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I've got sixpence
Posted:Oct 8, 2020 5:07 am
Last Updated:Oct 9, 2020 1:02 pm

I've got sickpence: jolly, jolly sickpence
I've got sickpence 2 last ME ALL my life.
I've got Trumpence 2 spend
I've got Trumpence 2 lend
And Trumpence 2 send home 2 my wife, poor wife.

No cares have I, 2 grieve Me
No pretty little girl 2 deceive Me .
I'm happy as a lark, believe Me
As we go rolling rolling home.
Islamic terrrorist set for trial.
Posted:Oct 7, 2020 8:57 am
Last Updated:Oct 9, 2020 1:40 pm

Many of you will think I am defending Islamic terrorists.. Let me assure you I am not..

I am upset...
It's what I have always been upset about. since the Trump Presidency.. the idea that these defendants should be put into prison for the rest of their lives, or Killed for what they have done.. Is the WHAT of it..

I am never upset about the WHAT of it.. I am not even upset if these men are tried fairly or unfairly, and sentenced fairly or unfairly.. It doesn't matter to me..

As i listened today about this.. I got upset.. about he HOW of it...

The obvious political nature of it.. when politics should have nothing to do with it.

We have not heard the last of this..
This will become a campaign strategy.. The sheriff needs to provide the evidence that they are the only one to bring the 'bad' guys to justice..
One of the speakers....and in fact all but Wray, the FBI director... Were providing propaganda. As one said....this would not have happened without. Barr the Attorney General.. I certainly hope that is not the case.. Because Barr would have never happened without Trump. The conviction from the prosecution, and judge.. would not have happened without Trump appointees and appointed conservatives judges.
Do you get the message?
Come Up Pence
Posted:Oct 2, 2020 4:57 am
Last Updated:Oct 4, 2020 8:21 am

There must be a God..or someone answers prayer.

Now..I lay me down 2 rest
Pray 2 be protected
and those that fail the test
will not go undetected

That HE will preserve
The punishment of the sin
and give what they deserve
That "lies" with them, within

I shed one tear
for me, and not for you
for now seems I fear
I can catch "comeuppance" too.
God really does have a Sense of Humor..
Posted:Oct 1, 2020 6:49 am
Last Updated:Oct 2, 2020 4:29 am

I have learned so much about things i thought I'd never know.
I have already talked about, Hitler and The German people of 1939. I never thought i could understand what they were thinking. I have a pretty good idea now.

I never thought I could understand what Americans went through in 1860. Not the battles, but their thinking. How a Civil War is different than any other WAR. How a Civil War tears you up inside. How a war can be waged by" Brother against "Brother" literally and Countryman against Countryman figuratively. How one is only able go through it by making up shit, and embellishing it, hate the other side . How innocents get caught in the middle. how it was a failure compromise, a failure of empathy, a failure of understanding, and a failure of patriotism.
Redirected by an "invisible virus" that killed 600,000 Americans. The "vaccine" of surrender which ended the fight, but not the cause.

So It doesn't matter, between the Blue and Gray, they are rolling over in their graves.
So how does one separate the The Reds from the Blues, and the Whites from the Whites and the Blues from the Grays When they are your own countryman...?
It's simple , really, When a significant number of the group.. is willing take up arms against the other. And over reaction and escalation of it... by the other.

I never thought I would understand a time in America, I would feel the need buy a gun. I now understand that, and both the German failure, and The American Civil War.. And the failures that cause it all..

there is no "vaccine".... the disease will rise again.

I really do need re-evaluate if there is a God.....If there is.. HE's got a sense of irony, a sense of repetitiveness. and an ironic and repetitive Sense of Humor.
Posted:Sep 30, 2020 7:41 pm
Last Updated:Oct 1, 2020 7:08 am

How bad has this country gotten?

Well, speaking out against a president.. can get you fired. can get you ostracized.
If you once work for him, and belonged to the same party.
But never in our history.. could speaking out against a President.. get you dead!
Posted:Sep 30, 2020 5:17 am
Last Updated:Oct 2, 2020 4:31 am

Today I have to decide what kind of gun I am going to buy. where I am going to buy IT .

I normally would give what happened at the "debate" last night a chance 2 sink in.
evaluate the outcome. I would try 2 be opened minded as 2 what actually happened and why happened.
IT would BE best, like waiting for the test tube results for an entire country.
If people understood, they were under attack, and what they could do about IT.
But then I realized .. THERE is no country, and I am the test tube of one.. and the results are in.
WE have lived in a country that... in a presidential debate.. ideology and policy mattered.. Not as much as we thought in reality, but mattered in our selection

For four years I have been trying 2 explain . Explain the truth and lies, the word meanings, and the . The form IT has always taken....IT is first the ideology, then truth, then the choice of words and then "the ". IT'S how politics should work and It's how my brain works.

That's the way it normally worked.. but with Trump I had all kinds of problems.. I tried 2 solve.
How could I even begin..... because I believed he had no ideology 2 begin with. How could people understand it... with his mountain of lies.. Trump never did conform 2 "normal"..Yet.. I kept trying 2 figure IT out..

I feel stupid, I did not understand until last night .. how Trump can do IT...
His mind works backwards from "normal"..
The ideology is not creating the truth, and the truth is not creating the words, and the words are not creating the .
For Trump IT works backwards.. The creates the words, The words created neither truth or lies, and the doesn't state the ideology.. It is the ideology.

Once I waded through it,, and determined Trump is his ideology..It becomes clear.. the obvious is not the obvious..The meaning of words is not the meaning. The Truth is not the truth, and his ideology is CONTRO

I have spent four years trying 2 figure IT out.. thinking backwards is really hard 2 do.
I know almost all of you don't understand . IT"S not easy 2 understand..
And most important Trump supporters understanding is not just impossible, but unwanted. What am stating here is NOT ..
You no longer have 2 understand.. but you eventually will after Nov 3rd...
How does Trump make IT work?
He makes the one sided. He detracts, he avoids, he lies....., with ideology, truth and words.. but not the . The is his truth.
You get tied in knots with ideology, policies, right or wrong, political parties, conspiracies and such. He ties you with ideals and principles and Truth. You don't know..if he's f*cking coming or goin that not a result of what he does...that's the plan.
It's a Win/Win for hi. how do i know that?.. How do I know he knows That?
How does he know... I can no longer "trust" my fellow Americans 2 understand?

Because I am going out and buying the F*cking gun..

When you finally realize the has TWO SIDES. That IT can be read, by those, IT was not intended for.
You will understand what Standback, and Standby...really does mean.
That's what I am going 2 do.
Teddy Roosevelt said "Speak softly and Carry a big Stick"
What I am telling you do .. is speak softly, and carry a big gun. You're going 2 need IT .
Trump is counting YOU laying down...Stand . Stand by, Stand and be COUNTED.

The real irony about IT .. is I am going 2 do IT . And I am the one.. that really doesn't care.. That has nothing 2 gain, That has no agenda, .That has no Stake in the future..I HAVE NO ....
Yet, it's the way.. i can give my life meaning.
If IT was JUST about me..I wouldn't care.. but IT'S "the forest through the trees", ITs the bird and the bees",, ITs "the moon and the stars"..And, the least of I really don't give a f*ck about you.. You are responsible for YOURSELF.. And those of you so-called Christians...I may not believe .. but YOU should believe ITs about "God"
How many bankers give the keys to the safe.. to a bank robber??
Posted:Sep 29, 2020 4:39 am
Last Updated:Sep 30, 2020 8:01 pm

It's astounding really..
Not the fact..Trump could ruin our democracy
Not the fact, that Trump gives to the rich
Not the fact that Trump is incapable, inexperienced, and untested
Not the fact that Trump is Liar
Not the fact that Trump is beholden to others
Not the fact that Trump is self serving..
Not the fact that Trump is not a normal type of president.

Whether those things are a "fact" or just a supposition. When taken as a whole. It all means the same thing

Why would someone worry about Trump.. pushing the nuclear button, because of it?
or selling this country down the river...

What are you fricken Stupid?.
What's astounding is.........
Why would he do any of that..
When the richest country in the world.. gives him the keys to Fort Knox.

In "Field of Dream".. the line was.... "If you build it.. He will come".

In Trump's field of dream.. "If you give it.. he will take it"

Mindless or Mind control.. or just giving you what you want
Posted:Sep 28, 2020 6:53 am
Last Updated:Sep 29, 2020 4:15 am

Mindless or Mind controlled... It hard sometimes 2 separate what people know and what they 'think" they know..
Some people have a need for a leader 2 express..something which they cannot express themselves.
They have constraints on their emotional responses.. those constraints include political correctness, compassion, effectiveness, compromise, social norms, and reputation. Those constraints effectively repress those emotional responses. Some people believe that those things repress their truth. They can't be free.. unless they can express themselves freely.
They become mindless when intellect is removed from the equation.. What they see as being forced on them is not a "program" of mind controL..It is in reality an intellectual choice, not a program
From the beginning of ones life.. It may seem we are "taught" about the Do's and Dont's......For some people.. they don't see it as learning they see it as being programed. They see it as being shackled.
Their life becomes a constant battle 2 become unshackled. But intellectually they know they can not be successful, but by avoiding the TRUTH
This isn't a Party politic thing, 2 some extent we all have irrational thoughts and irrational emotional response. The question these folks have is WHY it is,..if it's not true. I think it, so it must be a truth. Why can it not be expressed? Who's 2 BLAME?

Not ALL people who think this, become a "Trump cult" follower.. But people who are "Trump cult" followers believe it. 2 fight the "program"one has void their intellect.

The "Trump cult" unshackles the challenges the truth of things.. it allows for unabated emotional responses.
For those people the "Trump Cult" is not mind controL..... Everything and everyone else is the mind control"
For those people an irrational emotional response the "Trump Cult" that it sets them FREE.
Trump is infallible 2 them, because no one else is willing 2 do it. Trump is not just A leader.... He is their one and only leader. Trump is unshackled, unrestrained, powerful, and does it on his own terms..
The epitome of their own goals and desires.
Power "Grab"
Posted:Sep 25, 2020 3:46 am
Last Updated:Sep 26, 2020 6:52 pm

"Elizabeth Warren claims Trump is 'flirting with treason' and that Republicans are 'a party it'"

My Gosh.. Didn't it always seemed like a power grab?.

Now Trump is "flirting" with treason?

I should have known this wasn't a power grab....
It was a "pussy" grab

From North CaroVagina.. South CaroVagina..
he lures them, in north, with a Richard Got a "Burr" his ass...the he finishes them off in the South With... Lyndsey,,would you like a "Graham" Cracker?

He teases the with a Nikki Haley's Comet. A "New Space" agency...And the idea .. That Black "holes" don't exist..
His proof....Trump..."If i can do it Nikki..I can do it anybody. She likes ME .. She likes it"..
I aint no loser like "Tricky Dicky"... Nix 0n that.
.If you can pussy grab..There ain't a great POWER
.. you can hang .. a Tricky Nikki..STAR"
The Supreme Court
Posted:Sep 24, 2020 7:24 am
Last Updated:Sep 25, 2020 2:53 am

In 20 I wrote numerous blogs about the Supreme Court.. How pissed off i was about it.
How the attitudes about the Supreme court were going destroy this country.

During the Depression FDR.. Tried set a Supreme Court. that would favor his NEW DEAL. the idea of FDR about that.. was not PROMOTE the "New Deal" , but simply not have it struck down by the courts.

Supreme Court Majority Balance Based Upon Party Appointments Over Time

Here is a chart simplified highlight how many seats were filled through appointments by each party every year since 1873. The brighter area in the middle between the thin lines represents the majority party. Republican appointments have been in control of the Supreme Court with five or more seats most years since 1873. Republican appointees controlled the Court solidly from 1873 through 1938 then again from 1971 through 20. Democratic appointees controlled the Court most years from 1939 through 1970.

Roe v Wade was enacted during a Republican majority Supreme Court.

From 1938 1970 the Democrat dominance was entirely based FDR's

Throughout the years Republican have held the presidency 53 % of the time... However. Republican presidents have appointed 72% of the Justices.
The Court has consistently held a Republican bias. However Court decisions did not reflect that.

The Court, no matter the political leaning of it's justice, remained apolitcal.

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