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Posted:Aug 28, 2018 4:41 am
Last Updated:Aug 29, 2018 4:38 pm

I don't have a crystal ball to tell you what the future holds.

As events unfolds.. we have only one choice as to determine what the future holds.

That is.. to determine the possible outcomes from the event and then "guess" at the most probable outcome.

So let me challenge YOU to determine the possible outcomes.. About the Trump Presidency and Administration and congressional and Supreme court Actions in regards to that. And give your reasons for what you would believe to be... the most probable outcome.
John McCain.. a legacy.
Posted:Aug 26, 2018 5:12 am
Last Updated:Aug 28, 2018 4:13 am

A legacy is not "the What" about one's life.. It's about "the How'.. "
The What" is not a can be bequeath, in one's life.
It's rare that a person can give "the How' during one's life....But as soon as that person passes..It's the only "real" thing to give... It's given because after one's life... It what we search out. Not what they did.. But "How" they lived.

John McCain legacy.. will not live past those who know him or knew of him...I won't be endless because of him.....It will be endless, only by those who continue to pass on his legacy, so to make it..their own legacy..

John McCain a true patriot, that is not out for accolades, wealth or power.... He does NOT know what will be the results of his legacy. He was a Patriot, who in the time of his country's greatest need.. gave the full measure of his devotion.... The legacy, created by his passing, will change this country....

But...If we go about "business as usual", after John McCain passing... SHAME ON US!
The "Truth isn't the Truth"
Posted:Aug 21, 2018 3:16 am
Last Updated:Aug 27, 2018 2:42 am

Juliani said it.. and of course people laugh at it.. but in a way it's true.
In the context of Trump versus Comey.....Juliani refers to it... as depending on your point of view, it not an absolute of who's telling the truth.

Now it may seem semantics to most of you... but to me it doesn't matter who's telling the truth.. It only matter who is Lying.

The Evidence is not about who's telling the's about who's lying.
The Russian Conspiracy
Posted:Aug 19, 2018 8:17 am
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2018 2:26 am

When it all shakes out.... when conspiracy with Russia is proven.....Then all the lies up to that point. NO CONTACT, NO COLLUSION, NO CONSPIRACY, and FAKE NEWS will be thrown to the back burner.... And Trump will be selling a new Lie....... That it was still a set-up and a witch hunt, of a different sort, that was hiding HIS TRUTH... That even if you KNOW it's true .. It doesn't matter... for collusion with the Russians... was not a crime..

It was a necessity to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Rural Stupidity?
Posted:Aug 11, 2018 6:50 am
Last Updated:Aug 14, 2018 5:24 pm

Rural stupidity.. who are the true purveyors of that?

Leaf.. who sees them doing stupid things.. and wants them to stop doing stupid things
Or "you folks".. Who tell them to do stupid things? When only the really stupid would listen to you!

Rural not based on ignorance..Nobody does more and gets less....they don't have time to figure out the government problems because they're too busy with their own.. Nobody is more on their own.. and lacks a safety net..that urban people enjoy. Nobody has fewer numbers and less power.

Rural stupidity.. is about two factors.... first a lack of appreciation...for their CHOICE, and their freedom.....and then allowing "you folks" to tell them.. what they lack, what everyone else is getting....what they deserve....and how to get the "power"
It's all a LIE.....!
They made a choice of a rural life, as with any choice there is a trade off..... of what normal people may see as good or bad... Rural life is the easy/hard life....Urban life is the hard/ easy life......Of course, you can't understand that..?
So rural stupidity.. is not appreciating what they have... and believing "you folks".. .....that what they really want is.... what someone else is getting..
Many are "rural smart"...Those people can be defined as not giving a shit about what "You folks" think...
the "rurally smart".... made a choice that everyday they would prove to themselves.. they were their own person.. Stand and live their own life...make their own decision....You folks come along and want to change that?
When YOU can only have success with the Rural Stupid?
I can't call "you folks" stupid.. ...but what I know... because of what you do...You think there is enough stupid rural people to believe you.

So you folks have compassion for the small farmer who ekes out a living.. and enjoys his life, and his choices.

Are you going to protect him....from automation, efficiency, profit, corporations, and capitalism? Are you going to help save the rural small towns, save the income from that supports rural America towns....things like social security, and infrastructure?..... Are you going to help supply rural America .. with health insurance , doctors and hospitals, and schools....? Are you going to..... deal with clean air and clean water, or climate change? Are you going to prevent the unscrupulous, profit takers, banks, and mortgage companies from taking the land?
Are you going to instill business regulation that protect the farmer, and create a level playing field?

Are you going to help Rural America survive.. or sign their death warrant ..
You can't have it both ways.....

Rural stupidity.... is that darkness at the end of that tunnel..... You shine a light where there is no light.
Truth and Lies
Posted:Aug 10, 2018 3:04 am
Last Updated:Aug 13, 2018 3:26 am

Because the truth can not be absolute. the whole truth can be unknown.

We could argue that at least part of the truth could be a Lie..

But I will never understand how it is possible for a Lie to be the Truth.
Democracy's Vulnerability
Posted:Aug 4, 2018 9:00 am
Last Updated:Aug 7, 2018 2:49 pm

One of the greatest attributes of America.. has not been it's power and wealth.
but It's been America's vulnerabilities.....Our vulnerabilities have been our strength..

Democracy is not.a strength in itself...power in the hands of the People... is not always making the right decisions.. not always doing the right thing..not always selecting the right people to represent Us. Not always in agreement....We expose our own vulnerability to the world and to ourselves..

There was a time not so long ago.. that we were a family.....that we could fight like cats and dogs between US....but NEVER allowed anyone outside of the family to attack the family. That fight between ourselves was a vulnerability....for the world to second guessed, to be judged, to be admonished...but WE never saw it that way.. It defined our DEMOCRACY...... But when the world grew "smaller" and so did WE....

All the mistakes we have made in the past, all the trials and tribulations, all the discord.... Stayed in the family.....
We exposed our vulnerability.... Yet we ALWAYS overcame our vulnerability. It's the way is was SUPPOSE to work. Overcoming our vulnerability was our Strength..

Maybe the seeds were planted during the Vietnam War....but the fruits were not harvested.. Until Donald Trump.. that Trump has created the greatest division and derision this Country has ever experienced...Everyday and in every way.. There is not even an attempt at reconciliation..... Simply put, we are no longer a "family"...And that is the only vulnerability.. WE CAN NOT OVERCOME.

WE have been attacked....our vulnerability has been attacked.....Our democracy has been attacked ...and our FAMILY has been attacked
Maisie... Principles versus Politics
Posted:Aug 3, 2018 9:23 am
Last Updated:Aug 4, 2018 8:16 pm

Is it any wonder that when it comes to Politics.. all is fair game... Lies, propaganda, labeling, name calling, prejudice, and lack of integrity.. are the order of the day.... Not just Republican, but anybody who deals with JUST politics

For someone like Trump.. It's not only the order of the day about Politics.. Its the order of the day about everything...Trump politics is his principles.

I question... if you are exactly the same...

Principles above politics.... We see it, for most Americans, They have to work out their principle before they work out their politics....Some get confused and their principles becomes subservient to their politics... but even so.. most Americans when confronted with the reality..will abide by their principles.

We have always wore our disagreement in principles. We discussed the principles not the politics.....Trump has change that.. we don't talk principles anymore... we talk politics.. Because Trump has no principle and his principles and politics are one and the same.

Maisie it doesn't work..It doesn't work for Trump and it doesn't work for you..There is just too many people with principles....not all the same principles mind you.., but principles just the same.

It's been clearly evident in the last few days..It was a little hidden before, when some Republican were called traitors because of principles.. but the list is growing
Trump appointees to the Intelligence Agencies.. all Republican mind you.. have all come out to say.. principles over politics.... You can believe them or not.. I guess that's a choice... because your not really Republican.. You've clearly state you are Libertarian.

But maisie.... how do you rationalize the Koch brothers.. coming out and saying principles over politics.. the Koch brother are true Libertarians.

Are the Koch brothers conspirators too, against Trump?
Are the Koch brother traitors to Libertarianism?
"Radical Centrist"
Posted:Jul 30, 2018 7:31 am
Last Updated:Aug 1, 2018 4:26 pm

I heard the term "Radical Centrist" for the first time, yesterday......So I now have a term to describe myself in terms of political ideology...

How would I describe it's meaning?

Well, I firmly believe that both sides are right,, and both sides are wrong....And I refuse to choose the wrong side.
White... the Adjective vs the Noun
Posted:Jul 29, 2018 9:11 am
Last Updated:Jul 30, 2018 10:08 am

I got in a discussion about White America... where White is taken as an adjective and "White America" is taken, in total, as a noun..

Probably didn't explain it, as well as I should of..

We don't say " Yellow China", or " Brown India", or "Arian Germany" for US that would be redundant..
But we do say......
"White America" why do we say that?.......When in our minds it is redundant..
Because that's how we think of it.. America is "White America"....There's is no dispute on that.....Even Black folks think it's "White America". They may disagree with it... only because they think it.

I find the irony in words... We certainly may be better off calling it Rainbow America ..but that's not to be..... THE irony is that "WHITE" is the combination of all colors... So White America COULD be appropriate if we thought of it that way....But then, so could BLACK America.. As Black America COULD be also seen as the absence of color.

Either way works for me..... but it certainly doesn't work for 'You folks"

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