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Life on Life's TErms

My Life as an Astrologer
Posted:Mar 31, 2007 10:19 pm
Last Updated:Apr 1, 2007 3:50 pm
I was fifteen years old when I first heard about Astrology on a Television Program called "Divorce Court." The Plaintiff discovered that she married a man with the wrong Astrological Sign and decided to divorce him. I picked up an American Astrology Program and I was immediately hooked.

I soon discovered that whoever wrote that script in Divorce Court didn’t know zip about Astrology. On the surface, Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) should get together with Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) should get together with Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). However, the Sun sign determined by the date of birth is only the surface. On a deeper level, the Sun Sign should be compared to the Moon Sign. It is also important to look at Venus, Mars, the Seventh House and the ruling planet of the Seventh House.

For Example, a Man with a Cancer Sun and a Leo Moon would do well with a woman with a Libra Sun and a Taurus Moon. If the planets are all wrong, does that mean that they should not get together. If there is an attraction there is something going on Astro Campus. There is no perfect relationship but understanding the differences can give a person insight on the best approach to make the relationship work.

The location of the Sun in a Chart gives a clue of where a person shines. Saturn indicates the life challenges that a person faces. My Sun and Saturn are both in the third house of communications. Thus where I shine and where I am challenged are in the arena. I grew up with a significant hearing and speaking disability. This forced me into an isolated existence as a . Meanwhile, I read a lot, wrote poetry and journalized. I wrote letters to the President of the United States and the editor in various newspapers. I was quite talented with the written word. My challenge was spoken communication but I shined in written communication.

I was unpopular in School but quickly learned that my peers wanted to know about themselves and particularly the romantic interest in their lives. They would ask me about Astrology and how it related to them. I was no longer alone. I had something to offer the community. My passion for Astrology has grown and progressed.

I actually became involved in Drama and Public Speaking in High School. I went from being a straight "D" student to an Honor Roll Student. Later I acquired hearing aids and joined Toast Masters. My Sun and Saturn have learned to work together. Now I am a Professional Astrologer and life is interesting.
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I wanted to be Beautiful
Posted:Mar 30, 2007 10:01 am
Last Updated:Jan 30, 2009 7:03 am
“. . .I wanted to be beautiful
Make him stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I wanted to hear him say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of his love
And beautiful . . .”

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Dumb A$$ Trucker!!!!!!
Posted:Mar 27, 2007 2:36 pm
Last Updated:Mar 29, 2007 5:21 am
Dumb A$$ Trucker thinks his 18Wheeler is an extension of his...............

Earlier this morning, I was driving to the Post Office. The Average Speed Limit on the Nevada Highways is Seventy Miles Per Hour which is plenty fast enough in my not so humble opinion. I turned on to the Highway and headed down the road at the Speed Limit. Suddenly behind me, a trucker was blasting his horn at me.

My first thought was to give him the one finger West Virginia Howdy but why increase the Road Rage. If the TailGating Moron hits the car, he is the one that
would be explaining his actions to the Safety Folks. Afterward they might put him in a SWIFT Truck which would force him to drive the Speed Limit.

I suspect that this Dumb A$$ Trucker will soon be donating top dollars to the State
of Nevada. Although the Speed Limit is usually Seventy Miles per Hour - upon approaching the cow towns, the Speed Limit quickly reduces to Twenty Five Miles per Hours and the Local City Kitties wait to meet their quotas. More Money for the Cow Town. Hoo Yah!
Maybe after giving most his $$$ to the Cow Towns for Speeding, the Dumb A$$ Trucker will have
enough Money to buy himself the services of a Lizard when he gets to the TA Truck Stop near Reno. He needs mellowing out.

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The Quest For The Perfect Cookie Sheet
Posted:Mar 24, 2007 6:48 pm
Last Updated:Mar 26, 2007 9:21 am

Last Week, I encounter a 12 Step Meeting full of men and what better way to make them feel loved than to bake them Cookies. But Alas no Cookie Sheet in the house and trying to cook them on foil is annoying.

Thus this - I drove through the desert for in the quest for the Perfect Cookie Sheet.
The Cow Towns in this desert don't believe in Grocery Stores. There are lots of Casinos and several Brothels but Grocery Stores are scarce.

From Silver Springs on 95 Alt - I reached the Cow Town of Fernley. After Driving Here and There - I spotted a Mickey D's. My sons used to say that no Town is civilized without a Mickey D's. I drove toward the Mickey D's and found Scolari's Grocery Store, Now I have the perfect cookie sheets (two of them) and a job interview for Monday. They have a bakery! YEAH!

I also have three dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies all baked up for the guys tonight. Next Week, I am making them Snicker Doodle Cookies.

Have you ever looked for one thing and found something else? Is there anything exciting near the closest Mickey D's (McDonald's) from your humble abode? ? I did buy a Quarter Pounder for Ferlin The Mutt but he can't eat the CCC's

Moonstone Beach and The Pacific Ocean
Posted:Mar 20, 2007 11:02 pm
Last Updated:Mar 26, 2007 4:12 pm
My best friend sent me a box of seashells, sand and pebbles from Moonstone Beach, California when I was living in landlocked West Virginia. We took a trip to Alantic Beach, North Carolina and I sent her the Atlantic Ocean. Now I live in Nevada and a few hundred miles closer to the Pacific Ocean. I am looking forward to seeing the Pacific Ocean Again. I miss it.
the 12 Steps and So many MEN
Posted:Mar 16, 2007 10:28 pm
Last Updated:Mar 29, 2007 6:01 am
Cry A River - Build a Bridge - Get over it. That bridge is 1900 miles and has led me to Silver Springs, Nevada and this week my thought have frequently been "WTF"

It is High Desert but not much different than the community that I grew up in which is now a yuppieville.

The first thing I usually check out in a new community is the local 12 Step Group - which I did tonight. I walked into a room full of rugged looking men. I asked if it was a men's stag and I was told that it was not. Thus I was the only woman in the group. I would much rather be in a 12 Step meeting full of men than a bar full of men.

It is not much different that the situation in West Virginia where there was only a handful of women in recovery. It took me seven years to finally get a strong women's group in that community. Then I fell in love with a short egotisical Texas Trucker.
and left my community.

My options are go back to my comfort zone in WV or go someplace else thus I am in Silver Springs, Nevada and very much out of my comfort zone.

After the meeting - we went out to coffee in a shop in a Casino. This is an unusual experience where I came from. Quite a few of the men are actually Truckers. right now, I am allergic to truckers but at least we had something common to talk about. Needless to say, Twelve Step Meetings are last place to go look for a love connection - thus it's better to stick to 12 Step Issues.

One man mentioned that he could tell that I was in a tough spot. Indeed, not something I would talk to a man about nor is it something worth getting drunk over. Life on life's terms.

I am going to a 12 Step pot luck tomorrow and Sunday, I have a Geocaching Date. I wonder if the Creator wants me to stay in Silver Springs, Nevada to build up the women's 12 step community?
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The Dubious Power of Love
Posted:Mar 15, 2007 9:09 pm
Last Updated:Jun 23, 2017 11:27 pm
The EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES that I Felt and am still working my way through are

ABANDONED, He sent me flowers and I allowed myself to feel and believe in Love. I took a chance to the point of relocating to another State. I got here and was treated like an outcast. He left me in a way that left me feeling like he never care for me at all

REJECTION because he chose
not to be with me inspite of all the efforts I made to be with him...

I felt a sense of EMPTINESS that comes
from allowing myself to believe in the hope that love, affection, connection
and sharing and deepest desires may actually become a reality.

I am currently feeling ANXIETY because I am uncertain about the direction that
my future is going and If I can ever love and find a man who thinks I am worthy of being LOVED.

I have a very strong FEAR that I will be ALONE
and unLOVED forever.

My Twelve Step Training Tells Me That I Can't Fix Anyone Else But Me.

I don't want EMPTY PROMISES - I just want to take Life - ONE DAY AT A TIME. I am actually OKAY ALONE! There are many things that I enjoy doing in solitude. Give me some Battery Operated Boyfriends and A Few Good Hiking Trails and I will Be Just Fine.

and THAT is my declaration of independance!!!!

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Road Trip Adventures and the Urban Legend of Mr. Right
Posted:Mar 13, 2007 9:31 pm
Last Updated:Apr 3, 2007 4:32 pm
In my not so humble opinion, It is more important to BE Ms. Right than to search for Mr. Right. But the Ms. Right that i am may not be right for the alledged Mr. Right.

Last year I relocated to from West Virginia to Texas to follow a love connection with a TruckDriver. We were going to get married, I was going to train to drive 18 Wheelers and we would team drive. That love connection went South and the adage "Cry A River, Build a Bridge and get over it became my motto.

That Bridge has lead me to Silver Springs, Nevada and I don't have a clue what is on the other side of this bridge.

When my love connection with the Pisces Moon Flip Flop Man went South and I have to analyzie what is wrong with me because I certainly can't change him.

He is attracted to short petite women and perfers them married so that he can acquire casual /bsex0?/b - I am certainly not going to transform myself to a short petite woman and if I ever acquire a husband, I certainly would not want to be giving a Short Egotistical Texas Trucker casual /bsex0?/b.

Hubby will be number one.

So who is Ms. Right. I have the normal
assortment of character defects and shortcomings but both my ex-hubbies tell me that I was actually easy to live with.

I am not a flawless beauty nor am I butt ugly. I don't
drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and I am not a junk food junkie.

My philosophy is that if I make mostly healthy lifestyle choices, my body is the way it is suppose
to be and it's counter-productive to fret about too much of this or too much of that. Who ever is suppose to love me will loves me will love me.

Rather than the quest for the "great him" - I am focusing on 12 Step Groups to build up and Geocaching Adventures to discover in a new State. I cried a river, built a bridge and now I am over it. That bridge is 2000 miles long and Mind Boggling Wh00pee would be a good start. That is no where in sight right now.

Thank God for the BOB's. Meanwhile, I've got time to bake a giant CCC with Mr. K's Name on it. There is no love connection but I've made some great friends

But what a great road trip it was getting to the other side of that bridge. My U-Haul Truck had Lady liberty on the side. The ones who know me well would recognize my association with Lady Liberty. It's a definate Good Omen. I drove 200 miles the first day. Mostly trying to get out of Fort Worth, Texas. I made 700 hundred miles the next day and 1000 miles on Sunday. If the DOT ever saw that in a trucker's log book, someone would have to find some pastureland for the all the cows that they would be giving birth too.

Another Mercury Retrograde Day - In Fact the Whole Week had been...............
Posted:Feb 27, 2007 6:29 pm
Last Updated:Mar 4, 2007 2:59 am
My Work Week Starts on Saturday which is usually a Ho-Hum Day where I do all the Stuff that nobody else wants to do. When I got off work, I climbed into the Truck and called "The Capricorn Man" on my cell phone.
Eventually, we lost connection so I headed home.

I was stopped at a stop sign getting ready to turn and head for US-175 when I noted that a Texas State Trooper was stopped at the other side of the street. I am essentially law abidding and I don't speed but cops still make me nervous. I quickly put on the car seat belt and drove toward US-175 with Smokey tailing behind me. I visualize paying top dollars to the State of Texas for whatever traffic law, I might inadvertly break. Happily Smokey drove pass me just before I reached the Highway.

I got home and quickly ran in to take Ferlin the Mutt for a walk. When I got back, my cell phone was missing. It was not in the truck, nor in the apartment nor within my personal belongings. I visualized having to pay top dollars for a new phone like My Ex-Love Connection did when he ran over his phone with his 18-Wheeler.

I cast a horary chart and my cell phone is presented by a Pisces Mercury Retrograde in the Seventh House. (Near Water in a place associated with a partner) but I don't have a Partner. There is an indication that it will eventully be found but I already ordered a new phone. It only cost Nine Dollars.

Life is not so bad after all, I didn't get a ticket, my new phone only costed nine dollars and I have a potential love connection with my favorite type of masculine energy - The Capricorn. Woo Hoo!

I enclosed a picture of Herald the Trucker's Phone after he ran over it with the 18 Wheeler.

Horary Astrology Relocation Chart Says "Go West!!!!"
Posted:Feb 25, 2007 5:42 pm
Last Updated:Aug 25, 2014 1:44 am
In October, I took a Blind Faith Move by relocation to follow a Love Connection with a Texas Trucker. That Romance went South - So Now I am getting ready to make another Blind Faith Move. Of Course, I usually consult the Stars which usually confirm what I instinctive know already.

The Work Connection turned out quite nicely because I was able to find employment within a few weeks after landing in Texas. This is an unheard of event in West Virginia with it
abundance of minimal wage jobs from hell.

The job is going well even if the love life sucks swamp water. Alas! No Hiking Trails or
Forest land and I really need my time in Nature. Maybe eventually I will find love and nature in Texas, Maybe Not - Thus I asked the

Thus the Chart I cast:
Will I Stay In Texas or Return To West Virginia or Move Someplace Else?
January 23, 2007
Forney, TX
05:18:51 PM CST
096W28'18 32N44'53

Ascendant is 28 degrees Cancer
Planetary Hour - Moon

The Cancer Ascendant tells me that the Focus is on Issues of Home. The Planetary Hour is the Moon which is the Natural Ruler of Cancer. The Moon is in the Ninth HOuse of Travel.

These are indications that the Chart has an important message.

The Aries Moon in the Ninth House of
Travel. The Pioneering Sign of Aries is a Cardinal Sign (New Beginnings). This is an indication of moving on. Maybe not a return to West Virginia but definitely moving beyond Texas.

I consulted the Writings of William Lilly who is the Great Father of Horary Astrology.

on pg. 210 in his Books 1
& 2 on the 9th house states: "Do you herein consider in what quarter
of the Figure (chart) the fortunate Planets are posited, and where
most fortified, you may safely direct the querent to travel, sojourn
or direct his voyage to those parts, as if the fortunate Planet
promising happiness unto him be in the East Quadrant, then direct him
Eastward, if in the South Quarter, dissuade from traveling
or journeying to those parts where the Infortunes are."

So, looking
at the chart the fortunate planets are located in the WEST so which indicates that it is better to travel WEST.

Avoid the south node, which in this chart is on the cusp of the 3rd house or, eastward. 'Planets in the eighth portends or signifies little
gain, or small success in the country the traveler is going unto..."

(Lilly, same para).

Jupiter, the ruler of the 9th, is highly
dignified. I think the answer to the question is No, I will NOT
stay in Texas nor should I return to W. Virginia.

Go West!

In Two Weeks, I am going to have it all. The Love Connection - The Business Connection (My Own not just working for someone Else) and the Hiking Trails.

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