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Destroying America
Posted:Oct 31, 2016 3:51 am
Last Updated:Nov 7, 2016 5:31 am

Thank God, I won't be around to see it.
As we talk of the issues of the day, arrive at our right or wrong, peddle our influence. It doesn't matter. Build a wall, don't build a wall, overturn Roe Vs Wade, Kill terrorist, fix the economy, or make America Great Again. It just doesn't mean anything.
I don't care what side your on... to me, it's mostly stupid. Doesn't REALLY change anything. It's your particular flavor of icing on the cake. But the cake stays the same.

But I do have an issue, the single greatest issue of our time. It's not even close.
An issue that is an issue.....One that doesn't just want to change the results of the game. But wants to change the playing field.

As both the Liberal and Conservative tries to control the Supreme Court. We all become losers.
Much like this election, America has lost regardless of the results.
Just the idea of controlling the Supreme court, is all it takes, to Destroy America.
Who Got My Goat?
Posted:Oct 25, 2016 3:41 am
Last Updated:Oct 25, 2016 1:53 pm

I went to town to get a goat or two
brought them home
to see what they would do

In my clearing, I used a pen
to try and keep my goats within
but got an inkling they'd be gone
as they ate the paper I wrote upon

Just as soon as I turned my back
The pulled a disappearing act
I hesitated and cleared my throat
Before I yelled.....".Who got my goat"

I always wondered where they went
If my time gone by was well spent
Now every night before I go to sleep
I count goats, instead of sheep.
Posted:Oct 19, 2016 9:06 am
Last Updated:Oct 22, 2016 5:49 am

Maisie wrote a blog about Walmart.
That Liberals don't like Walmart.

My experience has been the opposite.

So here the poll question........
It's anonymous, so be honest.
I'm a Liberal and like Walmart
I'm a Liberal and dislike Walmart
I'm Independent and like Walmart
I'm Independent and dislike Walmart
I'm a Conservative and like Walmart
I'm a Conservative and dislike Walmart.
5 Comments , 25 votes
Old man
Posted:Oct 1, 2016 5:15 am
Last Updated:Oct 2, 2016 6:59 am

I'm an old man now
got sand in my shoe
I can't bend over
I can't undo.

And that, which seemed to matter
Left sands of time to walk upon
I knew not then, what I know now
When what really matters is all but gone

I can see clearly now, beyond the time
That is, except in my reflection
As the face that looks back at me
Reveals my imperfection

The gray has taken the color
From the autumn of my life
And the wrinkles of coming winter
Has turned to black and white.

I'm just an Old Man now
Got sand in my shoe
What I did then, didn't matter
but now it matters, I can't do.
Am I an Azzhole?
Posted:Sep 17, 2016 11:04 am
Last Updated:Feb 2, 2017 11:09 am

Am I an Azzhole? you ask why?

Well, i don't see very much positive feed back
Well, for that matter I don't see, very many getting any positive feed back
So it's hard for me to tell.
Appreciate your feedback.

I find it interesting that when people post positive blog, they get very little feedback
When people post negative blog. people just can't wait to respond, with their own negative, no matter if they agree or disagree.
Now i say this because, I'm guilty of it.
I find the name "Senior Friend Finders" to be a total misnomer.
I find some people here to be pretty turdy, Now that being said...
What I don't know is whether or not they are turdy, because I'm an azzhole.
Or I'm an azzhole because they are turdy?
Comments welcome, whether you find the correct answer in the choices, or have one of your own.
Please do not attack anyone else but ME. I will not respond to any answer, as to avoid conflict, So just be honest, and brave.

dont' care
yes, but everyone's got one
10 Comments , 33 votes
When God closes a Door, He Opens a Window
Posted:Sep 17, 2016 8:22 am
Last Updated:Sep 17, 2016 3:12 pm

I sit and look out my window
Seeing what I know and don't know
Snow capped mountains on high
Valleys below asking why

Why, one has to work it's soil
Why, it says one needs to toil
While a majestic mountain is sublime
And beckons one just to climb

Don't want to be stuck in here
but free somewhere, out there
I just want to be "up a tree"
So I can I know what I see

And as I look way out yonder
I have a question, I need to ponder
Could God, try and quench my thirst
And do what's second, before what's first

so before it comes, I exist no more
Can God open this window
Before He closes that door?
1 comment
Love and Need
Posted:Aug 26, 2016 12:17 pm
Last Updated:Feb 2, 2017 11:10 am

It's a selfish truth. We have both a physical and mental relationship with our .

As we let go of the physical, we now have to deal with the mental, without it.
Our have to do the same thing.

But throughout their young life's they prep for the moment. In many cases define themselves by that moment. Letting go of the physical and maintaining the mental is easy, expected. and desired. So they move on fine, without us there.

But the question is how do we move on, without them there?

Feeling needed. There none greater than raising a . Doing what's needed, because you understand you are needed.

From the moment we look into their eyes as a newborn. We are overcome with love. Because what we see is this little person who needs us, more than anything has ever in our lives.

We believe we raise our so they don't need us any more. How do we wrap our mind around that. When being needed is the greatest joy in our lives.

How do we move on? We can't replace it,
As we sit here, work, play, see friends, or travel. There's a great big hole of being needed.
NO one ever tell us it would be like this. At least, if they ever have we didn't listen

I wrote this on skariff's blog.
But it led to me to bigger picture, of love and need.

Love is something, that's hard to comprehend
Especially when a heart is on the mend
For this to believe, there's something you lack
To not be able to love, unless you're loved back

You take love with with you as long as you live
when love is not what you get, but what you give

It's confusing, I know, unless you heed
it's something you have and not what you need
To need someone is just a fact
Unless you can't need, without being needed back

The love for our keeping my meaning intact
Love being needed, and love without being needed back.

1 comment
I give up
Posted:Aug 19, 2016 10:04 pm
Last Updated:Sep 17, 2016 7:36 am

I went to the chat today,

Talk with mshugs , fancy, and ET, thought how ridiculous these blog are about politics
so I give up. no more political blogs or responses.

I don't give a shit if Hillary or Trump win. no matter what.. I'll find myself a pony.

I wish the Liberals good luck in jacking off here.
I wish the conservatives good luck in their twist and shout dance.

I hope Dandee finds heaven
I hope leaf get an Annie, to get your guns.
I hope lizst can figure out education is about learning not teaching
I hope lulu, finds a new clown
I hope mrsjoe finds the truth
I hope big learns reading, riting, and riftmatic.
I hope maisie finds a dick between her legs that not hers.
I hope Adolpho, eats shit and dies.

I hope ya all get what you want, and want you get.

So I going stick to poetry. do my own thing. visit chat now and then
and say adios to politics

37 Comments   (Page:)
Old Town
Posted:Aug 8, 2016 6:43 am
Last Updated:Aug 9, 2016 9:52 am

There was a place I use to go
Just an old worn out town
That is. until some people came
and decided to tear it down

I miss the building, the old wood frames
I miss the streets, that went both ways
I miss the people and their names
I simply miss those good old days

This old town was never really great
but , this old town was never that bad
It was build upon both love and hate
And we shared them, it's what we had

Now that it's lost, we find the town
Amongst the ruins and the rubble.
The love that's lost, the hate that's found
Was this old town worth all that trouble?
I See
Posted:Jul 25, 2016 9:47 am
Last Updated:Jul 26, 2016 8:04 am

I love my field of grass and dandelion
And sit in the middle, looking up at the sky
A tear appears and I find myself cry'in
It seemed silly, so I asked myself why

A man came along and wanted to plow
To grow crops, for there are people to feed
He wants my field and wants it now
How selfish of me not to fill the need

Another man came and wanted to build
For everybody needs a place to live
And didn't I know what God has willed
How selfish of me, not to want to give

So, I sit in my field and start crying
And see my answer about selfishness
The love of my field will soon be dying
And lost with it, our moments of bliss

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