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My Blog

Posted:Sep 28, 2017 6:07 pm
Last Updated:Sep 29, 2017 3:15 pm

Lizst said i was unhinged..

I told him I was unhinged by possibilities...

I was unhinged by the possibility that..........

People not being able to see that Trump Lies... He's the snake oil salesman of all time.
People who stand up and voice they are oppressed, while others want to silence them, to show them they really are.
People who kneel, that shows to others they disrespect the flag.... While the others
. want to force them to stand, so they actually can disrespect the flag.
By the thought.... that I could wake up tomorrow and we will have bombed North Korea.
That there actually is something called fake news, and alternative facts.
That healthcare, is more about insurance, and the affordable access to insurance, than the access to care.
That people who take a mile, can't give an inch.
That the worst thing to GIVE people is what they want, when what they want is not to GIVE.
That the only way others can win is.... I,we, have to lose.
Trump, Kaepernik and the NFL.....
Posted:Sep 24, 2017 6:41 am
Last Updated:Sep 26, 2017 1:02 am

Response to leaf....
Well, I think you missed the point. Collin Kaepernik... was not the issue of the statement. Trump statement was not directed at Kaepernik, because he's black.
It wasn't even directed at him, as a person, or an NFL player..

Trump has gotten away with attacking the media, he has a base that wants to agree with, this statement was an indirect attack on the media and the handling of that news.

But Trump is an idiot and an egomaniac, Figuring he can do the same thing with other institutions. Leverage them too.

This attack was not on Kaepernik... was not on blacks, was not on athletes. It was an attack on all employed public figures, that don't know their place.
The key word is employed.. and the statement was directed at employers

The key to understanding Trump's leverage was when he asked fans to get up and leave the stadium, when a player does not stand for the anthem. Are you stupid not to realize WHO that is directed art.
It's not direct at the player.... it's directed at the owner. Trump is trying to leverage ownership. Leverage the employer.... not the employee.

But, in this case Trump bit off more than he can chew..
He attacked the NFL, and it's ownership.
I'll keep on truckin
Posted:Sep 21, 2017 2:18 am
Last Updated:Sep 23, 2017 1:30 am

Well today, I went and re-read and then deleted all my blogs that were political. I say political, because that's what people think they were. I never thought so.

I found myself to be confusing here for that reason.... I'm just not political enough, to write a blog others consider political.

I deal with perspectives, perceptions, and intent, not ideology. Unless the ideology refuses to deal with perspective, perception and intent. Then it appears that ideology will become the issue.
I find labels offensive, because in my mind a labels never seems to conform to the person. In some cases even labels that are self imposed.

For example it is both self imposed and given by others that sparklefit is an atheist. I don't see it that way.. In many respects sparklefit is more "religious", is more Christian, than a person who labels himself as such, like DanDee.

Do I care that sparklefit, agrees with me.. I doubt she does. I'm certainly not trying to ingratiate myself. There is probably a greater chance she would take offensive to it.

I know I kind of think off the wall, but that's who I am. I'm not looking for agreement.
You can think whatever you want, if you'd just think, instead of assume. From MY perspective, and MY perception, I'm just telling you what i see
I have no intent but to tell MY truth.

I pretty much have come full circle, with the only thing, I need to ask myself.. Is what the hell am i doing here?
I write poetry, poetic satire, and meaningful stuff to me here. I write it because I easily see it has perspectives, perceptions, and choices. I like stuff like that. I thought maybe, I could put that to some use, in the blogs...but it's just useless.
I'll keep on truckin, but I think I need to buy a new truck.
Alice.... in I Wonder land?
Posted:Sep 20, 2017 4:55 am
Last Updated:Sep 20, 2017 3:17 pm

I wrote this on another blog.. wanted to save it.
sometimes I surprise myself...... It's about the idea of getting old.
For me.... when I'm happy.. I never think .. how old I am.

It seems. I fall down that White Rabbit's hole.
If I choose to miss happiness, the truer goal
An tell myself it doesn't matter
Until I'm greeted by the Mad Hatter,
Then the Cheshire Cat smiles at me.
and directs me to a place I don't want to be
I'm forced to confront the hidden parts
To prepare myself for the Queen of Hearts
It's a pill to swallow....
That the meaning of being too tall
Is just another way of becoming too small
And the meaning of being too old
Stops the journey, and puts you on hold.

So through the looking glass, I roam
Until happiness finds me, ,......and I get to go home.
The places people come from.
Posted:Aug 29, 2017 3:54 pm
Last Updated:Aug 30, 2017 5:17 am

The places people come from describe who they are
First from their parents, but that taking it back too far.
Like Obama was born in Kenya
A birthplace, back they want to send ya

Like Donald Trump is from New York
with a silver spoon and a tongue fork
Hillary is from Chicago, Illinios
A girl who didn't know how to be a boy

Yes ,places people come from, can self describe
Their thoughts give it away, for places cannot hide
I don't want to tell them, a subtext they don't realize
for every days a discovery, and I find a new surprise.

The places thoughts come from, no one knows.
It seems so natural, they never know it shows
Words have meanings, sometimes unintended
and places that it shows, become self-offended

It's really not what they say, but the places that are found
During deep dark recesses., while chalking the playground.
1 comment
The "King"
Posted:Aug 27, 2017 5:40 am
Last Updated:Aug 28, 2017 9:19 am

The "king" of the forest.. wandering through his forest, came across a monkey.
The Lion said to the monkey,... I am the king, in charge of the forest. We have a problem. There are too many rats in the forest. but the rats are too small for me to catch. I need your help. and together we can make the Forest Great Again.
So the monkey agree to gather up all the rats and bring them to the lion.
This went on for some time, until one day the monkey arrived at that lion's den and told the lion, there were no rats left.....
So the lion ate the monkey.
Am I so blind?
Posted:Jul 4, 2017 5:01 am
Last Updated:Jul 4, 2017 8:00 am

Am I so blind , I can not see
Through the forest, a dead tree

If a tree has fallen, I can not hear
In the forest, has it fallen somewhere

If there is excrement, I can not smell.
then there's no stink, I can tell

Can I deny, what I can not feel
Can it touch me, if it's unreal

And In the darkness can there be light
Shed upon what's wrong and right.
If I cannot smell, and see what's real
if I can not hear and I can not feel
1 comment
Thunder and lightning, Sunrises and Sunsets
Posted:Jun 28, 2017 8:04 am
Last Updated:Jun 29, 2017 11:51 pm

What I have all around
Contemplate must us, to do it justice
Snowfall and snowflakes , what it makes
blazing hot ,what it is not
Clouds of white, dark of might
Winds, rains and hurricanes
Thunder around, without a sound
lightning, electrifyingly frightening
Sunrises do, like morning's dew
and Sunsets reflect a day's neglect

Each moment a special note
That creates a symphony
Strung together like heartbeats
makes it all special for me


"Raindrops on Roses and whiskers on Kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mitten
Brown paper packages tied up in strings
These are a FEW of my favorite things"

The Dictations of a Dictator
Posted:Jun 9, 2017 9:51 am
Last Updated:Jun 10, 2017 3:44 pm

The trials and tribulations
of ruling, and expectations
of laws and deregulations
of power and manipulations

The Constitution of a Constitution
The institution of an institution.
the restitution of restitution
The convolution of convolution

Of bridges built at lower cost
The gain gained from what is lost
The freedom of freedom, to profit the most
only takes takers, to bow to the host.

The "bread" of life, depending on water and air
The power of those who are suppose to care
And what taking away "bread" will make
When they can just say..... "Let them eat cake".
Tolerance Against Intolerance
Posted:May 30, 2017 5:02 am
Last Updated:Sep 20, 2017 11:33 pm

Somethings are just mind-boggling.

How do people who consider themselves tolerant oppose those they see as intolerant?

The irony of the question is........Is opposing intolerance, being intolerant?


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