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un·a·pol·o·get·ically STAR!!!

Life on Life's TErms

A Different Kind of Goddess
Posted:Feb 25, 2007 12:41 am
Last Updated:Jun 23, 2017 11:31 pm

I woke up at 4 in the morning which is not unusual for me - That is actually sleeping in. so I got on-line for awhile before beebopping off to work.

I had an interesting conversation with my lawyer buddy in West Virginia. It had to be 4 am where he is at.

He told me that he felt troubled about his nurse friend
she loves him so but he cant love her back

"why not" I asked him and compared the situation with my ex-love connection.

He replied " i honestly must say i do not like her breasts."

It seems so ironic because the Trucker determined that I was not worthy of his love because I have larger breasts and the Lawyer is doing the same thing to his Nurse Friend because hers are smaller.

The Trucker wanted me to keep my breasts covered when we made love and the lawyer says that he
he must have some passion he need brasts with large areolas and big nipples like his mother

I advised the lawyer to find someone that he was attracted to and not lead the nurse on. it's cruel

I told him that " I cried a river over the darn trucker. but built a bridge and got over it

The Lawyer about "My double dd's " they help u be the goddess u r"

I told him that "if I were born with smaller boobs, I would still be a Goddess"

His reply "a lesser goddess but a goddess"

My Reply " no just a different kind of Goddess

I have to go to work Namaste
Dang! That man may be educated compared to my humble two year degree but when it comes to knowing how to treat women, he is just as stupid as the Trucker.

just my not so humble opinion
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A Mercury Retrograde Week At Work
Posted:Feb 21, 2007 9:57 pm
Last Updated:Feb 22, 2007 4:36 pm
Mercury goes into Retrograde - Three times a year and when it does, Miscommunications and Mix-Up are the Mode. A Pisces Mercury Went into Retrograde on Valentine's Day and won't go direct until March 8th.

Mass confusion has certainly been the mode at my place of employment. I work as a Floater which means Two Days out of the Week, I bake Bread and the Next Two Days I make donuts. On the Fifth Day, I do whatever nobody else wants to do.

I was off work on Valentine's Day - hoping to spend a day Geocaching in the Wilds of Texas but it was too darn cold.

On Valentine's Day, the Usual Bread Baker called in sick from Peanut butter Poisoning.
That Day, the Usual Donut Maker who hates baking bread had to Make Donuts and Bake Bread.

There are a few who are speculating that our Usual Bread Lady was acutally afflicted with the Brown Bottle Flu versus Peanut butter Poisoning. That would make perfect sense with a Pisces Mercury Retrograde.

The Next Day, I came into work to make Donuts. Luckily I don't mind baking baking bread.

The Following Day, the boss was baking bread. That was a source of amusement for some of the co-workers. I am grateful that the questions that she asked were the same questions that I asked the week before. It doesn't take long to become a Know It All.

The Boss asked me to Bake Bread the next day instead of my usual laid back "do whatever nobody else wants to do" Day.

That Day, I was doing her job and my job. It only took an hour of overtime which is not a bad deal when you think about it.

Today, was major league chaotic Mercury Retrograde Day

They rearranged the shelves and have products with no places and places where there are not products.

The Oven Repair Man was called because the bread racks were not turning. I advised the boss last week, that when the racks are pushed in too far, they become lodged against the wall and won't turn. The Repair Man kept insisting that the oven wasn't broke, the boss kept insisting that it was. I stood back and watches the scernio with amusement.

The Repair Man finally advised her to call him at 2AM when it's not working, because he can't fix something that's not broken.

Personally, when I make bread at 2am, I would rather make sure that the bread racks are correctly placed on the rack turner.

How I Got My Silver Back - Heh! Heh! Heh!
Posted:Feb 12, 2007 7:02 pm
Last Updated:Feb 21, 2007 9:13 pm
Once Upon A Time - I followed a Love Connection with a Texas Trucker.

Love Went South just soon as I stepped foot in Texas.

So I was all alone in Texas without even a Girlfriend to cry about it with.

We went Silver on another site so that he could fulfill every man's fantasy

Tonight - I called the Support Staff and asked to transfer the Silver from "Our" Profile on the Other Site to my Senior Friend finder Profile.

It's an absolutely Feeling of Empowerment

If The Texas Trucker wants to experience every man's Fantasy - He can use HIS Gold to make the arrangement.

I've Cried A River and Built the Bridge. When I get over that Bridge - There is something exciting and magnificent on the other side.
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Lawyers, Truckers, and Marriage Proposals
Posted:Feb 2, 2007 12:26 pm
Last Updated:Feb 9, 2007 11:30 am
Yesterday, I went to Lunch Date with a 70 Year Old Dallas Lawyer. Gemini Sun, Cancer Rising, Taurus Moon, Venus and Mars in Conjunction in Gemini. A lot of 12th House Planets. How Interesting. If this man wasn't a lawyer, He would be a crook. Gemini's are notorious magpies and talk alot. This works for me because I like to listen alot. More likely than not, I will be dating this lawyer again.

Next Week, I have a tentative date with a Trucker from Terrell, Texas. After my recent heartbreak with a Certain Texas Trucker - I should be allergic to truckers, but what the heck - the Man is buying lunch.

Hey Darlin - Where can we find decent Tex-Mex with awesome Margaritas? Camona's is THE Tex-Mex Place in Terrell Texas but if his agenda includes "Liquar is quicker"

Surprise! Surprise! I only drink VIRGIN Margaritas.

There is no potential whoopee until the third date and if he's a trucker, if maybe a while before he makes the third date.

I am giving up on Love!
I am focusing on the Work Connection.

This Morning I got a Marriage Proposal from a West Virginia Lawyer. He wants me to come back to West Virginia to be his wife. Gee! I uprooted from West Virginia to follow a Love Connection with a
Texas Trucker. I got ceremoniously dumped Ironically, the Texas Trucker doesn't love me because he doesn't like my boobs and the only reason the WV Lawyer was attracted to me was BECAUSE of my double DD's.

My Ego could not take another pounding if I
returned to West Virginia and got ditched for some other dumb reason.

If the West Virginia Lawyer is serious - he can meet me in Las Vegas in April after the Saturn Retrograde and we'll discuss the possibility committing matrimony there.

I will become Mrs. Barrister only if he agree to let me keep my dog.
The WV Lawyer doesn't allow animals in his house. Ferlin the Mutt is the one male in my life who understands the concept of loyalty and love.

I am willing to compromise and get Ferlin his
own bed. He currently shares my bed. There is no way that Ferlin the Mutt will be anything other than a beloved member of my household. He is my best friend and hiking buddy.

Somehow, I don't think I am going to marry anybody right now. I am still disillusioned with Love.
My focus on the work connecti0n, not the the Love Connection. I still want to throw Tomatos at Nana Mouskouri for singing that Propaganda song called she the Power of Love. What a Firetrucking Joke. I might make a really mushy cake and throw it at her instead.

Saturn Retrograde and Life On Life's Terms
Posted:Jan 30, 2007 5:47 pm
Last Updated:Feb 1, 2007 8:18 pm
Saturn is the Sky Teacher and His Lessons are not always easy but eventually they stabilize.

Leo will find themselves a bit down on their luck lately - and people seem a bit less understanding, there are financial challenges and degrees and certificates matter more than charm and humor.

Nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. and everything has to be earned. There is no sympathy for your plight and no
end in sight to this boring period in your life where you seem to be the very last thing on a list of priorities - a fact that makes
you feel powerless and depressed.

Saturn is the big taskmaster of the celestial bodies and when he is in your sign he will discipline you until your life is whipped
back into perfect shape.

The only worse thing than having Saturn in your first house is having Saturn retrograde in your first house, as is the case with Leos almost all of 2006.

Most astrologers will tell you a Saturn retrograde is your big chance for spiritual rebirth but the truth is, it is about as much
fun as being thrown in jail.

Saturn went into retrograde on December 20th 2006 and will go direct on April 20th 2007.

Saturn retrograde brings on that condition called the Dark Night of The Soul. Under this influence you are usually stripped of
everything that you have and everyone that you know. Individuals find themselves isolated and deprived of their usual sources of
monetary or emotional support.

Saturn retrograde is also a very karmic influence. But it's a good time to "Clean Up Your ACT!" Secrets will be revealed during
this period. If you are in debt, it will be time to pay the piper. If you are running away from something it is likely to catch up to
you during this time. Alcoholics get into trouble with the law and sober up.

It is a time to take responsibility. Make life changes such as relocating, going back to school or buying a house. Ironically, many of these big life changes may feel forced upon you before you are ready for them.

Saturn retrograde also signifies the need for
making right the results of a wrong action -

Saturn REtrograde can be described as the "40 Days in the Desert," used by psychologists to describe a spiritual rebirth!

!2 Step Celebrations and the Cake I made
Posted:Jan 30, 2007 3:57 pm
Last Updated:Feb 1, 2007 8:19 pm
The last Sunday of the Month - our group has a Pot Luck and Celebrates the Sobriety Anniversaries for that month. My 29th Anniversary was actually in November but I didn't celebrate it so a few in the group suggested that I take the chip this month. Since I am now in the cake business. I decorated the cake. I told my boss not to worry - my handwriting on the cake matches my handwriting on the cake but the customer won't complain. Namaste!!!!

My Message at the Meeting - I am now working on 30 years of sobriety. It's a lot easier to get 30 years than 30 days but one day at a time.......
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So Where Can He Find A $$$exy Womyn?????
Posted:Jan 26, 2007 4:56 pm
Last Updated:Feb 7, 2007 6:15 pm
Yesterday, the Texas Trucker had a bad day because.....................

He lost his Wallet in New Mexico

He drove into the DOT Chicken Coop in California and required to have a complete inspection. Truckers say that California is the worse state to be inspected.

He got a ticket for messing up his log book

He was stuck in California - out of hours with no
$$$$$ - No Driver's License and No Fuel Card.

We were conversing last night and he was telling me that he really needed a .......... in order to feel all better - but he didn't have the funds to purchase the services.

I would cheerfully wire him the
$$$$$ but he has no Identification to pick it up.

"Find Me A $$$$$$exy woman!" he asked me.

It reminds me of a story a friend told me. She went to a dance with a guy friend and he commented, "There are no good looking women at this dance.

Too bad, the Texas Trucker doesn't classify me as a $$$$$$exy woman because I am too tall, he is not a b00b Man and my A$$ is too fat.

Once Upon A Time, I was employed as an exotic dancer and make good $$$$$$ showing off my hourglass shape to mankind.

Eventually, I will find a Lone Star Hottie who thinks my hourglass shape is just fine.

Meanwhile - Where can the Texas Trucker go to find a $$$$$$exy woman?
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My Standard Response To Mr. "Not Getting Any" At Home
Posted:Jan 26, 2007 7:51 am
Last Updated:Nov 5, 2011 4:24 pm
Attached Profile
MARRIED, but "not getting any" at home

Dear Star:
I read your profile and like your .......... Would you like to meet for drinks and more?
Sincerely Mr. "Not Getting Any" at home

Dear Mr. "Not Getting Any" At Home
I generally don't play with married men without the consent AND participation of the wife. If she is game, we can meet for coffee (I don't drink because I am an alkie) and if the chemistry is right - she and I will......... and you are welcome to watch.


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Astrocartography, Broken Hearts and Texas
Posted:Jan 21, 2007 7:37 pm
Last Updated:Jan 22, 2007 11:07 pm
Last year, I casted a relocation chart and it indicated that Texas was the place to be. Texas places me between the Mars and Venus Line. Mars is good for work and Venus is good for love. I found a job within three weeks after arriving in Texas. This is an unheard of phemonina in West Virginia. Work is going well but my love life sucks swampwater.

Why does a Texas Trucker who is attracted to short, petite blonde women court a woman with opposite qualities? He brings her half way across the country and starts complaining about those opposite qualities.

Right now, I feel totally invalidated as a woman and I am alone in Texas without even a close girlfriend that I can cry about it to. Thus I blog about it instead.

Work is my saving grace but my employer won't let me work 70 hours a week. Friday was a day off. I cried all day Friday. I am off Sunday which is today, I slept all day.

Once Upon A Time, I was an exotic dancer and made good money showing off my hour glass shape. Granted my politically incorrect curves have expanded a bit over the years but Short, Blonde and Petite is not the only kind of Beauty.

Eventually, I will get through crying this river. I will build a bridge and get over it. Will I find Love on the other side of that bridge.

According to the AstroCartography Chart I will.

Action - Blind Faith, Big A$$es And Donuts
Posted:Jan 18, 2007 9:10 pm
Last Updated:Apr 17, 2012 5:30 pm
Action is stepping out in Blind Faith - I stepped out in Blind Faith in a move to Texas with the belief that I was worthy of being loved.

Gene doesn't love me BECAUSE.......... I am too tall -
he doesn't like my saggy b00bs AND
My A$$ is too fat.

There is not a whole lot I can do about my height but I did buy those high heeled booted so I can be even taller.

If financial realities permitted, I would definately pay for a b00b reduction or at least have them surgically uplifted but what the heck.

I give thanks to the Creator because he has made it easy to change the one thing that CAN be changed. My Ample Tattooed A$$ has gone down three sizes so far because of my job at the bakery

AND the next man that leads me on and dumps me because he fails to recognize my value can eat a dozen not so calorie free donuts that I will make just for him.


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