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The Word For Life.

If we meet and you forget me, you have lost nothing:
but if you meet JESUS CHRIST and forget Him,
you have lost everything.

New Start For A Broken Heart
Posted:May 21, 2015 1:56 am
Last Updated:May 21, 2015 1:58 am
Read: Isaiah 61.1-3

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 13-15; John 7:1-27

He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. €”Isaiah 61:1

The Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia, is filled with anonymously donated remnants of love gone wrong. There is an axe that a jilted lover used to destroy the furniture of an offending partner. Stuffed animals, love letters framed in broken glass, and wedding dresses all speak volumes of heartache. While some visitors to the museum leave in tears over their own loss, some couples depart with hugs and a promise not to fail each other.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote, œThe Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted
Isa. 61.1 When Jesus read from Isaiah 61 at the synagogue in Nazareth, He said, Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing Luke 4.21. Extending far beyond help for an emotional wound, Isaiah's words speak of a changed heart and a renewed spirit that come by receiving God's gift of œbeauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness Isa. 61.3.

All of us have experienced regret and broken promises in our lives. Whatever has happened, the Lord invites us to find healing, hope, and new life in Him.
Lord, You are the promise-keeping God who has said He will make all things new. Today we give You our ashes in exchange for Your beauty, our mourning for the joy of finding comfort in You. Thank You!

God can transform tragedies into triumphs.

Guard Your Focus
Posted:May 20, 2015 4:02 am
Last Updated:May 20, 2015 4:04 am
Read: 1 Corinthians 3.1-9

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 10-12; John 6.45-71

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 1.:2

That's my disciple, I once heard a woman say about someone she was helping. As followers of Christ we are all tasked with making disciples and sharing the good news of Christ with people and helping them grow spiritually. But it can be easy to focus on ourselves instead of Jesus.

The apostle Paul was concerned that the Corinthian church was losing its focus on Christ. The two best-known preachers in those days were Paul and Apollos. The church was divided: œI follow Paul.Well, I follow Apollos! They had begun focusing on the wrong person, following the teachers rather than the Savior. But Paul corrected them. We are œGod'™s fellow workers. It doesn'™t matter who God can give the growth. Christians are œGod', God'™s building
1 Cor. 3.6-9. The Corinthian believers didn'™t belong to Paul nor to Apollos.

Jesus tells us to go and make disciples and to teach them about Him (Matt. 28:20). And the author of the book of Hebrews reminds us to focus on the Author and Finisher of our faith 12.2 Christ will be honored when we focus on Him; He is superior to any human being and He will meet our needs.
Father, I confess that it is easy to shift my focus from You to less important things. Thank You for putting people in my life that help point me to You. Help me point others to You in a way that makes You more and me less.

Put Jesus first.

The Great Healer
Posted:May 19, 2015 3:04 am
Last Updated:May 20, 2015 4:02 am
Read: Genesis 2.7-15

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 7-9; John 6:22-44

I am the Lord, who heals you. ”Exodus 15:26

The doctors I know are smart, hard-working, and compassionate. They have relieved my suffering on many occasions, and I am grateful for their expertise in diagnosing illnesses, prescribing medication, setting broken bones, and stitching up wounds. But this does not mean that I place my faith in physicians rather than in God.

For reasons known only to God, He appointed humans to be His partners in the work of caring for creation Gen. 2.15, and doctors are among them. Doctors study medical science and learn how God designed the body. They use this knowledge to help restore us to a healthy condition. But the only reason doctors can do anything to make us better is that God created us with the ability to heal. Surgeons would be useless if incisions didn't heal.

Scientists can learn how God created our bodies to function, and they devise therapies to help restore or cure us, but they are not healers;
God is Ex. 1526. Doctors simply cooperate with God'™s original intent and design.

So I am grateful for science and doctors, but my praise and thanksgiving go to God, who designed an orderly universe and who created us with minds that can discover how it works. I believe, therefore, that all healing is divine because no healing takes place apart from God.
Father God, You are the Great Physician, and I ask for healing, whether mind, body, spirit, or in all of these. I believe You will give what is best. Thank You for Your goodness, kindness, and love in all things.

When you think of all that'™s good, give thanks to God.

One Step Closer
Posted:May 18, 2015 5:19 am
Last Updated:May 18, 2015 5:21 am
Read: Romans 13:10-14

Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 4-6; John 6:1-21

Now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
Romans 13.11

Some years ago a friend and I set out to climb Mount Whitney. At 14,505 feet, it is the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States. We arrived at Whitney Portal late one evening, rolled out our sleeping bags at base camp, and tried to get some sleep before we began our ascent at first light. Whitney is not a technical climb but rather a long, exhausting walk ”11 miles of relentless ascent.

The climb, though hard-going, was exhilarating, with stunning vistas, beautiful blue lakes, and lush meadows along the way. But the trail grew long and exhausting, a test for legs and lungs. I thought of turning back as the day wore on and the trail seemed to stretch endlessly before us.

Occasionally, however, I caught a glimpse of the summit and realized that each step was bringing me one step closer. If I just kept walking,
I would get there. That was the thought that kept me going.

Paul assures us, œOur salvation is nearer than when we first believed Rom. 13.11 Every day brings us one day closer to that great day when we shall œsummit and see our Savior's face. That'™s the thought that can keep us going.
Dear Lord, may I, for the joy set before me, endure with patience the hardship of the trail. When my journey is over, I will see You face to face and live with You forever.

Now we see Jesus in the Bible, but someday we'™ll see Him face to face.

A Survivor's Thoughts
Posted:May 15, 2015 4:08 am
Last Updated:May 18, 2015 5:20 am
Read: Romans 9:1-5

Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 22-23; John 4:31-54

I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren.”Romans 9:3

After a 71-year-old South Korean woman was rescued during the tragic sinking of a ferry boat, she struggled with survivor'™s guilt. From her hospital bed she said she couldn'™t understand how it could be right for her to have lived through an accident that had taken the lives of many who were so much younger. She also regretted not knowing the name of the young man who had pulled her out of the water after she had given up hope. Then she added, œI want to buy him a meal at least, or hold his hand, or give him a hug.

This woman'™s heart for others reminds me of the apostle Paul. He was so concerned about his neighbors and countrymen that he said he wished he could trade his own relationship with Christ for their rescue:
œI have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren Rom. 9.2-3.

Paul also expressed a deep sense of personal gratitude. He knew he didn'™t understand the ways and judgments of God vv.14-24. So while doing everything he could to proclaim the gospel to all, he found peace and joy in trusting the heart of a God who loves the whole world so much more than we ever could.
Lord God, Your ways are so far beyond our comprehension, yet we know without doubt that You love us. Help us trust Your loving heart with the things we don'™t understand.

Gratitude to God leads to growth in godliness.

Listening With Love
Posted:May 14, 2015 3:31 am
Last Updated:May 16, 2015 5:09 am
Read: Luke 18:9-14

Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 19-21; John 4:1-30

Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
€”Luke 18.14

One August evening in Vermont, a young missionary spoke at our small church. The country where he and his wife served was in religious turmoil, and it was considered too dangerous for . In one of his stories, he told us about a heart-wrenching episode when his pleaded with him not to leave her behind at a boarding school.

I was a new dad at that time, having recently been blessed with a , and the story upset me. How could loving parents leave their alone like that? I muttered to myself. By the time the talk was finished, I was so worked up that I ignored the offer to visit with the missionary. I charged out of the church, saying out loud as I left: €œI'€™m sure glad I'€™m not like . . .

In that instant, the Holy Spirit stopped me cold. I couldn'€™t even finish the sentence. Here I was, saying almost word for word what the Pharisee said to God: €œI thank You that I am not like other men€ (Luke 18.11). How disappointed I was in myself! How disappointed God must have been! Since that evening, I've asked God to help me listen to others with humility and restraint as they pour their hearts out in confession, profession, or pain.
Lord, may we be quick to listen and slow to speak and to judge. A proud attitude so easily infects our lives. Give us instead a humility that reflects Your heart and love.

We don'€™t get closer to God by passing judgment on others.

The Riches Of Obedience
Posted:May 13, 2015 3:51 am
Last Updated:May 14, 2015 3:31 am
Read: Psalm 119:14,33-40

Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 17-18; John 3:19-36

I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches. ”Psalm 119.14

Publicly operated lotteries exist in more than 100 countries. In a recent year, lottery ticket sales totaled more than $85 billion in just the US and Canada, only part of the total sales worldwide. The lure of huge jackpots has created a mindset among many that all of life's problems would be solved œif I won the lottery.

There's nothing wrong with wealth itself, but it has the power to deceive us into thinking that money is the answer to all our needs. The psalmist, expressing a different point of view, wrote: œI have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches. . . . I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word Ps. 119.14,16 . This concept of spiritual treasure is focused on obedience to God and walking œin the path of [His] commandments v.35

What if we were more excited about following the Lord'™s Word than about winning a jackpot worth millions? With the psalmist we might pray, œIncline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness. Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way
 vv.36-37

The riches of obedience true riches belong to all who walk with the Lord.
Dear Lord, may I commit each day to standing on the unchanging truth of Your Word and to growing in my relationship with You, the only measure of success in this life and in eternity.

Success is knowing and loving God.

Where Can We Lean?
Posted:May 12, 2015 4:54 am
Last Updated:May 13, 2015 4:07 am
Read: 2 Samuel 9

Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 15-16; John 3:1-18

I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father'™s sake.
2 Samuel 9.7

œWhat a wonderful funeral! Cindy remarked as we walked out. Helen, our friend, had died. And friend after friend celebrated her by sharing stories of her all-around fun behavior. But Helen's life wasn'™t all jokes and laughter. Her nephew spoke of her faith in Jesus and her care for others. She had taken him into her home when he was young and struggling. Now in his twenties, he said of his Aunt Helen, She was like a mom to me. She never gave up on me in my struggles. I am sure that if it wasn'™t for her, I would have lost my faith. Wow! What an influence! Helen leaned on Jesus and wanted her nephew to trust Him too.

In the Old Testament, we read that King David took a young man named Mephibosheth into his home with the purpose of showing him kindness for the sake of his father, Jonathan (David's friend who had died; see
2 Sam. 9.1. Years earlier, Mephibosheth had been injured when his nurse dropped him as they fled after the news that his father had been killed 4.4 He was surprised that the king would care for him; he even referred to himself as œa dead dog 9.8. Yet the king treated him as his own 9.11.

I'™d like to be that kind of person, wouldn't you? Someone who cares for others and helps them hang on to faith in Jesus even when life looks hopeless.
Lord, You showed the ultimate kindness by rescuing us when we were helpless in our sins. May our lives be marked by kindness so that others will see You in us.

God does most of His work for people through people.

Tell Your Story
Posted:May 11, 2015 3:48 am
Last Updated:May 13, 2015 4:08 am
Read: 1 Timothy 1:12-20

Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 13-14; John 2

Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim Your greatness. ”Psalm 145.6 nlt

Michael Dinsmore, a former prisoner and relatively new Christian, was asked to give his testimony in a prison. After he spoke, some inmates came to him and said, This is the most exciting meeting we'™ve ever been to! Michael was amazed that God could use his simple story.

In 1 Timothy, after Paul had charged Timothy to stay the course preaching the gospel 1:1-11, he shared his personal testimony to encourage the young man vv.12-16. He told about God's mercy in his own life. Paul said that he had mocked the Lord, but He changed him. In His mercy, God not only counted him faithful and gave him a job to do, but He also enabled him to do His work v.12. Paul considered himself the worst of sinners, but God saved him v.15.

The Lord is able! That is what Paul wanted Timothy to see, and what we need to see too. Through Paul's testimony, we see God'™s mercy. If God could use someone like Paul, He can use us. If God could save the worst of sinners, then no one is beyond His reach.

Our story of God'™s work in our lives can encourage others. Let those around you know that the God of the Bible is still at work today!
Father, thank You for the salvation You offer and that no one, including me, is beyond the reach of Your mercy, grace, and transforming power. Help me share my story with others so that people can see Your love.

No one is beyond the reach of God'™s love.

All Aboard
Posted:May 8, 2015 1:17 am
Last Updated:May 11, 2015 3:48 am
Read: 2 Peter 3:1-13

Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 4-6; Luke 24:36-53

The Lord is . . . longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish. 2 Peter 3.9

One day when I dropped my husband off at our local train station,
I watched as the conductor scanned the area for stragglers. A woman with wet hair bounded from the parking lot and up into the train. Then, a man in a dark suit strode to the platform and climbed aboard. The conductor waited patiently while several more late-comers sprinted to the tracks and boarded at the last moment.

Just as the conductor was patient with people boarding the train, God patiently waits for people to come to know Him. However, someday Jesus will return and œthe heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat 2 Peter 3.10. When this happens, or when our physical bodies die, it will be too late to establish a relationship with God.

The Lord is . . . long suffering toward us, Peter says, œnot willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance v.9. If you have delayed deciding to follow Christ, there is good news ”you can still commit yourself to Him. œIf you declare with your mouth ˜Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved
Rom. 10.9 . He is calling. Will you run in His direction?
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me;
See, on the portals He's waiting and watching,
Watching for you and for me.

Now is the time to choose the Lord.


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