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Labeling and Racism
Posted:Jul 11, 2016 11:52 am
Last Updated:Jul 12, 2016 12:40 am

The ideas expressed here about racism is just hard for me to comprehend.
I don't get, how other people don't get it
It's the way the mind works, anybody's mind.

Labeling talks about racism, even if the labeling has nothing to do race.

We have done away with MOST of the horrendous action of racism. But what we haven't done is stopped the labeling.
Blacks have always been labeled by whites, from the beginning to now it hasn't changed much. That labeling is racist. Blacks live under a "label" created by white folks. They always have. It doesn't matter to them that some "white folk" don't label them, The label is more important than the color of one's skin. As it doesn't matter to many of you, that some Muslim are non violent.

Of course blacks are racist too, ask any Conservative. In the Conservative unreflective mind....What makes blacks racist?......It is their LABELING of you White folk
So you go ahead and label, and not expect to get labeled back.
Maybe, just maybe, when the labeling stops the racism will stop.

wrote this on another blog and wanted to share it with everyone.
I need a foot rub!
Posted:Jun 29, 2016 10:27 am
Last Updated:Feb 2, 2017 11:12 am

I find myself running through the wood
to find my her, if I could
where she is I do not know
but where she is, I must go
So I run, just to find her there
I run, but I know not where

The woods are lonely, just made of tree
Not letting me get, to where I want to be
Although I'm tired, I run in haste
for me there is no time to waste.
to find her, I know not the length
So I sit down to regain my strength

From above I hear a magic tune
look up to see the daytime moon
And search to see what I heard
only to find a beautiful songbird
I wonder if this could be the place we meet
If she'd just run by, and stop to rub my feet.
You Love to Dance
Posted:Jun 9, 2016 12:17 am
Last Updated:Jun 9, 2016 11:44 pm

You Love to Dance

I have been with those, who know all the moves
All the don't , and all the do's
But it's dancing alone without satisfaction
It's too hard to dance without any passion

It's not that I can't, but I need more
to step out on the dance floor
It's not about what you do with your feet
It's not about your moving to the same beat.

It's about the willingness to take a chance
It's about how much you love to Dance
And if perchance, I step on your toes
It doesn't matter, that's how dancing goes

Nothing, for long, stays out of sync
The beat goes on, It's the way we think
The love of the dance is all there is
In the spaces between what's hers and his

So now, I could miss the last dance
Got to find someone to take a chance
Yet, I think of OUR dance, now and then
and hope we get to do it again
Posted:Jun 7, 2016 1:15 pm
Last Updated:Jun 10, 2016 9:59 am

well simplelady unfriended me. I guess I can't post any more on her blogs.
what prompted it was this response in her turncoat blog.

The only way to have a friend is to be one".

The statement is an interesting read. The perspective can be a

Does it say... if you want to be my friend you have to be a friend to me?.

It's like my idea about love, If you want me to love you, you gotta love me?

So one must ask the question. What's more important..being a friend or having a friend?

In this blog, being a friend doesn't mean much, Now having a friend, that seems to mean a lot, but I wonder who decides that?

Sorry simplelady, I'm not buying that's you. sounds like Don saying..".nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah If you wont be MY friend I won't be yours. not only that.. I'll make sure none of MY friends will be your friend.

If it was me, which it is, I just laugh in his face about his friends, because.......

To have a friend, you have to be a friend

Is there anything more truthful, than what is done right in front of your eyes. Just keep them open,,It will all come to you
If it doesn't have a rattle, it can't be a snake
Posted:Jun 1, 2016 11:56 am
Last Updated:Jun 1, 2016 11:24 pm

Bernie Sander has a plan it's socialist in nature, and not everybody is going to buy it
Hillary has a plan to ride the coattails of Obama, and use her womanhood, to be a real First Lady. not everybody going to buy it

Trump has a plan, first don't have an agenda, don't be beholding to anybody, show the country that both parties are just spoiled brats.
That he is just right person to grill 'em up and served 'em up. the spoiled brats that is. He's going give us an American picnic. Be a winner, Do what's right, America first.....And you know what? The whole country is going to buy into it.
The whole country will buy it on the time plan, they'll not know who's interest they are paying off, and when it comes down to the final payment we won't be able to afford the "vig".
Of course the Republican are so stupid, they can't recognize another
snake when the see one.. If it doesn't have a rattle, it can't be a snake
The Real Attack on America
Posted:May 31, 2016 10:59 am
Last Updated:Jun 2, 2016 11:27 pm

It's not from outside, it's from inside.

I don't know what America is building, but I have a confidence in our foundation. that whatever we build, it will turn out right.

So you folks can argue the building blocks, all you want. In fact, that's a good thing, from the argument we can know what we are building. I can handle that, knowing its going to turn out right

But this Supreme Court thing attacks our foundation. It changes everything. It's unacceptable.

This election, doesn't really matter to me, it's just a building block. One we will never use, but we can learn from it. We have the foundation to make it right. It's just a bad side track for the moment.

Changing the Supreme court is not a side track, it's the road to oblivion.

The Supreme Court is not suppose to agree with us, that's not their job. The fact is...their job is to disagree with us, when called for.
The greatest legal, constitutional, and integrous people in this country should make up the Supreme Court. It's the job of the President and Congress to make it so. If they won't, they're not doing their job, and need to lose their job
The Supreme Court doesn't make laws, it's sole job is to tell us which laws are right. It shouldn't matter if we agree or not, that's not OUR JOB.
Just Listen to Trump
Posted:May 11, 2016 1:32 pm
Last Updated:May 20, 2016 9:50 am

Just listen to Trump..

He tells you where this country is at.

Winners and Losers, that's what this country is all about.

Trump is a winner.. and that's all you need to know.

But if you read between the lines... Trump is the winner.
From the fatherless, welfair people, To the middle class, to the uppity rich, to all the candidates that opposed him, to those nominees that have preceded him, to those who allow illegals, to those allowing other countries to take advantage. to those who think being politically correct is correct, To those who see Muslims as human beings To Liberal and Conservative alike, To those who don't see thing the way he does

He says it, but you can't hear it....America is a bunch of LOSERS

And he's going to prove it!
Apple of My Eye
Posted:May 8, 2016 11:55 am
Last Updated:Mar 24, 2017 7:35 am

A bite of the apple is all it takes
To give one the wrong perception
of what an apple really makes
of happiness and self-deception

A bite and one must take the licks
To discover what it all means
Money, Sex and Politics
Can be same, so it seems

And yet, we cannot eat alone
The way we eat must be the norm
It never about.. "to each his own"
For everyone here must conform

It always seems to be mistaken
The singular joy apples, can bring
And when the last bite is taken
A leftover core is the only thing

For when it's all said and done
To discover what the core meant
Eating pulp becomes a fiction of fun
And seeds, the core of one's discontent

a big revision, more generic, and open to interpretation
Money and Sex
Posted:May 8, 2016 8:49 am
Last Updated:May 8, 2016 11:28 am

Well, a little inspiration on another blog, just wanted to save it.......

Money is like sex
One bite of the apple is not enough
Until it's all gone, then what the heck
It becomes about other's apple stuff

And in the end, When it's all done
Discovering what the core meant
The pulp is just the fiction of fun
And seeds, the core of your discontent

Some people don't get any, don't miss it at all
Some people think about others and how much they get
Some people think they don't get enough, just like y'all
Some people just get theirs and never regret.

I get mine on the fourth Wednesday
She comes on over and let's me play
I get to do it my way, A roll in the hay
So WTF do I care, what others do and say

1 comment
Litzstsophobia, reaches a new low.
Posted:Jan 26, 2016 3:49 pm
Last Updated:Jul 18, 2022 5:43 am

Adolpho wrote a blog, titled. "Litzsromania Reaches New Extreme", It's just an amazing writing of what Adolpho does. He takes any truth about someone and twists it, and turns it and makes it appear the way he wants it to. He takes a comment and twists it and turns it and makes it what he wants it to be. Then he tells people that's what it is, that's the way they should look at it too.
I guess others here do it. But, those I consider "normal" usually don't buy into it.
Not in Adolpho's case, he thinks he's good at it, but to me it's the most disgusting thing that happens here.

We learned today that Adolpho, has access to multiple handles, some even female. He uses them too.

His blog was to gain the sympathy, agreement, and susceptibility of woman on this site, and with some agreeable men on the Left.
To show that others are something they are not. Somehow, he sees that as protecting himself from others seeing what he is.
Anyway my response....

My God, you people are all idiots.

It's all the fricken the same to me.

Read what's said, read the way it is said. There is no justification from either side.

Adolpho's not the "good guy" here. just read what he says The gall of the man is unbelievable.
His attempt to make lizst an alcoholic, and having Hept-C his reasoning, and of course that makes Adolpho innocent. You folks buy into it so easily, shame on you. You think maisie uses shit, this guy is the king shit.

I doubt, simplelady has an angry bone in her body. Yet read what she says. Attacking has never been her style.. A Drunkard, who reaps what he sows? Defense of her man, can only go so far before it's his words not hers.

I'm not defending lizst, but his wife is under attack all the time by that man. I understand his indirect approach to using that to insult Adolpho, Although I don't agree with it, It's not good and he should consider it beneath him, but it isn't and that shames him

Don't yourself to believe it means anything to Adolpho, He's using it and he's using you.

Theirs a lot guilt, hand out here, given by association. Well look in the mirror, Puzzle, Roxy, and bijou. do you want to be associated with that? You folks, have your own reasons, and need to make a stand on those. Don't jump on a bandwagon lead by some untrustworthy fool.

If the " fair minded", owner of this blog, feels this response not worthy to be posted here, I'll post it and create my own blog
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