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Life on Life's TErms

Day One - Adventure on the Greenbrier River Trail Bike Trek
Posted:May 20, 2012 12:10 pm
Last Updated:May 22, 2012 8:13 pm

I certainly learned to appreciate the Mile Markers which start at 80 in Pocahontas County, West Virginia and end at 1 in Greenbrier County West Virginia.

Day One - I made the first section of the Trek. I fell into the patch of poison ivy. Usually the first word that comes out of my mouth in situations like that is the "F" Word.

Some folks do something called LeapFrogging on the Trail. They ride the bike for a section of the trek and climb into the "wussmobile" for the next section.

When I reached the Rest Stop - it was strongly suggested that I take the WussMobile.

The Driver was a Lawyer from Clarksville who had special permission to drive on the trail. It was an awesome way to see the trail. LOL!

When I got off to get back on the bike, my hamstrings started immediately cramping so it was back into to the WussMobile I went.

When we made it back to the Motel, I was in major league pain. Dang! I thought - I will NEVER make it back on that trail. I took some Leg Cramp Medication, climbed in the Jacuzzi, and went to bed early.

I did much better on the trail the next day.
Air for Destiny - Blue for Gentle Ben
Posted:May 10, 2012 4:34 pm
Last Updated:May 12, 2012 8:00 am

They are both in the SpiritWorld

This was taken at St. James Espicopal Church this afternoon after the 12 Step Meeting.
North Shield Dreamcatcher, Prayer Ties and Storming Blue
Posted:May 8, 2012 6:50 pm
Last Updated:May 10, 2012 4:27 pm

I thought it would be awesome to do a North Shield Dreamcatcher against a Blue Skyline. Yesterday, I drove to the Rema Christian Center which regardless of Spiritual Beliefs is a very magickal place.

The Skies were not Blue, they were Gray and filled with Storming Energy. So I held the Dreamcatcher out against the Wind. The Prayer Ties Flew Off. Perhaps that is what there were meant to do.

The North Shield represents the Elders. Gentle Ben aka Mike via Photo Friday was certainly an Elder who shared so much Wisdom to the SFF Community. He brought together a diverse group of folks with a common interest. He is missed already.

The experience of photography of the North Shield in the Storm brought to mind the Song, God needs another Angel to help pour out the rain.
Foto Friday - Just A Hint of Blue
Posted:May 4, 2012 8:14 am
Last Updated:May 6, 2012 5:38 pm

This is the East Shield Dreamcatcher which represents the Intellectual Energy and Air.
Prayer Ties For Destiny
Posted:May 2, 2012 6:43 pm
Last Updated:May 4, 2012 8:41 am
It seem ironic that in a few weeks I will be doing a One Hundred Mile Bike Trek for the American Lung Association a few weeks after Destiny "crossed over" due to COPD.

The Mission of the American Lung Association is to improve lung health and prevent Lung Disease.

I have made Prayer Ties for all the folks that make donations to the Cause. These Prayer Ties are filled with Northwest Flat Cedar. Prayer Ties are frequently made with Tobacco.

A few years back, I was a careprovider for a lady in Hospice who also had COPD. She died so I converted all the Tobacco from her cigarettes into Prayer Ties. They were incorporated into the Ceremony for her Wake.

I will be carrying the Prayer Ties with me on the Bike Trek in Honor of Destiny. She was a Light on the Porch and in the Blogs.
Foto Friday - X is for Politically Incorrect X-ianity Chocolates
Posted:Apr 27, 2012 6:28 pm
Last Updated:May 4, 2012 8:07 am
I sent my Adult Sons Baskets AFTER Easter to take advantage of the After the Holiday Sales. There were PEEPS for Ten Cents a box. I remember a time when they cost that much even before the AFTER the Holiday Sale.

I traded days with another Cashier because she REALLY wanted that Holiday off. I was told by a customer that I was disrespectful of X-ianity because I opted to work that day.


The last of the Candy was the X-ianity Chocolates. I bought three of them at Seventy Percent Off. I gave one to my ex-husband, one to my younger and the third one to my 's friend. I call him my unofficial black .

He took one look at the Candy and started singing "Halaluja! I am inspired. My younger took one look at it and gave his to my ex-husband who ate both of them

There is a common misconception that the word Xmas is a secular attempt to remove the religious tradition from Christmas by taking the "Christ" out of "Christmas".

Xmas" is a common abbreviation of the word "Christmas". It is sometimes pronounced /ˈɛksməs/, but it, and variants such as "Xtemass", originated as handwriting abbreviations for the typical pronunciation /ˈkrɪsməs/. The "-mas" part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for "Mass", while the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as "Christ".
per gOOgle Research

Nevertheless, I Don't have Christian Beliefs. A Belief is something that is accepted as fact without proof. The Christians might be right but on the other hand so might the atheists. Nobody really knows for sure until they get onto the other side.

I must have Heretic written all over me. The Next time a customer hands me one of those religious tracts, I am going to be very tempted to say something that might get me fired. I usually just thank them and throw it in the trash when they leave.

Today, I simply handed it back to the lady and told her that I didn't have those beliefs. Her response, "That is just the Devil telling you lies!" My Response "Actually My People are Jewish!" In reality, there are Jews in my family but there are also FiretrUCKed Up Catholics which is enough to drive anyone into Atheism.

The Devil doesn't tell me how to think and neither do Crazy Preachers ranting on the pulpit.
Her Response, "Jesus was a Jew and I have your Messiah Ha Ha Ha!"

Dang! I wish I wasn't on the Clock. I would tell her a thing or two. If she wants to claim a Jewish Messiah, she ought to learn the correct pronounciation of his name. There is no Letter J in the Hebrew Alphabet. In fact the Letter J is only 400 years old. His proper name would be Yeshua.

Fota Friday - Flowers and Multiple "Oh My's!"
Posted:Apr 20, 2012 7:01 pm
Last Updated:Jul 14, 2017 10:10 pm
It is Dubious the Wise Woman who quoted, "Life is like a World Without Flowers!" So.............. If I go into a men's prison with a handful of Pardons, Will they give me Flowers. Perhaps I can talk them into making me Jewelry instead.

The 10K Run & A Day Without Chocolate
Posted:Apr 14, 2012 4:47 pm
Last Updated:Apr 20, 2012 7:02 pm

This Morning was the Hospice Care 10K Chocolate Chase
with a Chocolate Festival Afterwards.

I registered for the Run but I was too late to buy tickets for the Chocolate Festival. I haven't run a 10K since College but in many ways it was a much easier run than the Celtic Knot 5K Run that I did last month.

I decided not to stress out about the timing and Start the Jeff Galloway Training Schedule afterwards. This is a Walk/Run Combination.

It's a good thing because I observed that most of the runners were youngsters from the local Osteopathic College.

We were running across 219 and I observed a very flatten dead possium in the road. I jokingly told the officer directing the traffic. - "This is what I am going to look after finishing this run. Shortly afterwards, I fell on my azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

The advantage of having a well padded azzzzzzzzzz is that when I fall on it, all I have to do is get back up again.

I am not sure if it was comforting or humiliating to have an ambulance following close behind us. I found it humorous.

I was running/walking with a young woman who talked about her weight loss journey and the set backs. I shared my own experiences. I thought it was great that the young woman was not concerned about timing, she was there for her own goals.

It is better to have set backs, keep trying and making progress versus giving up.

She expected to finish the run in two hours. We both made it in far less time than that.

We finally made it to the finish line. I couldn't buy chocolate so I went to the Free Show - Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I bought a tub of unbuttered popcorn with a Latte instead.

Next Month is the Greenbrier River Trail Bike Trek for the American Lung Association. This is a Hundred Mile Trek that will take Three Days. It should be fun. I am definately packing chocolate on that trip.
1 comment
The Bucket List!
Posted:Apr 12, 2012 8:01 pm
Last Updated:Apr 16, 2012 6:06 pm

The Bucket List is a film starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The main plot follows two terminally ill men (portrayed by Nicholson and Freeman) on their road trip with a wish list of things to do before they "kick the bucket." per gOOgle Research

Although I am not terminally ill - I have my own "Bucket List" things I want to do before I head into the SpiritWorld.

I've jumped out of perfectly good airplanes, climbed around in caves but decided that running a marathon may be too ambitious at this stage of my life but I'm not ruling out a Half Marathon.

This weekend, I am doing a 10K Run despite the spurs on my feet.

One of the things that has been on my Bucket List for quite a while is to bicycle the entire Greenbrier Valley Trial which is about one hundred miles.

I was delighted to find such an event happening in May with the American Lung Society. It's a three day trip. These events always support good causes. It's 32 miles on day one. 44 Miles on Day Two and 22 Miles on Day Three.

I want to do it because I want to do it.

Amelia Earhart
So what is on YOUR BUCKET List????
Fota Friday - Blue
Posted:Mar 22, 2012 7:11 pm
Last Updated:Apr 6, 2012 9:14 am
I lived in the Blue Ridge Mountains Now I live in the Appalachian Mountains.

St. Patrick's Day is the Celebration of
but we certainly saw lots of
B L U E during The Celtic Knot 5K Run!!!!!

OPPS! Wrong Photo. Oh Well! I am NOT going to change it. It's my Three Goddess Dreamcatcher. White for the New Moon,
Red for the Full Moon, Black for the New Moon. It's sitting on
B L U Ewaiting for a



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