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Trump's " look " of a person..A response to leaf
Posted:Aug 4, 2020 8:14 am
Last Updated:Aug 4, 2020 5:55 pm

In response leaf's blog I made these comments.. about the worst thing trump has said about women. Some of you can't read leaf's blog, and some just refuse .. and Some don't response responses on someone else's blog.
Well I am posting here because no one is banned from my blog. And people can response directly me.

Trump has made much worse comments about women and their looks..There is no doubt. that Trump bases his ideas of a women qualifications, probity, morality, and decency based on looks..

His track record is more amazing than any race..won or lost..Trump is a misogynist PIG..........

He has said... when accused of sexual assault .... many different women..
I wouldn't do that her...
Just "look at her"
"She wouldn't be my first choice"

Or politically. Saying
If Hillary can't keep her husband satisfied..How could she satisfy America
Or Carlina Fiona...Could you vote for a president .. looks like that?

Or journalists...
Megan Kelly.. bleeding from wherever
Or women journalists get the job by their looks
"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." [1991]

Celebrities.. Like women were on the APPRENTICE. Rosie, Cher,Miss Universe, Meryl, Bette, Angelina, and...

"She does have a very nice figure ... if [she] weren't my , perhaps I'd be dating her." [June 4, 2004]

"I've got use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." [2005][/I
1 comment
Posted:Jul 23, 2020 2:44 am
Last Updated:Jul 29, 2020 9:07 am

Leaf... " Really Cricket...clueless the 'how' of it here which sadly reflects you. But it doesn't have be that way. Many 'former' republicans advocate the same thing. How much stupidity are you going sink in failure dude?"

Clueless the How of it.....No..not clueless...that is and has always been our disagreement. You are just clueless or you're doing it purpose.. Self destructing in the name of advancing...Whether you're clueless or doing it purpose.. It doesn't change a thing..I still wouldn't give a shit.

Like I said .. you will never understand it...You think it's my disagreement with WHAT you wrote.. it's not.. I don't disagree......

From Richard Nixon Donald Trump.. There has been parade of bashed Presidency, and lessons be learned..It's never really been philosophical...It's been about winning. Nice guys finish last..Like Jimmy Carter of George H Bush.. One term nice guys.....Biden will join that club. Then the do as you like enablers. like Bill Clinton and George W Bush...Then you have the party standard bearers Like Ronald Reagan and Barrack Obama, but both were too much American and not enough Party.
Party politics became the name of the game. And Presidential elections leaked all the negative into the systems of representation and election.. Culminating with the DT's.
The ability of the Party to follow the footstep of a Ronald Reagan or a Barrack Obama Was lost..both of them had a non- political philosophy that cut to the core of Republicans and Democrats, but that wasn't good enough. There was a necessity on both sides.. To win, you got to create an enemy.
Since JFK it's been made clear, to win like Nixon did, you got to tear apart the other side. You got to create enemies within your enemy, and maintain your own allies.

Anyway my statement is not in disagreement.. It's the fact you are proving. What Republicans have been doing is not wrong, by doing the same thing You would take a Progressive Donald Trump... if a Liberal asshole was available. and would win.. You Party Politics..Which caused this damn situation in the first place

The really "BIG" picture
Posted:Jul 21, 2020 6:35 am
Last Updated:Jul 23, 2020 2:20 am

America has been cocooned in a blanket of God and country. A belief that prevents an invasion of reality. The reality is out there somewhere., but that's not our reality.
The bible and the Constitution have been manipulated for US to avoid the "BIG" picture. the reality about how the rest of the world lives.
A shrinking planet, a growing population, An eventually dying planet, limited resources, unlimited needs.....And reality is invading America.
Trump, as bad as he is..He is forcing US to deal with reality and how planetary Democracy won't work. The idea of human agreement on what is the being challenged there is No agreement. The Truth like with Trump, is only what you want it to be.
We have spent 2000 years building up humanity.. A bell curve that has now reached it's apex we are on the way down..metaphorically much like in the Sci-Fi.. "Soylent Green" we will have nothing left but to "feed" on ourselves.. It's coming..the question is how long can we survive "starving" it off.
The ideas of our Constitution will become passe.. Decisions on who's to survive and who isn't... can only be made authoritarian. Controlling humanity for survival..

We are being given a prelude to what's coming..
Whether it is or not....doesn't have to be the reality.. Doesn't have to be true.
But what makes it our fear that it is
Everything that's happening today is based on FEAR...It's not going to be solved with any agenda or political philosophy.
We will not avoid that which we will make happen.

Do I care that i am right.....No, I don't care....I won't be around to see it..
I won't be around to see the historical disaster of this Coronavirus and Donald Trump. that exposes who we really are.
I don't have to be around to see it.. To KNOW IT.
It's not the myth of our Democracy that's being destroyed.. It is the myth of humanity.
The bell curve is now sloping down to reach to the level of the Dark ages.
How it's Done
Posted:Jul 15, 2020 2:54 am
Last Updated:Jul 15, 2020 1:22 pm

First you gain power.. by false promises, deception, and corruptions. Then you attempt to legislate and created morality. when it's only morality that can create legislation. Then you circle yourself with a circle of "friends". Placing them in power positions. They may think similar..but your idea is you have the ability to both control them and make them 'dependent" upon you. You attack institutions of government that could oppose YOU. You make yourself above the law.. Truth and Lies become all the same to service your goals. Then finally, you get re-elected by corruption and a "silenced Majority".
Anyway that's how PUTIN does it.
If I knew then.....
Posted:Jul 11, 2020 5:12 am
Last Updated:Jul 13, 2020 5:56 pm

If I knew then, what I know now
I could correct the mistakes , I made somehow
I'd know how deal with the people I met
I'd know who trust, and have no regret

I'd know who love, and with whom dance.
and not have 2 fly, by the seat of pants
I'd be so much smarter knowing what 2 do
And the dumb things I did ...I 'd redo anew

My life would be different, I'd get everything I wanted
I'd be honorable, and brave and totally undaunted
Everyone I met....I would impress
I know true happiness and life's success

But life is a journey, we each get one turn
And along it's way, it's about what we learn
To discover one's self...Is it's only true goal
Parts are but parts, not a hole in the whole

If I knew then, what I know now
It wouldn't be ME., somehow.
Republican Subversives and Liberal idiots
Posted:Jul 8, 2020 4:40 am
Last Updated:Jul 10, 2020 3:28 am

Every day it is revealed ...The world of hurt this country is in..
Today it was reading an op-ed, by Kelly Loeffler. At first I didn't know who she was. Her op-ed was about The WNBA, which she an owner, about placing "Black Lives Matter" emblems on every WNBA jersey. She was against the idea, and in my mind, made a good case.
But it all got blown up when I found out who she was outside of being a WNBA owner. She's a Republican Senator from Georgia..

This country no longer deals with what is said.. they deal with who says it.
Just like this Site....
Sparkle this ones for YOU
Posted:Jul 5, 2020 4:00 pm
Last Updated:Jul 8, 2020 4:17 am

I was talking to Christian who doesn't believe there is such a thing as a white culture

This is my reasponse about his ideas on religion and white culture.

well I was raised catholic.. now that being said..I don't believe in catholicity.. I don't even believe in Christianity. Christianity was hijacked.. At over 2020 years ago at the beginning there was Judaism and others , no Christianity.. The Jews separated into Jews and Christians. the two groups were different in that the Jews were isolationist.. the Christians were not, they were expansionists..Along the way Christianity was hijacked by Europeans, WHITE Europeans.. White Europeans in search of control and power and expansionism. They warped Christianity into a power grab.. Christianity was a set up.. Christianity is no longer about GOD , it's about MEN.. So came the idea of Divine rights for Kings.. the Crusades, the Inquisitions, And the writing of the Christian bible was designed to keep people in check, keep people in power, and capture God for their own purposes
Nothing has Changed with Christianity .. it's just gotten less brutal, but more subversive. Although there is no such thing as a "White culture".. that comes closer than anything.
Benedict Trump
Posted:Jul 4, 2020 8:19 am
Last Updated:Jul 5, 2020 6:29 am

"Donald Trump has taken over from Benedict Arnold as “America’s number one traitor,” according to a group of veterans seeking to vote the president out of office this November.

“No one has betrayed those in uniform like Donald Trump,” said the voiceover in the latest ad released by the VoteVets organization on Friday.

The 65-second spot references Trump’s siding with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence on Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and his dismissal of reports that U.S. officials knew Russia allegedly paid Taliban members to kill American troops."

Read this today..

I wanted to post it....Not for the reasons most of you would assume..
It's an insight into the future.

Trump supporters will dismiss it as liberal fake news... will dismiss my posting it as Liberal fake news.

It's not in the reality of its meaning .. it's in the reality of what is actually happening.

Between the Lincoln Project and and Vote Vets organizations..There's been a change and this change will continue.....
those of Us who DO NOT support Trump can't really see it.. We think of it as justification of our ideas.. Trump has always been our adversary..As an adversary he's never really been a TRAITOR.
For those who once supported Trump,or should support Trump, or didn't give credence to his adversary position....Who, now, could possibly see him as a traitor is unbelievable. there is nothing so terrible in politics as an ideal scorned.

For Us, Trump was a traitor to the COUNTRY..not really something you could put your finger on.. but now Trump is becoming a traitor, personally to the people he was suppose to represent. Republicans, Vets, old people, fiscal conservative and moral conservative.. Who saw a McCain or Romney as a "traitor" because they didn't get it done.. That mistake allowed Trump to get in, because they thought he could get it done.....They are finding out they are being scorned, not supported...The true nature of a traitor to a cause. is one that plays the cause like a fiddle.
They are finding it out, now..They will make our adversary position of Trump.. look like 's play
White Culture
Posted:Jul 4, 2020 6:42 am
Last Updated:Jul 5, 2020 9:04 am

I wrote someone who doesn't believe there is such a thing as White culture that isn't racist. that white culture doesn't exist except racists.
I'm not sure what PREMISE needs be disproved. The premise you try prove is there is no such thing as a white culture, unless you're racist. Let say couple of thing about that. that is true, there is a white culture that is defined by racists. And racists are the only one's that recognize they live in that white culture. Blacks have become the focal point for Racists..But it's not ONLY Blacks.. Racists see themselves as protecting their White culture, from Anybody who's different, from anybody who would challenge and try change their culture. the color of a person's skin has become their representation of that.
That culture spews out racists.. racist don't created the culture. You can say white culture, doesn't exist or white culture is not defined as racists would define it. But ignoring it, doesn't change it, it allows exist.
Racist are different not because they create a different white culture..It because they 'narrow" what a white a culture is them.
Do you deny that a Black culture exist, or an Hispanic culture exists, or an Asian culture or and Indian culture exists? If you can see those cultures.. When you hear the term "Cultural Wars". You think that White culture is only those racists...If that was case, that war would be over in a heartbeat. the idea that cultural wars is a battles of White Supremacy.. may be true...But no matter which sides there are... the truer motivate for cultural wars is the battle for SURVIVAL.
Racist are different not because they create a different white culture..It because they 'narrow" what a white a culture is them.
THE WHITE CULTURE HAS CREATED RACISTS, NOT RACIST CREATING WHITE CULTURE.Trump has tapped into it... racists are certainly part of Trumps support.. What Trump has done has change the motivation of White Supremacy. Into a battle of white cultural SURVIVAL. What do you think TRUMP really means when he talks about securing the Borders, Immigration reform, Job loss, criminality, law and order, The economy, the City of Baltimore or Washington DC, the Coasts and the big cities.. The slums and murders. The labeling of illegal immigrants, Murders and . The building of a "Wall", Liberals and progressives. the role of the government, and AMERICA FIRST AND MAKING MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN..
Trump has falsely changed the motivation of his supporters from White supremacy.. To protecting Trump's White culture.
Separate but Equal..
Posted:Jun 25, 2020 6:12 am
Last Updated:Jun 28, 2020 4:13 am

First let say I don't believe in labeling.. What about say is just a propensity.. I see in both the white and black community....It is not intended label either group..

White people can be either a segregationist or a integrationist.. Although both sides exists, White people tend be integrationists...It's easy determine who are racists, as racists believe in segregation. but not so fast!

"Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954),[1] was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that U.S. state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional, even if the segregated schools are otherwise equal in quality"

This ruling brought down the racist argument of "Separate but Equal". It made integration the primary focus..
But people ... People... hold ideas..with or without the law...

Segregation, Integration, and Separate but Equal...are white peoples words...for the most part not black people words. For many black people, white people's ideas about segregation, integration, and separate but equal.....are equally racist. Whites can not figure out, through the eyes of black people, how forced integration, in itself... is racist. Nobody seemed care in the 60's ask, Every white person thinks they already know the answer.

Anyway, this blog is about "separate but equal". A term not used very much anymore..the way it was used in the 50's and 60's..

"Black Lives Matter" is now the mantra...Of black peoples idea...of their own ideas about.....
"separate but equal".... The idea that white America can do away with racism by integration.....The idea of Assimilation can be racist....Nobody asked Blacks if they want be assimilated.... This is not, and has never been anything but racist.

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