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Supreme court strrikes down gun permits.
Posted:Jun 23, 2022 5:28 pm
Last Updated:Jun 24, 2022 2:40 pm

The purpose of the Second amendment was for citizens to be able to fight tyranny.. in all it's shapes and sizes. it was written to protect our Republic....and from those who would destroy it..Owning Guns so the we can walk the streets as free men.

There certainly is a dilemma, when good number of citizens believe our Republican has become corrupt and tyrannical.

The use of public guns to fight tyranny has always been considered "the last resort"
It was never written for self protection, but protecting a free society..

Those who profess the second amendment as a right to open carry.. Create an irony that's unbelievably obtrusive.. At least it is for me..

I can't believe people could be so different than me... how I lose some freedom to walk around when there is open carry.. and basically lose all my freedom when i walk around with people open carrying an AR -15 type weapon.
That is Tyranny.
Loyalty versus integrity
Posted:Jun 23, 2022 6:20 am
Last Updated:Jun 23, 2022 4:58 pm

It's obviously Trump's Republican Party.
I think after almost six year..It pretty obvious Trump holds Loyalty to him above one's own integrity

It may a little more difficult to understand that the loyalty doesn't go both ways. and the bus always leaves town with someone underneath

But that's Trump...

My conscience can not condone such behavior No matter the cause, no matter the person
Destroying our current Democracy
Posted:Jun 21, 2022 5:07 am
Last Updated:Jun 23, 2022 9:16 am

It's better that liberals destroy our historic democracy than the republicans.

Of course those folks need to go to prison... but we can no longer allow threats and unsubstantiated allegation to not have severe consequences..
WE MUST ban Ar-15 type military weapons.
WE must hold people to explanations and not just rhetoric.
We must hold elected officials to their oaths and promises.
We must not not tolerate labels and accompanying hatred
WE must protect ALL people from injustices.. or have injustices befall ALL of us.
We can not tolerate what bathroom a person has to use. What educators must educate. Who one can marry or love..or what women can or can't do with their bodies.

For these things there is no in between.. no negotiation

That is the difference between what would be required for Liberal authoritarianism or Republican authoritarianism

I fight injustice.. wherever i find it.
Posted:Jun 18, 2022 2:15 am
Last Updated:Jun 19, 2022 7:24 pm

I must sexist....and not very "woke"
A Washington Post reporter got suspended for writing this on Twitter.
"The problem with women is they are all Bi
The problems for men....Is you can't tell if it's polar or sexual."
Well ..sue me... I laughed my azz off... LMAO
Shattered Dreams
Posted:Jun 17, 2022 7:33 am
Last Updated:Jun 18, 2022 8:13 am

Life is a trail of shattered dreams
As everything becomes not what it seems
Looking in the mirror of the past
We walk among the shards of glass
And sunny days turn to stormy weather.
Until you can fit the pieces back together
Gun rights and wrongs
Posted:Jun 17, 2022 6:12 am
Last Updated:Jun 21, 2022 5:04 am

Sometimes doing things that keep the status quo can be good.. It may seem that even the small stuff doesn't have an effect...But that's not true. in the case of guns the fight about it, is worst than either outcome. The writing is on the wall..given the society, the economy, and the government things are only going to get worse..Hurting people, hurt others. There is true irony today about gun control....Those that fears a gun ban and refuse to do anything.. will lead themselves to a gun ban. We think we got it bad now..but it won't be until it's a lot worst that anything is done, and a lot worse is right around the corner if this fight continues and nothing is done. Those that do not support gun control cut their own throat. Although progress requires pain, Sometime we just have to wait and let them bleed out. Most gun supporters never understand that sometimes getting what you want...causes you to lose what you have.
This is insanity
Posted:Jun 15, 2022 6:01 am
Last Updated:Jun 16, 2022 11:22 am

There are those who seek the clues..Never really knowing but believing in themselves and in their own sanity...And when thing get out of hands...Questioning that which they once knew to be true. Questioning how they could be a part of whole.. When they seem to be so apart..
It is true we seek to know the unknown. There are those who give up, believing what they think they know is good enough for them.
Then there are those who never give up.. On knowing the unknown.. It is to those I speak to.... in their troubled time.. to the part that make one feel too far their sense of belonging and belief in one's self as part of the whole
For the unknown surely will prove
Sanity can only be found in the insanity of the sane.
Trump "the Loser"
Posted:Jun 13, 2022 10:46 am
Last Updated:Jun 14, 2022 3:52 am

Sometimes it's hard to understand what the attraction is.......

Almost every continuing Trump supporter is a "loser"..
That term needs to be defined
A loser is someone who see things as slipping away from them, not having control
A loser is a victim of their own doing
A loser is someone, who simply find reasons... they can believe they are loser.

In a way being a loser creates a psychotic circumstance.. that creates the ideas of suicide, murder, corruption, Lies, and a displacement of reality.

We deal with losers by trying to show them a different reality, a different way of thinking.

Take it from me.. I have tried.... There is nothing more negative to a loser than trying to persuade them they are not. You automatically lose credibility, understanding, and a method that will correct the situation. People who are hurting don't want to be told they shouldn't be.

Trump is the antithesis of this.. He is the Black Knight coming to protect you from that White Knight who thinks everything is coming up rose.. and even though you've tried to play by the White knight's rules.. You just ended up a sorry loser sucker.

Trump understand the mental and psycotic attributes of loser.. He has a tried and true method to combat the fact that he grew up a loser.
Never admit you are wrong to yourself or to others.
Winning is the only option.
Winning ends to be justify by any means.

This is what attracts these losers to Trump..
Rules create losers,
Morals create losers.
Acceptance creates losers.
The simple view
Posted:Jun 12, 2022 9:56 am
Last Updated:Jun 14, 2022 4:13 am

Things are really simple..if you just look at them that way..They happen the way they happen, because that's the way it suppose to happen..
What's happening in America is what happens at the end of something not the beginning. We are not starting something new..something new has already started.
It's the end of an era in America..and people are fighting like heck
to stop it, from ending
The Theocrats who see God and bible slipping away.. A Country founded on Christianity.. They State the constitution and freedom of religion.. When it was never about freedom of religion.. it was about freedom FROM religion. Their idea is to return it to an inferred Theocracy...
I have never met a single one them that wasn't anti-sex.. sex of any sort.....The simple idea of sexual freedom...decisions about ones body.. ones gender... decisions about having sex and who to have sex with..The reason for having sex... How sex is direct frontal attack on Christianity. A Christianity that believes it's a man's prerogative and a woman's responsibility. The decisions about sex, outside the bounds of a Christian marriage, attacks Christianity and destroy family values. It's not science they fear.. It's SEX..and the Main reason God and the bible are slipping away
The end to socialism.... When anti-socialism is just being anti-social
There is the idea of American exceptionalism...First to the foreigners and NOW in the domestic.. It hard for those people, unless one can define equality through the unequal. How diversity works only when you're in charge. if God wanted US equal he would have made us all the same color.
Fear itself
Posted:Jun 7, 2022 6:49 am
Last Updated:Jun 10, 2022 7:00 am

I can imagine some people wanting guns for the "sport" of it...but certainly not one that owns a Ar-15 type weapon.. the second amendment was designed on the basis of fear..Self protection, society protection and government of the people and by the people protection. The second amendment is about fear.....gun ownership is about fear. it was designed to protect us from an arising fear, and unanticipated fear, and unwanted fear. To resolve the fear...
Never has an historical Statement taken on a new meaning. Like "the only thing to fear is fear itself"... it was meant to free ourselves from fear to not be paralyzed by fear.. but Today it far more literal...those of us who choose not to fear.. must fear those that choose to.

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