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un·a·pol·o·get·ically STAR!!!

Life on Life's TErms

Star Is Going Into Politics for the CHICKENS
Posted:Jun 16, 2013 3:42 pm
Last Updated:Sep 16, 2013 8:58 pm
I ran for City Counsil and lost. Alas! It's not the end. Hillary didn't win the first time either. I plan to attend the Council meetings and be a thorn in the new Mayor's backside or perhaps his best supportive allay..

I love the First Amendment . The fact that the Goverment doesn't get to dictate my Spiritual Path is awesome. I have mixed feelings about the Second Amendment. Guns are not my favorite items. There are folks who are more gun savvy than I am. Let them deal with them.

The REAL Issue that makes my heart go pitter patter is Chickens. Contrary to what some folks think. Californinians are not all a bunch of citified yuppies. I came to age in the California Desert. My grandparents raised Chickens. I loved those early morning cock-a-doodle-doos.

So Why are the local Dignitarys so opposed to Chickens within the City Limits. Times are hard. Chickens can be an economical solution. They produce eggs which is an inexpensive source of protein. Some folks may even eat the Chickens themselves. Ugh!!!! Chickens make fertilizer which helps the Garden to grow. This is a much better alternative to eating the chickens. The Chickens will also eat the left over food that doesn't go into a compose pile.

I say that some of these folks who don't like Chickens and call themselves Democrates are Dinosaur DINO's. DINO equals Democrats in name only.

They parade around in a huff and blame Obama for the troubled economy yet refuse to LOVE THE CHICKEN. Fie, Fie and Fie Again.

The Third World Nation Haiti is embracing the Chickens as a way to recovery from impoverished conditions, and natural disasters. The Educated Citizens of Ronceverte should appreciate the Wisdom of the Haitian People. Love the Chicken and Love Prosperity
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Planetary Hour 8 K Run
Posted:Jun 7, 2013 11:35 am
Last Updated:May 27, 2024 9:25 pm

I am taking a Horary Astrology Course and the current lesson is Planetary Hours. Each Day has a Ruling Planet which starts at Sun Rise. My Plan was to run to the River and take a picture of the Sunrise when the Planetary Hour Begins.

Thursday is Jupiter - I got up at 5 am and put on my Running Attire. It is usually about a 30 Minute run to the River from my Home. It was raining on Thursday. It's about 5K.

However my 5K RUN turned into an 8K RUN. I Decided to take an alternative route. The Alternative Route is Downtown Ronceverte across the railroad tracks, across the park to the river.

I had on my T-Shirt from the Color Run in Atlanta. The rain started pouring on me. The Hair Coloring started running and now that shirt is permanently stained. Still, Color on a Color Run Shirt is appropriate.

There were trains in the way when I got to the Station. One train started to move but there was another one beside it. I was Downtown when the Planetary Hour of Jupiter Started. 6:03 AM. I ran to the River but by the time I got there, my cell phone aka Camera was wet. It wouldn't take pictures so I ran home laughing in the rain.

This Morning, I got in the CAR and DROVE to the River during the Planetary Hour of Venus.
The Stars and Fortunes - I miss that Grouchy Old Man
Posted:May 29, 2013 3:27 pm
Last Updated:Feb 1, 2014 7:36 pm

For whatever Reason - I have to look through the eyes of my Blackfeet Grandmother in order to Understand what My European Grandfather is trying to say.

The Stars are the Medicine Wheel of the Great Spirit creating a Circle around the Tree of Life.

The Lights and Sky Teachers are the Moving Force of History as are Providence, Fortune, and Human Character.

The Twelve Medicines (the Zodiac) along with the Sky Teachers (planets) show the gifts we are capable of acquiring and the weaknesses that we must overcome in order to become one of the Creator.

I was very lonely and isolated as a youngster. I sought answers though Christianity.

Astrology knocked on my door and I fell in Love. Some Christians said, 'This is a sin, you can't do this." I realize now that this was called "Control through Ignorance." Eventually I had to abandon Christianity and Follow the Path that I was meant to Go. This is my heritage and my talent. This is my calling.

If Christianity says, "I have to hold a sign that says "God Hates Fags" in order to be one of them. FiretrUCK them!!!!! They are an embarrassment to Christians who practice Christianity the way it should practice.

They have nothing to do with Queen Elizabeth, her Era and MY HERO - Wild Billy Lilly!!!! Yea Haw!!!!! Free at Last Free at Last!!!!

Galileo Quotes" I love the Stars too Fondly to Ever Fear the Night!!!! FiretrUCK the inquisitors who placed him on house arrest for having the audacity to say "The Earth Circles the Light!!!" Galileo's West Virginia Howdy to those Chosen Frozen Ignoramus Naves - His Middle Finger in a Glass someplace in Italy.

There many paths in Astrology, Traditional and Modern. I opt for the Traditional. If it works - don't fix it - Both Games are played with Zest. Keep it Simple Stupid is my mode. Tradition! Tradition! Tradition!!!!

It is easy to blame God for all the Havoc that the Stars rack upon Humankind. Man frequently does it to himself because of his own self will run riot agenda. God does not work outside the laws of nature. God will untangle the Havoc that we create with the help of Nature and transform it for the Highest Good for All. We don't see the whole picture. What looks bad on the Earth Walk can be transforming into Good into the SpiritWorld.

Venus and Mars in Conjunction in Virgo - Ouch!!!! Grandfather Creator- Can't you find a better place for those Planets. Venus definitely don't like Virgo. Put her in Taurus. Oh La La! Love and Money. Oh What Fun! Mother Gaia - Can't we just move Mars over to SCORPIO for an abundance of Multiple Oh My's!!!! Woe is Me! The lesson I must learn before moving on is to LOVE the difficult Man!!!! Grumpy Old Saturn!!!! If I cast a Horary Chart when the timing is right - HOPE!!!!!

Grumpy Old Saturn is now in the Spirit World. I love him and miss him so much!!!!

We have the Seasons - Winter can be too Cold - Summer can be too Hot. Still, there is beauty in Winter and Summer holds the promise of the Harvest. So why should be behoove the Stars of their working power. The lessons they bring can be a Joy or a Challenge but they ultimately work for the Highest Good of the Cosmos.

We can not comprehend all that is in the Cosmos anymore than the Grass under our feet can comprehend us. That doesn't make it any less real.

The Stars say what they say. The Creator is like the King, He does is bond to follow the Law of the Land. The President who does his job follows the Constitution to respect the Right of All despite his personal beliefs or the belief of those who would opt to bribe him to enforce their wishes. Break the Law, Violate the Constitution, Consequences Follow. It's not God's Fault, It's not the King's fault and it's certainly not the President's Fault. Mother Gaia will cry but she cannot shield us from the Law of Cause of Effect. She will pick us up, Embrace, Love, comfort and eventually heal us.

Jack Cade - King Lear - Edmond, the accomplished Villain, Satire, and Prison Packs of Great Ones that Ebb and Flow by the Moon!!!! Yada Yada Shore!!!!
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The Chain of Being - God Speed Mr. Grumpy
Posted:May 27, 2013 6:52 pm
Last Updated:Feb 1, 2014 7:30 pm

I have to look through the eyes of my Native American Grandmothers in order to understand the message my European Grandfathers were trying to convey.
If you compare Native American Spirituality to Early European Spirituality - There are similarity.
White Society said we were savages. They never tried to understand, We sing our praises to the Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon, They said we were worshipping Idols and condemned us as lost souls.
Do You know that Trees Talk to each other and they can even talk to you. Hug the Tree and it will have a message for you. White people don't know how to listen to the voices of nature. The Great Spirit gives message through the trees, animals, the wind, and the rain. Even the Rocks have messages.
You think you are so different - You might be surprise as to how much alike we really are. Hence - The Elizabeth World Picture - The Chain of Being!
All Beings are on a Ladder. There are those Above and Below. There are Chiefs, Kings and Bosses but even the Chief, Kings and Bosses have Chief, Kings and Bosses.
The Nobles Creatures need the vil'st on ground -
The Vil'st are served by the Honored Most
The Flawed Crystal may be a pretty thing in the Abode of Man. Unbeknownst to the Man in the Household, that Crystal is Chief among the broken pearls which enables the Goddess to mend the broken heart of the Woman who cries for to the Creator for comfort because the man is no longer there. Black Stones, Amber Beads, Mother of Pearl, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Pumpkins.
As They in Union have their Residence.
Milton speaks of Adam and Eve as he tell the story the Abundance of Angels.
Spiritual Creatures Angel or Otherwise in different realms walk the Earth Walk guiding us as we do the work of the Creator.
Hail to the Tempest/A Midnight Summer's Dream and the Opera that Blends the Two. "The Heart that Loves can always be broken, The Heart that Loves Will Always Be Broken.
Still, THE CHAIN OF BEING will work together to bring HEALING which Delights as much in Mysteries while Nature and all of Creation do the DANCE!!!!!
Saving Brother Grumpy and the Lion
Posted:May 14, 2013 7:24 pm
Last Updated:May 17, 2013 7:25 pm

Rage Rage Against the Dying of the Light is definately Grumpy's Motto.

I never considered our marriage a failure despite divorce and a few stupid relationship (his and mine) between us reuniting.

I realize now the meaning of "What God has joined together let no man put asunder" We met Christmas of 1990 and I immediately knew.

Now he is in a Hospital Bed in the living room with Hospice. His Sister flew in from Colorado. She is a Jehovah Witness. Talk about a difference in Spiritual Concepts.

"Do Not Go Gently into That Good Night!!!"

He was crying out, "Save Me, Save Me, I need Saving!"

I woke up the Sister telling her, "Your Brother is telling me that he needs Salvation. I think this is your area."

She was able to find all the right verses from the Bible. I always find the scary parts and can't bring myself to read them to a dying person.

She talked about the Lion and the Lamb. "Is the Lion in the living room now?" "It's a Vegetarian Lion who purrs like a Kitty Cat" she told him. "Yeah like Clarence the Cross Eyed Lion, except he won't be cross eyed on the other side" I pipped in. Or maybe like Merlin - a Huge very much loved cat in our family.

1 comment
Rage Rage Against the Dying of the Light!!!!
Posted:May 6, 2013 9:02 pm
Last Updated:May 17, 2017 10:34 pm
Grumpy and I met Christmas of 1990 at a Parents without Partners Dinner. My thought was "Oh My God, There's Trouble!" My car was not working so he gave me a ride home. The next day, he fixed my car.

We were an excellent team in Parents Without Partners. Directors of Family Activities (him) and Director of Programs and Education (Me) at the Chapter and Regional Levels.

Eventually, we were booted out of Parents Without Partners for Committing Matrimony. I took him on a ride that he never imagined that he would be on. I turned him into a Nudist.

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12 Steps and Astrology. Sixth House and Tenth House
Posted:Apr 25, 2013 8:10 pm
Last Updated:Apr 26, 2013 9:19 pm
Three Pertaining ideas. A-Powerless Over Junk Food and that azzzzzzzzzz is unmanagable B-No Human Power can remove the addiction - C - That God Could and Would if Sought.

The Whole Purpose of the Steps to remove the obstacles that interfer with a working relationship with God.

It appears that I am now the owner of a home in West Virginia. The Question is "How can I maintain this home on Wal-Mart Wages. West Virginia has an abundance of minimal wage jobs from Hades thus the prospect of finding anything better is a challenge.

Hence, I need help from my Higher Power. I am currently working on a Sixth House Inventory aka FOURTH STEP - made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

The Sixth House in Astrology is the JOB - I've had horrible experiences with the Job Market in West Virginia. The Inventory is to see where my screw-ups are.

The Tenth House in Astrology is Business - This is where I want to go.


I know that if I work the Steps on these issues - the doors will open up.

Lentils, peppers amd Tofu in Safflower Oil.
The Thirteenth Step and Fat Azzzzzzzezzzzz!!!!!
Posted:Apr 24, 2013 7:53 pm
Last Updated:Apr 27, 2013 8:03 pm
Step One - I am powerless over JUNK FOOD and my AZZZZZZZZZZZ has become unmanagable.


Grandfather Creator, Mother Gaia - Hear My Plea - Make it the Size I wish to be - the Size it's Way too Big! Lucky Thirteen is Right for Me!!!

Dinner and LUNCH for tommorrow. Chick Peas. Green Peas, Spainach,Quinoa, Tofu - Spiced with Curry, Garlic, Ginger, Paprika with Peanut Butter. I am drinking Diet Tonic Water. For Desert - A Plain Blueberry Waffle

I have been Cooking for Grumpy since I've come back to West Virginia. It appear he is going to
K A N S A S.

The House is mine to do as I wish - No More Pork Chops in this House. Yea Haw!!!!!

Seriously, I am not really that concerned about the size of my azzzzzz. Big or Small, It won't bring me
It is the Addictive Behavior that concerns me. It seperates me from my relationship with My Higher Power and THAT is what is unacceptable.

Oh Those Sacred Twelve Steps
Posted:Apr 21, 2013 10:01 pm
Last Updated:Apr 24, 2013 7:35 pm
How Ironic! A woman does a Blog on Alcoholism - One member makes it all about him and another man expresses the fact that "he became convinced early on that AA dogma was a load of crypto-Christian hogwash, and never did any of the stuff he was supposed to do to stay sober."

I do an unrelated post of Chocolate and he quotes "I love 12 Step meetings! I get a kick out of telling them I have been sober for 32 years without 'working' a single one of the Sacred Steps."

I was at a crossroads in my life where I didn't have a life and would never have a chance of getting a life without making some serious changes. The 12 Step Community became more than just not drinking - It's a Life Style Choice.

I have been mocked by family members for choosing recovery.

I suspect their motivation was to exert what they perceived as a superior status. They are welcome to that perception. I walk the path that is best for me and I don't have to justify it.

So what motivates this SSF member who thinks the Twelve Steps are a bunch of X-ianity Nonsense. I suppose he has a constitutional right to his opinion which is like an azzzzzzzzzzzz everyone has got one.

Politically, I am a Liberal. Spiritually I am a Deist Spiritually, I can respect a person's constitutional guarantee to Religious Freedom.

I am very happy to be a member of the "Sacred" Twelve Step Community. Indeed, I have worked all of them including the THIRTEENTH.

Too Much Chocolate Back in West Forgetten By Santa Virginia
Posted:Apr 14, 2013 12:29 pm
Last Updated:Apr 21, 2013 9:21 pm
My plan was to get off the plane, run a 10K and go to the Chocolate Festival afterwards. I opted to go to a 12 Step Meeting and go to the chocolate festival instead. The Chocolate Festival was a big mistake.

I love Chocolate but hate the consequences of too much chocolate.

Ugh! I would have been better off running the 10K and eating popcorn at Lewis Theatre like I did last year.

Cry A River, Build A Bridge, Get Over It.

I slept off the Chocolate Fog, woke up this morning, got dressed and went to work. I soon discovered that I am not scheduled to work until tomorrow.

Boo Hoo! I can deal with it.

West Virginia has finally figured out that it's Spring. Yeah!

Retail Therapy, A Latte without Chocolate and A Little Bit of Geocaching on the Horizon for me.


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