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Posted:Oct 16, 2020 10:50 am
Last Updated:Oct 21, 2020 4:46 pm

I'm curious about the I believe NOW, that peaceful protests won't work
That the only way confront White Supremacist and Fascist is confront them physically.
take them out.. so spea.

I don't want join the group..that carries signs, throw eggs and water bottles, and does a lot of spitting.. wears dresses, hangs with gays, and shouts obscenities... and gets beaten and shot. WTF wrong with those people?...I want the REAL STUFF.. I want get it done.


But i got a problem.. i don't know where sign up. I don't know who's in their militia. I don't know anybody that belongs one..I don't know how recognize one.

I Can't seem find a place join the group. I guess I am going have become an Antifa of One.

Does anybody I could join?
Trump, Trumpism, and Trumpcare
Posted:Oct 16, 2020 7:46 am
Last Updated:Oct 17, 2020 8:13 pm

Sometimes people are just stupid,, about what Trump does.

All the things you would believe matter to him .. don't matter..You may think that fascism, socialism, or autocracy.. matters to him..Like theirs an ideology behind it. He wouldn't care if you called it Trump's fascism or Trump's socialism. As long as it was Trump's autocracy.

What mattesr to him is not ideological .. it's control.

Obamacare.....Trump has a plan.....It's the almost exactly the same plan Obama had,, and Biden has..
He doesn't discuss his plan.. because it would be evident.. It's not HIS PLAN

Maintaining pre-existing conditions.. what do you think that means?.. It means Obamacare. It won't, however, when Obamacare is overturned. It will be Trumpcare.

Republican aren't against the plan.. they are against it's a Democrats plan.
They aren't against some regulation.. they are against Democrat regulations.

They aren't against big government or deficits.. they are against a democrat big government and democrat created deficits.

The ideology of Trump is Fake news.. it's a fake ideology.We are no longer a country and there is a civil war.

Trump has sold his zero balance.. There is no country that through policy wins or loses..

If Democrats win,Republicans lose.... and if Republican win.. democrats lose.. The country doesn't matter.
It's about the perception of winning and losing.. and we are all fricken losers.
Amy Coney Barrett’s ‘open wine’ slip creates Twitter buzz
Posted:Oct 15, 2020 10:25 am
Last Updated:Oct 16, 2020 9:50 am

Is it possible adamantly disagree with someone..
And Still like them?

I like her.

Wouldn't bother me, one bit, if she was on the Supreme Court......
It's those other two yahoo's that piss me off.. Especially Kavanaugh

"After Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a Rhode Island Democrat, questioned whether President Trump’s pick replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg would indeed be an unbiased judge, Barrett responded, “I will approach every case with an open wine.” Without missing a beat, she corrected herself say, “Open mind.”
Herd immunity and the Trump supporter
Posted:Oct 14, 2020 3:02 pm
Last Updated:Oct 15, 2020 10:28 am

Let's talk ..who are Trump supporters that believe Trump...
Well, I think it's pretty simple.. They are elitists and not empathic.

It simple.. and actually pretty normal......In way it's normal be a trump supporter.
As opposed a person willing take the higher ground.

When one poses this question.... the answer becomes clear

If you believe that you can not get the CoronaVirus or if you get it, your symptoms will be like catching a cold.
And someone comes along and tells you to wear a mask, social distance , not go to work, close your business, reduce your income. and stay indoors..How would you think about that?

Those people think they are elitists and the virus really has nothing to do with them. Yet the government is making the problem for them. The idea that government should protect.. only those that need protection.

It's not the uncommon thought..I always thought if it wasn't going to kill me, I just as soon catch it and have it be over with.

The second idea is "herd immunity" .. it's a misnomer. There is no such thing.

In the "natural state" of thing. In the natural world of evolution..These sort of things, like every disease, is not stopped by herd immunity..Something else stops the virus and absolutely MUST be completed to achieve the falsehood of herd immunity.

The natural idea of disease and other such things.. Is not herd immunity.. but it is in essence....

Only the ones strong enough ,or impervious survive.. It's the natural order of things..
People who believe in Trumps "herd immunity" believe in that principle. They are elitists because the believe they are impervious or chosen to survive.

They absolutely believe in the idea of "CUTTING THE HERD"

They believe it with Covid19.. The believe it in political ideology....They believe in America....they believe it for the country, They believe it for their State, and they believe for their neighborhood..

Solve the problem.. By CUTTING THE HERD.
Barrett and ACA
Posted:Oct 13, 2020 1:56 pm
Last Updated:Oct 14, 2020 7:08 pm

The confirmation hearing are amazing. So much different than Kavenaugh's..

Kavenaugh Lied.. Barrett isn't lying.

The only problem the Dems can have is on the "process".....

Ted Cruz speech was incredible..He lives in a fricken alternate universe. He thinks you folks are really stupid.. He, of course, was bashing Democrats for doing the things Trump would do.. If he never said Democrats I would have believe, he was talking about Republican

Sass was actually pretty good.

The Republican, for the most part tried bait Democrats into the mass chaos that the Kavenaugh hearing brought. Amazing accusations. that were immaterial and false facts to the hearing itself.

I thought Barrett was pretty good.

What became clear about the vote on the ACA...Was if she was going to vote against it...The Dems would have legislative remedies..

If the Dems control the Senate. then her vote will be mute. Just rewrite the law.. the irony is that probably needs to be done anyway.

The vote in November from Supreme court will be on severable. .. That means if any part of the law is unconstitutional the whole law is unconstitutional. With Barrett that will probably fly.. But lets say it's the mandate, penalty or tax? which ironically now has no meaning...... causes the whole law be voided. Barret may or may not agree.
If the dems get the senate... then rewrite it.. The Supreme court position will be the guideline for what will make it Constitutional
Banning Abortion...
Posted:Oct 13, 2020 6:39 am
Last Updated:Oct 15, 2020 2:50 am

One can make an assumption that the unborn has rights. and States can decide whether 2 ban abortions.. probably will happen.

How does one get around that... and still allow States 2 ban abortion.

Government interference in healthcare.. ACCOUNTABILITY

It's would be difficult for any state 2 deny. that any pregnancy is a matter of healthcare.

That any law banning something that is a matter of healthcare.. becomes the responsibility of the state provide the complete which the banning would have an effect..

So any state that bans abortion.. takes on the responsibility for the entire pregnancy, the women health and the unborn health both during the pregnancy and postpartum.
Any State that interferes with healthcare choices.. takes on the the responsibility for that healthcare.

All Pregnancies in that state.. should be provided healthcare for that pregnancy and healthcare for the when it is born.

Let's see how that will fly with Pro-Life people. Let's see how that will fly in Pro-life States. ... If you're going "cook" it.. you got eat it.
Arresting developement..
Posted:Oct 11, 2020 2:32 pm
Last Updated:Oct 13, 2020 7:08 pm

Okay Trump has order the release of Durham report and documentation.. the release of Hillary emails and documents. pertaining "spying" his campaign.... and then the indictment of Hillary, Obama, and Biden..

Barr understands there is a difference in supporting an illegal opinion.. and acting on an illegal opinion.. ..
Trump is out of his f*cking mind... nobody is going carry that water for him.

Trump won't do it...because he can't get it done.

If the President of the United states can't get it done.. Then it can't be done.

Typica..if he hasn't totally gone over the edge.. he will back off.. the purpose of his accusation will do..not the indictment.. So he's either continuing the "game'" or he just guaranteed he going to prison and anyone who helps him.
Battleground State...KANSAS
Posted:Oct 10, 2020 10:14 am
Last Updated:Oct 11, 2020 6:05 am

There are plenty of states that could be used describe what going in this election..

But most leave out Kansas.. Yet Kansas will be the most reflective State of what's happening.

The fact that there is questions about Kansas is one needs know.. the question that needs asked.. becomes why there is a question about Kansas?
Seriously as what's happening in Kansas when Romney wins the State over Obama by 20 points? And Trump wins the state over Hillary by a little less than that. With LESS being the key word.

What actually happens about Trump winning or losing the State really doesn't matter.. It the demographics of the state that matters. there are major urban/ suburban area in Kansas.. Sedgewick county, Wichita ks....... Shawnee county, Topeka Kansas.....and Johnson county. Overland park Ks..... Johnson country one of the most populace, richest, suburb counties in the country.

those counties had gone Republican in 2016... with margin from two 2 eight points. The rest of Kansas, rural Kansas, has gone Republican by 60 pts.

That ain't going happen this year. Biden will win Johnson County. It's tossup with Shawnee county, and probably lose Sedgewick by less two points. Kansas will be up for grabs because of it.
An 8 pt shift in those country.. wipes out a twenty point lead for Trump. With a 60 pt lead in the "other" counties.. the difference can not be made up. Even though he will win the other counties substantially.. i doubt he can maintain a 60 point lead. Maybe more like 40 pts

Th election in Kansas is going to be real close.

Besides all that .. they are not talking about it.. and the Democrat are spending 10 times more money in Kansas than Republicans.
America In crisis
Posted:Oct 9, 2020 5:27 am
Last Updated:Oct 12, 2020 3:28 pm

Some days.. i feel really stupid trying 2 pretend this is something it isn't.. That people will see the crisis we are in.. and as we have done in the past, put our squabbles away 2 join together against the crisis....but against hope.... that can't be done.. We are great when it's America in crisis. But as much as I'd like think so....That is not the case today. America is not IN crisis today.. America IS the crisis.

Our failure of this country is catastrophic. People are going to DIE..
The coronavirus was a warninG
People aren't going die because of what they are.. they're going die for who they are. And because of that.... what America is.. will die along with IT

It's gone too far.. We let it go too far..

The one time agreement... that some one like Tim McVeigh is NOT a hero but a villain.. is gone. Today he would be both a hero and a villain, and people who believe on either side of that.... will DIE because of it.
The Abadile treatment
Posted:Oct 8, 2020 12:30 pm
Last Updated:Oct 11, 2020 2:13 pm

On his trip to Florida in Mira Lago..Trump met a Haitian witchdoctor.. who told him, he found a vaccine" for the Corona virus,

He showed it to Trump. and Trump thought it was a great cure.

Trump asked the witch doctor what was in it. The Haitian said ground abalone shell. and crocodile tears.

Trump jumped with joy and phoned the FDA to approve a new cure.. which he got to name Trujmp's "Abadile vaccine". after the abalone and crocodile it was made from.. He thought to himself .. He could make millions.
Production went into full swing..

Once distributed. people found it wasn't the "Abadile vaccine."

It was a Crockabalone.

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