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Protecting Your vote
Posted:Dec 8, 2019 8:41 am
Last Updated:Dec 9, 2019 5:06 am

Something should be obvious, that don't relate to issues. Separating the political issues from the national security issues
The issue of impeachment is not an impeachment issue..
It not political because a Democrat who did the same thing as Trump did with the Ukraine.. would be impeached and removed from office.. Trump's getting away with it doesn't mean a Democrat would get away it.. Even if a Democrats had both houses.

I listen to senators about impeachment and I know they aren't talking about Trump. They are talking about themselves.
AS they say impeachment is a Democrat goal.. and anything will do to get it done....I think not, maybe for some but not for all.

What you need to understand From Republican senators.....Is a couple of things.. First, in general, they are afraid to vote on any controversial issue. For political reasons any vote on those issues, loses more votes for them than it gains..It's part of McConnell's job to protect Republican Senators..

Republican Senators, have an understanding. They have made up their mind that regardless of the evidence they can not vote for impeachment. They are the ones that have already determined their vote..They are the one where evidence doesn't matter They are the one that will do anything to make sure Trump is NOT impeached.

The Truth is most Republican senators...don't even believe a word they say..They just believe they have to say it.. Most Republican Senators.. don't speak in terms of protecting Trump.. They speak in terms of protecting themselves..
Since their Non-impeachment vote is already set..They must defend, Not Trump, but their vote..They must say Ukraine interfered with the election, they must say Hunter Biden is corrupt, Joe Biden is corrupt, Ukraine is corrupt. And Trump is fighting corruption. That Russia is NOT the only corruption in this matter..
Not because they believe it. but because when they vote NOT to impeach.. they have to have a reason.

There needs to be an article of impeachment all about Russia..It's the ONLY thing in which at least 50% of Trump supporters agree... Russia interfered with the election, Russia is our adversary, Russia is trying to undermine US. Russia is a bad actor.

The only way to get to Trump supporters... Is to forget about The Ukraine as an adversary, forget about Ukraine as a bad actor, forget about Ukraine as interfering with the election..just ignore it...And FORCE Republican Senators to not Attack the Ukraine.. but Force Republican Senators to DEFEND Russia. That puts them in the no win situation.

Make Trump impeachment about Russia.. It's the only way Trump supporters will take it seriously. Make it about Russia, and all the national security issues can become bi-partisan..Make it about Russian corruption..Make it about national security.. issues that are non-political.. And national security in which Trump supports Russian policies..
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Trump hails himself 'greatest of all presidents'
Posted:Dec 8, 2019 4:31 am
Last Updated:Dec 12, 2019 12:35 am

Hails Bells....Trump hails himself 'greatest of all presidents'

Maybe you believe it.. But I Can't possible fathom How.

That statement alone.. Is enough to impeach him...Why?

First it's a lie...just look around you to prove it..Is this the kind of country the greatest President of all time would rule over?
Second.. It a lie that indicative of a total misunderstanding.. of American values, American Institutions, The Constitution, equality under the law, and most important the Presidency.
It intends to put Trump above the law...It diminishes every single president that has come before him. Note he doesn't say one of the great President.. he says the greatest..
When he.s simply the G.O.A.T that ate the Constitution..

For Trump to even try to put himself on that pedestal is treasonous..

The folks believe him are mistaken to beleive we hate him for it..
We join the rest of the world..That simply laughs at him, AND YOU FOLKS TOO.

Trump is the greatest FOOL to ever be President.

Suborning TREASON
Posted:Dec 7, 2019 8:35 am
Last Updated:Dec 8, 2019 3:44 am

This circumstance of partisanship, argument, news, spin, Lies, and propaganda..
ALL of it, from The Congress to Administration personal to intelligence agencies to the news media personal, and folks on the street

It all takes on a new and different perspective when one looks at it as suborning treason.

As long as they fixate on Political party, differing of opinion, business as usual, and alternate facts.. couple with a transient view of treason....They will continue on this path.

Once the public understanding the promotion of adversary foreign policies, dismantling our institution, self-serving, and politics in favor of patriotism...That suborns treason, is unacceptable...That America First was only and open door policy for bad actors.
The whole thing will change. No one will dare challenge the truth, make accusations for the sake of accusing, character assassinate to combat the truth, believe they actually have a choice of what to do and can get away with it. The simple appearance of treason.... will become treason.

Fox news, and right wing radio and talk show media... will make a 180 degree turn. They will have to..Not about political issues.. but about national security issues.
They won't be able to say Trump helping Russia, has it's reasons, and ultimately can help US.
It won't matter anymore..reasons won't matter, only what you do will matter.

Some of you will not understand... The good and bad of it.. The partisanship that now is between Democrats and Republicans.. that is so destructive.. will transfer to a partisanship of America and Russia.

That is penalty for Russia.. That is the penalty for America. That is the penalty of suborning TREASON.. It's not and equal and opposite reaction..The reaction will bury the action
Posted:Dec 5, 2019 2:39 pm
Last Updated:Dec 7, 2019 4:59 am

Okay those that don't follow will think this is off the wall. But I can tell for smart people.. and people want GET IT DONE..It's the right thing.

There have been indicators...

Let's begin with Al Capone being convicted of tax fraud, and things about Gangsters and Godfathers.. First NO one but the mob boss, knows the whole story.. People know their part.. Al Capone, one the most ruthless mobsters was caught on Tax evasion.. because that was a part, that could stand alone. that was a part that was apart from his entire operation

When this impeachment is all done.. and Trump is gone, one way or the other.. do you think The Ukraine is what people will think of?

It is pretty evident that the accusation of the greater crime, gets criminals to admit the lesser crime.
The overreach of an accusation leads 2 an acceptance of a truth of something lesser. For example...Accusing the Hunter Biden of corruption.. leads the Bidens 2 admit a mistake

Nancy Pelosi today talks about the ground for impeachment.. She wouldn't say specifically...... but said all roads lead to Putin.

The Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are going 2 drop a bomb...And either directly or indirectly make 1 of the acts of impeachment TREASON. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence 2 apply it....It expands the Ukraine issue and includes the Ukraine issue of helping Russian policies.. it brings in Syria, Turkey, and the Kurds, the Black Sea, Afghanistan, NATO, Sanctions, Emoluments, Oil and natural Gas, money laundering, Campaign finance. Nuclear deals, Trumps sons, The Mueller Report and the 2020 election.

If you're going 2 go down.... GO BIG... And watch ALL the RATS scurry.
Leaf... the How and the What
Posted:Dec 3, 2019 2:36 pm
Last Updated:Dec 4, 2019 6:15 am

I talk about how you may have the best chance to understand it..but YOU Don't.. You continue to confuse the two when it's to your own benefit..

Kamala Harris dropped out today..

Bloomberg came in this past weeks.

Kamala dropped out because she didn't have enough

Bloomberg and Steyer came in because they have too much .
DO you think WHAT they stand for matters..... as much as How they can become President?

That it's not okay for HOW Big buys a Presidency..Unless WHAT kind of Presidency they are going to buy?

Shame on YOU.
The "Black Vote"
Posted:Dec 3, 2019 4:46 am
Last Updated:Dec 4, 2019 8:39 pm

I get sick stomach about the Democrat Party...and the news media.. somehow make their primary about the "Black vote" WTF is ?
Getting the "Black vote" for YOU..Like a Democrat politician NEEDS the "black vote" .. Like you better talk about "Black issues" if you want get elected.
WTF is wrong with these people?
Like Black people will determine your election.. Like Black people determined the election of Obama. and Black people determined the defeat of Hillary.
WTF? wrong with YOU people..
Like healthcare issues, infrastructure issues, Climate issues, and wealth inequality issues.. aren't good enough get their vote.
the negative racial issues professed by Right .. is insufficient get their vote.. You've got cater specifically Black Folk get them vote?.
Is the way AMERICA is suppose operate?
If so F*CK YOU and F*CK them.

And F*ck Trump supporters who think they can use this get Trump support.. Because some would support Trump, because Democrats cater the Black vote.... F*CK YOU too and the hypocrisy you ride on..

Because the only thing I hate worse than All of THEM is TRUMP.
Who caters bigotry, ignorance, and fear.
Posted:Dec 2, 2019 2:55 pm
Last Updated:Dec 3, 2019 2:58 am

There are many types of accusations..

Two different types are very important at this time.

First is an accusation, neither evidence nor a retractions, can completely remove. They are character assassinations. Trump good at those

I want talk about a different kind of accusation .. would be based on some evidence . but not sufficient prove the allegation..
I want condemn..... Obama, Clinton, the Democrats, The FBI and CIA.. for NOT making kind of accusation... The idea a President could be a criminal.. but before you can accuse him.. you need sufficient proof..
Well maybe all well and good... but NOT when national security is at stake. the idea catch someone for national security breaches is not as important as preventing someone from National security breaches. Especially a President..
You don't catch a president for past acts.. you catch a president with his hand in the cookie jar..but.. it's really not about catching him.. it's about telling him he needs keep his hands away from the cookie jar.

What would have happen if Obama and Clinton accused Trump of Treason, and not COLLUSION before the election.. obviously they wouldn't have sufficient proof. And if they had continued to accuse him after the election... What would have happened.
The incomplete accusation would not have the change the election and maybe have helped Trump..
But it would have prevented Trump to do what he's been doing for the last three years. Trump would NOT have been able to withhold aid from Ukraine for any reason. Trump would not have been able to support Russia in the Crimea. Trump would not have been able to side against our intelligence agencies.. Trump would not have been able to have SECRET meeting with Putin.. Trump would not have been able to support Russia blocking the Black Sea and taking Ukraine ships.. Trump would not have been able to defend Russia corruption and criminality in the Ukraine.. Trump would not have been able to deal with Turkey and abandon the Kurds. Trump would not have allowed Russia to negate a nuclear deal... Trump would not have been able to curtail Russian sanctions.. Trump Would not have been able to shake up NATO. Trump would need to be careful about Supporting autocrats and dictators.. TRUMP WOULD HAVE HAD TO PROTECT OUR ELECTIONS against interference.

Either that... Or we would have gotten all the proof we NEED...
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Impeachment..What's going to happen.
Posted:Nov 29, 2019 4:24 pm
Last Updated:Dec 6, 2019 7:12 am

Republican Senators are shaking in their have to vote on whether or not to impeach..

Each and everyone would prefer not to cast that vote.. It's a losing proposition.

What i said about this impeachment is that Trump really doesn't matter.. It's the Republican Senate that matters.
Trump is only ONE that can ride on his own coattails. The judgments about Trump are pretty much set in stone.. Which in itself is an amazing feat...It all about Trump..He alone is above reproach
Senators don't get to ride that coattail.. they are judged independently.

so what's going to happen ... How are Republican Senators going to get out of it..

Here's whats going to happen...
No matter the evidence.. Don't expect virtually any Republican voting for impeachment..
Expect most Republican NOT to DEFEND Trump.. they will not want to make Trump the issue.
By agreement and for purely political reason.. They will vote against impeachment..To defend the Republican Party, Not Trump, as being attacked by Democrats. That will be the issue.
The Republican Party can not afford any disagreement on that issue.. Only very few Senators will be Trump supporters .. all the others will be Republican supporters.
I'm confused
Posted:Nov 24, 2019 6:01 am
Last Updated:Nov 29, 2019 6:37 am

I know we break down the evidence analyse, and put together our own conclusions.. That are sometimes biased and self serving.. In a way we all do it.

So straight forward fact, can ultimately be misconstrued, with sides of an argument. So any real policy issue to be an issue requires asides and facts and their interpretation.

I get that...

What I don't is the misinterpretation of the actions of a person...Not based on evidence..
But the way they present their own evidence. This idea is not based in fact, so your chance of being wrong are far greater than analyzing the facts..

I am confused about feelings and intuition, not facts.. The only difference between a good actor and a real person.. is your feeling about what is real. It's like our lives are watching a movie passing in front of Us, where reality is JUST a choice. What is it about the actor and the actions that make it real?

The sense the feeling and the intuition of what is honest reality. I find it difficult to believe.. I can be totally wrong.. That no matter the agreement or disagreement..No matter the story line.. That my judgment of the actors can be that far off from reality..

My only conclusion is not that those would disagree have a different view.. I simply must conclude they have no view at all.
Posted:Nov 23, 2019 6:34 am
Last Updated:Nov 26, 2019 7:26 am


WE see things a little different... You believe that what Trump did and what Trump can do, if allowed.. Can be disastrous America. so he must be stopped.

I believe the acceptance of Why and How Trump does things, is the disaster. It's already happened.. and can't get any worse.

I wish I could control the media....and NEVER mention Trump. The transition from WWII to Now...Has been the transition from a strong Military, ability to destroy, boots on the ground, and national security. To a totally different set of rules..As the combatants, battlefield, and lines have transition to the INFO WAR. Played at the same level.. of kill or be killed, destroy of be destroyed. Those who understand the different tactics for this kind of War, are successful. Those the stick to old rules are ALWAYS DEFEATED.
We find it easier to understand this At home than we do abroad. the info Wars at home..In Which the truth puts Republican under siege and Lies are their defense. The Info War battle That used to dismisses right or wrong or muddle Truth and Lies.

So we must reverse the tactics of the Info Wars..I believe that Trump's action in regard to foreign policy are treasonous.. but I also believe that it can NEVER be proved in America, with American News..
I doubt there are very many countries which understand the actions of a different country.. more than they understand the actions of America.
As we fight the info wars of our own.... The world becomes ripe for the Info wars about US. And it is only there that the Truth of what's happening here, can become evident.
It's hard to prove the truth, but easy with open minds and open ears to see the LIE.
It began with the idea of America First. So we can shut our eyes to what's happening in the rest of the world. They don't matter ...they aren't important..

To answer my question.. of what I would do, if I controlled the media..Not mention Trump and all.. Trump is NOT the point of sword. He is the end result of our stabbing at it...
I would inundate Us with events of the world that pertain to US..and Trump actions.
Never mentioning Trump's actions.. as they themselves are self explanatory and need not be challenged.. We don't NEED to challenge his actions, if he's not willing to explain them

It is our failure to understand what's going on in Russia and the Ukraine.. In Turkey and Syria.. What happening to the Kurds.. What's happening in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Why should we care? When it's America only and America First.

It is in that failure... that the Info Wars can lie, propagandize, influence, and interfere with Us.
It is in that failure. That Trump...With his America First, can commit TREASON.
Don't listen and judge Trump by his treason, the treason is NOT in his action.. It's in his result..
Listen to Russia and Putin, listen to Turkey, listen to the Kurds,, understand what's going on with them..To understand it.

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