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History will repeat itself
Posted:Jul 27, 2018 6:25 am
Last Updated:Jul 29, 2018 9:27 am

I doubt there is any disagreement between the Political Parties.. that the primary thread holding the Trump administration together is the Economy..

But no one is talking about what is actually happening.....and is going to happen with the Economy. just what is happening.. And the smoke and mirror political gains.

One should research it..... and see what happened in recent similar events.

George W Bush won the election in 2000......His economic program first introduced tax cuts.. similar to the ones done this past year.. The biggest Democrat opponents ...opposed the tax cuts on two ground.. First it helped the Rich more than the middle class. It would create a greater deficit....

Bush had the position that the economic growth and revenue from growth would make up the deficit

"More crucially, after the 2001 initial tax cuts, the annual growth rate went from 0.3% in 2001 to 2.5% in 2002. By 2004, GDP growth was the highest in 20 years. (Source)Likewise, after the 2003 tax cuts, the unemployment rate fell to the lowest level since World War II. Let me repeat that: the Bush economic program created the lowest unemployment level ever. In fact, economists liken it to full employment given the demographic composition of those who were left on the unemployment line"... The REDSTATE.. Conservative Newsletter

WE can see what happened in the first fours years of Bush's presidency.. Because of the tax cuts, and many de-regulations of the Clinton administration.
Singularly Bush's tax cut cuts.. above all else, got him re-elected in 2004, even though the decline was insight...

We all know what happened next...."The Great Recession"..... 2.8 trillion in unmade up deficit from the tax cuts... unemployment the highest since the Great Depression.

The Week That Never Was
Posted:Jul 25, 2018 5:11 am
Last Updated:Jul 28, 2018 7:29 am

There has always been divisions in this country.....different opinions, different ideas, and different views...I have always had a hard time agreeing with any particular opinion, idea, or view.. I saw the differences as a strength.....because at the based of it ...I trusted everyone to be an American.. American Ideals, American justices and American fair play..

Through my life it has been challenged.. but it has ALWAYS won out.... From the worst of Us to the best of Us...Idea about race..capitalism, and political ideologies, and equality always played second fiddle to being an American.. I respected all the difference, because within all the difference there was a commonality of being an American....
The truth of that?...Does it matter? Was it real or imaginary ? It didn't matter to me... I was connected to everybody.. my belief that OUR differences always played second fiddle to OUR being American. Brainwashed or not.. It held it all together for me..

We talk about collusion, tariffs, racism, equality, power of the President...Truth and Lies,
We talk about the rich, the poor, the political parties, religion, choice, institutions, and conspiracies..

Like these are all something, new and different... these the SAME things we have always talked about.
These are the same things..I had seen as OUR strength...because Our commonality of being American would always win out. No matter what i thought about each subject.. I trusted Americans and America.. In truth.. It was MY idea of Patriotism....TRUST IN AMERICA... unfounded or not..

"Foreigners".. who hate America.. will try and say it only my enlightenment...That I Never should have trusted.. Americans are untrustworthy....
They do not know what they speak..They know not of patriotism, loyalty, trust and commonality. In world that lacks trust.. they know not what it feels like to trust.

Well... I HATE Trump...
I hate Trump, because he has robbed me , of my Patriotism..
He has robbed us of Our commonality.. within our differences.
He has robbed me of my Trust.
The "leverage" of Power
Posted:Jul 21, 2018 9:24 am
Last Updated:Jul 28, 2018 7:33 am

I honestly do not believe anybody has become so successful leveraging as Trump... From his beginning to now he has operated on leveraging...In his business dealing it was all about leveraging.....If he "owned" it..he NEVER had to own up for it."
It was as simple as ......if he had the power.... he had the leverage.

If Trump didn't have the power.. he would find other ways to leverage people the people that had it......Like making them an ally, a friend, a partner, doing a deal for them, finding out the dirt...and pretending to be loyal.....All designed for Leverage" when he gained the power to use it.

Trump saw the Presidency as the ultimate Power.. the ultimate leverage. Being "the boss" of not a business, but a country. He sees Putin as a boss of a country, or Kim jong as the boss of a country. That "power" of being the boss, He thinks that alone creates trust and loyalty, no matter what the boss does. For him it seems Russia and North Korea. The ultimate power the ultimate leverage. The ultimate of Never having to say you're sorry.... of Never having to own up to it.. because you own it.

A fatal mistake...Although it not entirely false....but not entirely true.. That the minions of Russia and North Korea.. and not the SAME minions that reside in America. What works there does not work the same way here..Our forefathers made sure of that. It's called a Constitutional democracy.. although it's not a specific goal.. for Trump to get what he wants.. he'll have to change that.....So for the time being. He becomes an Ally of Putin.. because that what Putin wants too..
Okay.... I'm using profanity.. but Trump drives me to do it at your own peril.
Posted:Jul 19, 2018 6:45 pm
Last Updated:Jul 20, 2018 6:04 pm

Well... l got it out of my system......

I probably should apologize to the 29 people who read it..

Or maybe just to ""big.. who may have read it 29 times.. to try and understand it.
I use the term "try" lightly...
Carter, Bush, Obama
Posted:Jul 19, 2018 8:21 am
Last Updated:Jul 28, 2018 7:33 am

When George W. Bush was elected.. I thought here we go again, another Jimmy Carter, just wearing a different suit....The "peanut farmer" vs "the oil man' Yet, from my view, at the time, cut from the same cloth.

Jimmy Carter has maintained the position of the most inconsequential President of our time... will have a hard time remembering him on their list of Presidents.. Heck, I even forget him.
George W Bush...had a much harder time......9/11 and a "bad economy"...Neither was George W Bush prepared for....In a way that made him unlucky...That is until.. the War in Iraq...Then It wasn't about luck anymore. The War in Iraq is why I will always remember George W Bush ..his Waterloo to me..
Yet is was all part of the "good" earth we America.... Carter getting just the right weather to hide in his peanut shell... And the storm, that caused Bush to dig a "Well Too Far"..
Obama was a breathe of fresh air...yet caught between the good weather and the Storm.. The eye of the Hurricane, so to speak.... with the winds blowing all around him from all directions...He wanted to lead, in the right way.. but We did not want to be led...Especially by OBAMA..the name itself was a "label"..

Which brings me to the point of this blog....Obama is still leading US and we still don't want to be lead.

Definition of racism. 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

See this is where I differ from most of you...Most of you think racism is just about race. of course, race is included..But.. at it's base...means so much more.....Like......
The promotion of thing by the demotion of something else. If we use that base..
We are a country of racists...race is included.. but it means much more than that. Republican being promoted by the demotion of Obama (democrats), and Democrats being promoted by the demotion of Trump (republicans).
Today is the last day of Trump's presidency
Posted:Jul 16, 2018 6:46 pm
Last Updated:Jul 28, 2018 7:34 am

Two things happened today.. Trump's summit meeting. in private with Putin., and subsequent news conference

The arrest of Butina, a Russian citizen in America.. who will face arraignment on Weds .That's going to take down....all those involved in Russian influence including the NRA...

There is no recovery of this for Trump....
Try as you might, and try as he might....he can't twist it....Not this time..

Throw the idea out of stopping Mueller and Rosenstein....It can not happen now.. Because as of today, Trump no longer has the POWER of the Presidency behind him.. it's over. Officially when the papers will be signed.

Who would have ever thought...That collusion, mysogyny, rascism, Lies, profiteering, nepotism, religious intolerance, human rights, adultery, division, and inequality only defines what we are.....and has no real effect......

but support one of our adversary.......and your ship get sunk...GEEZ....We are a fickled people.....

My God.. what a crazy strange trip it's been.
The "HOW" of it
Posted:Jul 15, 2018 10:52 am
Last Updated:Jul 16, 2018 6:34 pm

I wrote a response to Rich, maisie and Lizst.. about my "confusion", my "debate,. and my irrational opinion..............

"There no debate.. I am not debating it..

There is a WHAT and there is a HOW....that's all I'm saying.. and you think it's a debate.
there is just a WHAT and a HOW.

I say the WHAT doesn't matter to ME.. just the HOW....
But you can't accept that.. You can't understand that...

I believe YOU, maisie and Litzt, understand it all too well....You understand that the HOW....combined with ones integrity and morals.. ..may not get you the WHAT.. You can not accept that...

To me it's clear and concise... To you, the WHAT matters....When to me, just the HOW matters .. We will NEVER see eye to eye about it....but saying you don't understand, or that it's confusing... is just a confirmation...You don't care about the HOW.

When the Bible is ALL about the HOW.... You deny the Bible, by replacing the HOW with the WHAT....It's simply an unbelievable hypocrisy...

If Trump gets you what you want.. then how he does it... doesn't matter to YOU..

You think I'm expressing the right or wrong of it......I am NOT......I am not the one to judge the right or wrong of it... YOU ARE.. IN YOUR OWN MIND....Just don't deny.. the judgement you make.. Just like The WHAT doesn't matter to me.. so it is that WHAT as it applies to the right or wrong of it, doesn't matter.....JUST THE HOW

It's a legitimate human trait to do the wrong thing to get the right result.. I don't deny that......I am not even trying to convince you otherwise..... I am just trying to get you to see it, and accept it..
But you see.. they way i see it.. If WE all do the wrong thing to get our own right results.. Then, overall, we will NEVER get the RIGHT result

You think.. I agree with Leaf about His WHAT and HOW... I do not agree. I fear where his HOW could lead.. I fear Liberals will learn the WRONG lessons... about the HOW ...from YOU folks.. And decide getting what they want is more important.... than the how they "get it"

But here's the rub.. Leaf knows the difference and weighs and accepts.. His wrong HOW.. is worth the results he seeks.... It not a pattern for him.. It a choice. a specific choice of a specific action.....It's not his modus operendi...Like it is with some "folks".

Trump has lived his entire life.. doing the wrong things.. and turning it into HIS right result. It's now ingrained in him.. It's been so successful, Now to the extent nothing else matters. Trump can not see any other door to open..

My fear for Leaf.. and America.. is that WE could become that.. ..Because, It is my belief...When this is all over.... that Leaf's success and support... will breed it's own rightness. That dooming "you folks".. may only doom ourselves.

Let me get specific about the HOW of it......We can easily defeat you folks (it's going happen regardless).. all we have to do is get down and dirty with you.. Like Strzok.. could have, but he didn't, get down and dirty (he probably now regrets that)....... So the What of it, doesn't really matter...It's the HOW of it... if we put it all on the line ..and accept the possibility, like Strzok, that we MAY lose....
But the right result can only happen..... NOT if we get down and dirty......
But if WE RISE above "YOU FOLKS"

And the only thing that REALLY matters is the HOW we do it.
Back from My "TRIP"
Posted:Jul 11, 2018 11:02 am
Last Updated:Jul 13, 2018 5:35 pm

Well... back at the NOT OK Corral...

It's disheartening to think of wasting time.. when time for US... is so precious..

10 days of.... No News is good news...AMAZING..

It seems to me do something again.. must mean you missed it.. sorry folks didn't "miss" it.. One Iota..

maybe..We forget...that with fun..It doesn't have to come with aggravation... there's NEW and exciting things happening out there... all you have to do is breathe..

So... I don't "live" here anymore.. Just visiting...
Posted:Jun 22, 2018 11:29 am
Last Updated:Jul 18, 2018 10:02 am

It seems about perspective.. it will all depend
Is the "sky the limit"?" Without beginning or end.
Can what you believe become appalling
If you simply believe the... "sky is falling"

Can a circle be described by just the "outer' or "inner"
Or a person just described as a "loser" or "winner"
Can you box yourself in..... and logic abides.
When you try to build a box, with only two sides

To make someone's life just an illusion.
of your own by confusion.
And allow yourself to be amused.
To speak of confusion
As to confuse the confused.
How Do You LIke Your Steak
Posted:Jun 19, 2018 9:22 am
Last Updated:Jun 21, 2018 12:17 am

There are things about the way people think and what they do..that provides some insight into their political way of thinking.

If i was a Fortune teller.....and had a choice of knowing your astrological sign or how you preferred your steak.. to tell me something about yourself... I'd choose the steak..

Given... ONLY, ONLY, ONLY..... a choice between medium rare and well d.. which would you prefer?

Your choice will tell a lot about how you think....Your unyielding "perception"of things, your willingness to take a chance. if your looking for the good or just avoiding the bad..If your willing to let whatever it is... to speak for itself...How you accentuate the differences in things.

Another thing is how "the grass is always greener".. how either.. diounts their own circumstances or sees the reality of it... but promotes the circumstances of others.. never applying their own lives to others.. For example... a person on welfare is benefiting, a millionaire has to taxes.. It's just that simple to them..
They do it all the time... their neighbors, their friends.. how they view them in unrealistic terms...maybe you "make' less , but you have fewer bills. maybe you make less ...but you don't have the same burdens of responsibility.. Like maybe you don't have to alimony, or the full ticket.. for your college......Or own a vacation home.. an expensive car maintenance.. or having to live up to a standard of appearances, that accompany having extra ..
Those would be the people who have more.. But people who have less can do the same thing..diount themselves and promote others unrealistically..

So if I was a fortune teller... and i knew you liked your steak well d.....that you see the differences more than the similarities... that you were avoiding the 'bad' instead of taking a chance for the "good"........
and that you had an unrealistic view of others.

Although, it wouldn't be a certainty... I could make a pretty good guess... You'd be a Trump supporter..

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