republicans.

How is it possible that "lock her up" is still not resolved. how is poosible tht corruption issues.. that have been resolved remain unresolved. How is it that corruption issues, that could be resolved aren't resolved..

This problem will not occur with the next administration.
Actually criminal activities and corruption by the trump administration is not the reason I hate them so.. The only thing that matters with this administration is that issue will be resolved. It won't be unresolved, swept under the rug.. it won't be their base fooder, to bring it out only when they need it.
the allegations of this will be resolved one way or another.
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What's Going to Happen NOW
Posted:Nov 9, 2020 3:31 pm
Last Updated:Nov 11, 2020 2:00 am

MY point is you can't do it based on Democracy.. any longer..
United and maintaining freedom can't work any longer.
No matter what you it ...Fascism, communism, socialism, dictatorship, or monarchy..... Authoritarianism, to force people to be a certain way is the only hope for survival.. But that is a failure in itself.

So what's the point?

The question is..
Is our lost of freedom today worth saving tomorrow ... Or is saving our freedom today worth losing tomorrow

I believe let tomorrow take care of itself. We are going to lose our freedom regardless. So. be free today and be thankful you are not going to have to live in the world of tomorrow.
The election disaster
Posted:Nov 4, 2020 9:00 am
Last Updated:Nov 15, 2020 4:30 am

Well .. as Joe Biden squeaks this out and there is a legal battle..I keep referring back to my idea that this election was more about other things than winning or losing..Trump haters or Trump supporters, Democrats or republicans.. Every election sends a just got to be able to "read" it

i keep trying to figure out if this election was real or was on Memorex
I keep trying to understand the "alternate universe".
I keep trying to figure out how it was possible for Trump to grow his base.. without even trying

i keep trying to figure out that if the percentage of blacks in Mississippi is 37% . How the final result was Trump 61% and Biden 39%. how the South is a total mess.
i keep trying to figure out how Trump could win any State and any group by 40 points.

Maybe you can move on with a Biden eeked out win.. but i can't.

Do i have to accept this alternate universe? I got to try to make sense of it.

i got a front row seat to 1939 and the Hitler takeover of Germany. Of Mussolini in Italy.. How was that possible.?

I have to re-evaluted my idea of racism in this country. As not an outward appearance but as a deep seated one. A reactionary one and manipulated one That under stress rears it's ugly head.

How foolish you are to think that Biden campaign wasn't strongman enough, or progressive enough. That someone else would have done better.

Trying to pinpoint what happened. with a multitudes of possible reason , and coming up with one... maybe be a fools errand.. but i am going to try.

it's about racism.. The idea presented, that was debunked, about reverse racism Was a typical Republican Lie.. that reflect them more than it did US. It wasn't about black reverse racism it was about white reverse racism.. With the reverse more about moving forward. with the reverse more about putting this country in Drive.

Since February 29th The Democrat presidential election and down ballot suffered greatly.. with it's view of expanding it's tent and uniting the country, that was viewed as a lie... it was the day that White reverse racism became the single most import factor. From that day on Trump supporters became totally blinded. Not with made up Trump stuff, but with, in your face, Democrat stuff. not with lies but with a Democrat hyperbole.

On February 29th.. Biden's campaign was resurrected by South Caroline black voters. Black women became the backbone of the Democrat party.

The only thing worse than Russian interference in our election for racist America. was Black interference. Democrats could avoid the specter of the socialist party, the women's party, the Antifa party, and the immigration party.. but in this racist country could not avoid the Black party, certainly not by embracing and hyperbole .. The democrats embraced no other group. it had disaster written all over it, in a racist country..
Trump has empowered fascists, and racists.. That are in a minority of this country a fascist/racist minority takeover....But in this alternate universe you need to look in the mirror and see your brother looking back at you.. they see a 15% black minority and a socialist minority..trying to use the Democrat party for a takeover of this country.

Look at the stats.. how is it possible that Trump gets the highest percentage of votes.. where most black people live... What we have learned is it's not possible for a Black Democrat Democrat, Democrat to win a State or national election. in the South.
Trump can lie, cheat, divide, embrace dictators, defy the constitution, blackmail, and use his office for personal gain. He can do all that and they won't like him for it.. but the only thing they fear and hate more is a Black Socialist Democrat.
As long as the Democrat party support black candidate in the south, as simply a matter of them being black and to "BRING " out the black vote..
It's viewed like the Civil War reconstruction, like the carpetbaggers, like a "northern invasion" Sherman march to Georgia... Free the negro!
If 37% Mississippi can't win..Then until the black population in the south reaches 50% .. there is no chance.
Only your haidresser knows who you voted for
Posted:Nov 3, 2020 12:52 pm
Last Updated:Nov 5, 2020 6:14 pm

It's 70 and sunny in Kansas today.. I dressed , went 2 vote and expected 2 wait.. I wanted 2 look at the people and take a pol I was surprise there were only 8 men there.. I was hoping 2 get a better sample size.. but what I have determined is Biden was ahead five pair of tennis shoes 2 pair of boots.. I was wearing tennis shoes.... I wasn't so accurate with women since most were "open toads". So I'm guessing that Biden led with 10 ugly toes 2 five manicured ones. but was behind with only two bra-less women and five in jeans ....compared 2 eight in dresses..and had gone 2 the hairdresser. during the pandemic.. and their idea of a facial masque.. was gobs of shit on their face.....LMAO

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