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Leaf it's not a question about Manafort, it's a question about Mueller
Posted:Nov 28, 2018 8:22 am
Last Updated:Nov 29, 2018 11:03 am

Okay... let's talk possibilities.

First let me say...this investigation all revolves around Flynn..Flynn is the domino.. that's toppling all the other dominoes. How do I know that?...Because we so rarely hear his name.. He's in the closet, He's Trump's boogeyman.. and he's in Mueller's bag.. He was from DAY ONE.. and still is...
Flynn got that ball rolling and now.. it's rolling over people...until it's comes to rest at the feet of the President. Flynn gave Mueller the pieces and Mueller ever since is just putting the puzzle together...
Putting the puzzle together has resulted in collateral damage to others..that collateral damage only was designed to make pieces fit...
Every piece Mueller has put together.. WE DON'T KNOW.. it's his secret.....
We see the collateral damage, but also see, how Mueller bends over backwards to give plea bargains..That shows us the collateral damage was a necessity... but not an intent.
Which brings us to Manafort......he's got his tit in a ringer..the go between.. In which he loses from three side. Trump side, the Russian side and his own side.. There is no out..
So what benefits Manafort the most...being an agent for Mueller? A double agent for Trump?.. or triple agent for Mueller against Trump and the Russians?
The possibility is who's setting up who?
The only proof Manafort has of who can maintain his "agent" status is Mueller. if ones is going to be triple agent.. then one needs to have total confidence in who they are being a triple agent for..
It think Mueller has got the puzzle put together and need that one last piece.. I think he's tired of the "game".. and will do what it takes to make that last piece "fit"
It's not the first pieces that was "witch hunt"... but it will be the last.
I now think.. what I never thought before. Trump trying to set things up, has caused. Mueller to 'set up" Trump....Now the more Trump tries to set it up.. the more he is getting set up.

Isn't it obviously the truth....that every issues involves in this investigation.. is not about collusion, conspiracy, money laundering, emoluments, blackmail, tampering, obstruction of justice, lying, and being above the law......It's only about how Trump sets up those things?
And then you come to realize.. that individually each one individually means very little, and only the underlying crime....defines it all.. Then come to the conclusion that the only way to catch a "good" setup artist.. is to be a "better" setup artist..

Let US give Mueller his due.. WE know he's five steps ahead of US.. but after two years of investigation.. what we don't realize is he's three steps ahead of TRUMP. He knows more about Trump.. than Trump knows Trump..Here's what I now think.... Mueller gave trump a list of questions to answer...Mueller of course already knows the answers...but here's the real rub....he already knew how Trump would answer them .....It's Mueller's set up of the set up...

So irregardless of Manafort.....We now got one last nail to put in Trumps impeachment coffin.... and I'm betting... we put the hammer in the right person's hands.
Is Mississippi Burning?
Posted:Nov 26, 2018 3:21 pm
Last Updated:Nov 28, 2018 6:40 am

The election tomorrow in Mississippi for the a perfect example for Democrats to realize.. the error of their ways.

Politics today is about optics....The optics in Mississippi are ALL WRONG for Democrats.

Hyde-Smith will win this election by 20 points or more..This AIN'T Alabama... Trump will declare a great victory, by just showing up and declare he caused the end to the Blue Wave..
Hyde-Smith has all the right optics..A "white" women, the lesser extremist in the primary... A true and honest Southerner.
Espy has the wrong optics. A black man, who campaign catered to black Missisippians. Who is supported by Northerners...Who finds The Confederacy offensive....
who does not to acknowledge this race is about color..when all his actions say it is..

In a State like Mississippi.. when the race becomes about color...White has to win.
Posted:Nov 24, 2018 2:54 pm
Last Updated:Nov 27, 2018 1:22 pm

Quoting MySeek2day have taken a break from this site for a while, All the bashing has nothing to do with "real politics." There is a wide world out there. My focus is Europe. Most people reacted with relief when the democrats (Hillary) lost the elections.
Trump is not a laughing stock over there as some people here try to make believe and the main stream media, too. The people are waking up and notice the danger and damage imposed by "neoliberalism."

I would think...just as a normal rational thought of people think more about their problems than someone else's.... That "most" people in Europe wouldn't give a shit.
About Trump or Hillary....funny how that works, because, like the most of US..Who didn't give a shit then..give a shit now.

The outrage generated by the LIe and the outrage generated by the Truth. becomes a confused issue about separating people from political agendas..

Putting Hillary together with Neo-Liberalism is mind-boggling.. in Hillary's existence there was no such thing. , Between the fact there was no need for Neo-liberalism.. and it was hard for me to even comprehend Hillary was liberal at heart, instead of just in words. What a JOKE!.. to even think... HILLARY.....Could be a poster for Liberalism.

People understand when they are losing, but rarely understand when they are winning. There certainly are Neo Nazis, Neo-Fascists, and Neo-Nationalists. They have NOT been created out of defeat, but by victory.
First the victory against Communism, second the victory against Socialism, and now ongoing victories against liberalism, But these kinds of victories will not stop there..The next victory will be attempted over Democracy..
It maybe hard to understand but these are all.."in-line" political agendas.munism, Socialism, Liberalism and Democracy...Defeat of each follows the line
It doesn't work backwards.. Neo-liberalism has no idea of turning communists and socialists defeats into victories...Defining Neo-Liberalism would be to define it as Liberalism with it's back against the wall........and that wall is Democracy.
Leaf blowers, snow blowers and the sounds that "Winter is Coming"
Posted:Nov 23, 2018 8:14 am
Last Updated:Nov 24, 2018 7:09 am

I wrote these on leaf's post.. but because... he tends to delete his post and I wanted to "save it"..... So, I put it on mine...

Leaf blower maybe just moving the leaves
when "others" a more certain "snow blower"
Leaf blower gives the "grass" a better chance to "breathe"
Clearing the road.... that's higher, not lower

Others when digging out... from under the snow
They think of the 'work" and how it gets done
A snow shovel.. Just too hard... a way to go
But a snow blower.. it's easy and could be fun

People kill people.....that's true for sure
Guns aren't the disease, but could be a cure
It's like a snow blower... of one's inner voice
Making, whether or not, you do easier choice

Other are surely....partially right...
They close their avoid the sight
Plug their ears....... so they do not hear
Until sights and sounds... aren't distant.... but near

You can NEVER stop..
Mothers from crying
You can NEVER stop..
Their from dying...
You can NEVER stop it....
So why keep trying? your door step... a gun is laid
And the gunshot is all ....that fills your head
filled what "silenced" made
Sounds you are never able... " to put to bed".
The Stops we make along the way..
Posted:Nov 21, 2018 2:38 am
Last Updated:Nov 23, 2018 7:18 am

We are all on the moving train of Life...
Through our window... we view it scenes
And as they pass, they pass into our memory
so that new scenes may take their place.

Some we forget, some we Remember
through life's months.. January to December
Some scenes become fixated memories
Tell us of our ride, our personal history.

On the journey... the train will stop
When it finds historical places
To refuel our lives, in different perspectives
Of different places, and peoples faces

It stops for War and Hate, It stops for Hope and Love
It stopped for JFK, and it stopped when the music died
It stopped in Vietnam, and stopped for Nixon too
It stopped for Hell and Heaven.. On a 911 September day...

It stopped in 2016 and has yet to move on
Days to forgot, or days to remember..

Those who have ridden before or will ride after
Will not know of our personal ride..
but will know of the train stops... we made.
How "ugly" is Trump?
Posted:Nov 18, 2018 5:27 am
Last Updated:Nov 23, 2018 8:31 am

I don't think in my entire life.. I have I used the word "ugly' to just describe someones looks...
Upon seeing somebody or meeting somebody for the first time.. that word, ugly, never enters my mind. Nobody is "ugly" until they prove themselves to be ugly...
Beauty works the same way....For me.. I can't just SEE beauty.
I don't know how other people do it....but I can meet somebody and think they are "not very good looking"...That's the way I always put it....and then discover their beauty.... And sometimes see someone I think is "very good looking", only to discover their ugliness. Beauty and ugliness are both things one must feel instead of see.

So to answer my question...

How ugly is Trump?
Trump is so "ugly"
He makes "ugly" look good..
Posted:Nov 16, 2018 6:28 am
Last Updated:Nov 17, 2018 9:10 am

I want to talk about my ideas about impeachment.

Why at this point and time impeachment should NOT be on the table.

During the time of Nixon.. the conscience of this country was very different.
His impeachment was directly related to an ideological factor, and failure to uphold an ideological standard..that existed beyond Party Lines.

That is NOT the situation TODAY...Nothing exists beyond Party lines....

One has to understand the election of Trump....and what it meant.. Sure some just voted against Hillary...but that's not his base...and his base elected him. He was elected to attack this country ideologically, not politically....Not to change the "politics" but to change the overall ideology.

From that standpoint.. Trump has done nothing impeachable...except to those who want to maintain the "old" ideals. That until his supporters can see his destruction of their own "fabric" of this country.. Of Their reality of wealth and power and elitism.. They are NOT going to want to get rid of him...In their minds he is the personification of wealth, power and elitism
But we know different...he's a facade, a snake oil salesman, a manipulator, and a LIAR.
Right now.. they don't care what he is...he's giving them what they want.
Until that changes, and it will.... if it keeps going.
The ideological destruction of Liberalism.....the attack on Liberalism is their perception of a response to the attack the Liberals had already made, against them.
Liberals personify the destruction of wealth, power and elitism
Impeachment is NOT a solution.....It will be a gauntlet thrown down at the feet of those who support Trump.

For those who wish to maintain the "old ideals".. that Democrats and Liberals, aren't trying change them.. they are fighting for them... Your voice needs to be heard.
You need to vote out anyone who supports Trump...This may be the only time in history..that cutting off the head of the 'snake" doesn't kill it.. It just grows back a "new" one.. You got to cut out the whole snake
Doesn't it seem ironic
Posted:Nov 16, 2018 4:48 am
Last Updated:Nov 17, 2018 1:38 pm

Truly an amazing hypocrisy of the Democrats.

There is the current talk of whether or not, Pelosi should become Speaker of the House next year..

I don't want to negate Pelosi's fine attributes...of a vote getter, vote counter, her Democrat influence and the formidable front she poses to the opposition....It's real.
OF course the oppositions hates her for it...Hates her for the fact she pushed through Obamacare..Her substantial influence and power over the Democrats in Congress. That's real too.

In a different time and place, and with a different President.. That's the way politics is played..
But Democrats can't have it both ways...

You can't condemn Republicans and a President for putting Party over Country, and then install a Speaker.. who best exemplifies doing that for Democrats.. The "old" way shouldn't work anymore. When division and Partisanship is the problem.. and Unity and Bi-partisanship the solution... You don't put in "the divider"..Who's goal is what's best for Democrats..
Thank You Rocketship...What is Normalcy II?
Posted:Nov 15, 2018 12:13 pm
Last Updated:Nov 16, 2018 3:09 am

" What an interesting question!!

I think each of us usually thinks we're 'normal' and often can't understand why others think the way they do.

Normality (behavior) ... Normal is also used to describe individual behaviour that conforms to the most common behaviour in society (known as conformity). Definitions of normality vary by person, time, place, and situation – it changes along with changing societal standards and norms"
. Rocketship

Yes.. to the definition of normality (behavior)

"Definitions of normality vary by person, time, place, and situation – it changes along with changing societal standards and norms."

People and circumstances change what is normality....we see it in each generation...What was "normal" fifty ago isn't normal today..

But here's the question that exists today that didn't exist then....
In the past... people changing.. affected society....and not the other way around..

A changing society, changes normality.. But the question now is how does the idea of society changing normality change people?

People change the society.. but today some are trying to figure how they can change society to change people.. to a different normality..

It's happening Now... right in front of your eyes...In the past people couldn't see what and how it was happening..they were doing it..but didn't realize it..
Today.. if you can SEE it happening.. You're not the one doing it.

This for a lot of the rest of world.. is normal.. to change society to change people.
It has happened in the past, many times...... Nazi Germany, Muslim countries, Communism, Autocrats, and Kings and Queens...But NOT in AMERICA....

In America it's been tried but "WE THE PEOPLE" have always prevented it..
WE THE PEOPLE.. always think we are in charge... It the basis of our FREEDOM. to decide our own FATE.. To create a society that reflects ALL of US....That a Society does NOT affect people.. But people, with their RESPECT for each other.. "WE THE PEOPLE decide our own SOCIETY.

It's been a given for so long.. we have forgotten....What makes US what we are..
What is Normalcy?
Posted:Nov 13, 2018 4:14 am
Last Updated:Nov 15, 2018 1:44 pm

From an individual standpoint...we each think of ourselves as normal
From a group standpoint....birds of a feather stick together. only to maintain it's normalcy.

There's an appearance in that ideology that specifics matter.. In reality they don't..They are predetermined by both a individual outlook and the joined group outlook. This outlook is not generated by the ideology but by the outlook. The outlook being generated by how we live our daily lives, how we see others and how we view our country and the planet....How we believe that to be normal.

Yet we are all different, and in so being.. we are different in what is Normalcy... We search for what is Normal, instead of what is common.. that search separates the normal from the abnormal.. Always with each individual on the side of their own normalcy.

It's virtually impossible for two different views of normalcy.. to arrive at an agreement. when that overwhelms the commonality

That outlook is best for me to describe metaphorically... things like....
Stopping to smell the roses
the glass have empty. or the glass half full
Hate is the cargo of an empty vessel
The world is a "bad" oyster
You can't "make" a friend"
I deserve better than that
The only thing to fear... is fear itself
my country, My Country, MY COUNTRY.

I challenge people to see how their own lives, attitudes and outlooks reflect in their political ideology
I challenge people.. to see what is their normalcy.. and to see how it fits with other birds, and how the other birds make them fit in their flock of belonging and normalcy

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