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Life on Life's TErms

Ding Dong, The Wicked Hoe is Dead!
Posted:Apr 13, 2011 2:31 pm
Last Updated:Apr 29, 2021 3:39 pm
God Forgive me for the Shadows in my Soul.
It is not NICE to think ill of the dead. Bless Her Heart. Her death should make me think more kindly of her.
Yeah Right! Only with God's help.

If only I had the ability to see her though God's Eye. It might be different. I can only see her though the Eyes of the pain that she is responsible for bringing into my life.

Only God can heal that pain!!!!!

This is the woman that Joe brought into the House and introduced as my replacement. He flaunted her right in front of my face. I was not very nice to her. The fact that she died is not surprising. She was a practicing alcoholic with MS.

I loved Joe but she needed him more. I suspect that Joe won't be spending a whole lot of time being the grieving widower. A whole bunch of women will be standing at his doorstep to eagerly give him consolation nookie.

She died at at the University of Virginia Hospital on March 19th. Ironically this is the same day I was in Virginia Beach with my and we ran the Shamrock 8K.

Ironically, running has been the means that I've been using for healing. I can't fix my unlucky in love status so I just keep running.

It is my belief that the Creator's Plan is for all of us to progress. Perhaps in another lifetime, I operated under the same kind of values that she did. . The pain of betrayal has changed those values. That's Progess and the Creator's plan.

It is my belief that Healing can actually occur through DEATH! It is not that tragedy as we preceive it in God's Eyes. So is the Bimbo still a Bimbo in the SpiritWorld? The Creator's Plan is for all to progress. Forgive us our Trespasses as We Forgive those who trespass against us.
The Seventy Five Minute Ten K Dilemma
Posted:Apr 12, 2011 3:56 pm
Last Updated:May 30, 2011 3:23 pm
I started running in search for Inner Healing.

I remember when my Marriage went Terminus, all I wanted to do is crawl into a Cave with the Cricket and the Bats. I connected with a Caving Guru and we spent six hours inside of Schneider's Cave.

Since the demise of my marriage, I've had two relationships that ended badly. The loss of these two schmucks is no big deal. The deal is "Why did I invest so much time and energy into a losing venture?"

Cry A River, Build A Bridge, Get Over It.
God Grant Me the Serenity to
Accept the Things I cannot Change
Courage to Change the Things I can
and Wisdom to know the Difference

I don't want any more broken marriage, no more broken relationships and no more broken hearts and no more schmucks. God has granted me the Wisdom to know that

Thus I am focusing on another direction. The past Two Years, My Entire Life has been WORK with minimal Social Life and NO LOVE LIFE!!!

I would rather have No Love Life than waste energy with a Schmuck.

There are not a whole lot of caves in Virginia so I am running instead with the goal of making 15 Minutes a Mile.

On New Year's I ran a 5K in 51 Minutes.
51 divided into 3.106 = 16.42 per minutes per mile.

Last month on St. Patrick's Day Weekend, I met my in Virginia Beach and we ran an 8K.

I drove 200 miles, didn't eat that day, slept a few hours, utilized a 3 Hour Energy Drink that morning and ran the Event in One Hour and 22 Minutes

60 plus 28 = 88 Minutes Divided into 4.97 equals 17.70 minutesper mile.

I just signed up a run a 10K on May 7th. After paying the registration Fee, I read that runners are required to Finish the race in under 75 Minutes.

Gadzooks! 10 K is 6.21. 75 Minutes divided by 6.21 is 12.077 per Mile.
I am no near close to my goal of 15 Minutes per mile and they want me to do it in 12.07 Minutes per Mile.

So............ Should I wuss out and ask to be placed in a 5K or risk ticking them off when I run it in over 75 Minutes.

On a Happier Note! My work hours have changed to the point where I can actually have a Social Life. I joined a Training Group with the intent to run a Marathon in Washington D.C. on October the 30th. My Social Life will improve. I am not worried about the Love Life. God will fix it only if God wants to fix it. I am not asking God for anything. He does what he want to regardless.

Life on Life's Terms

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Run For Their Lives 10K versus Monticello 10K
Posted:Apr 8, 2011 9:09 am
Last Updated:Apr 10, 2011 5:18 pm
It's enough to tick off the Good Humor Man but Hey! Life on Life's Terms!

I signed for a Local 10K.

Run For Their Lives is a 10K race, 5k run/walk and Youth Run that aims to place the spotlight on sexual slavery worldwide but specifically in Southeast Asia.

Poverty in Thailand has forced hundreds of thousands of women into sexual slavery and . It is estimated that two are sold into slavery every minute.

So.............. Immediately AFTER I Registered for the Run For Their Lives 10K. I found a 5K on the same day.

Join us for an exhilarating 5K race from the base of the Saunders-MONTICELLO Trail
to the top of Montalto. This unique and spectacular venue offers thrilling views of Monticello, Charlottesville, and the Blue Ridge Mountains.

All proceeds will go to support the stewardship of the Saunders-Monticello Trail by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, a nonprofit organization. All proceeds go the Monticello Fund which supports the maintenance of Saunders-Monticello Trail.

Oh Well! Life on Life's Term. Run for Their Lives is a very important cause. 10K is more of a challenge versue Five k

On a really happy Note! I found a Training group with plans to run a half Marathon and if I am REALLY Brave a Marathon in Washington D.C. in October. Yeah Ha! I'll be running with the Marines.

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Photo Friday - The FOOL is Royalty in Another Realm
Posted:Apr 1, 2011 8:17 am
Last Updated:Apr 4, 2011 10:18 am
We all Deal with the Consequences of our choices.

I have been unlucky in Love most of my life. Choices that I should have made I didn't and Choices that I shouldn't have make I did. LIFE ON LIFE TERMS!!!!!

When my last relationship ended, I place the Death Card over the Lover's Card. The End of the Romance. It occurred to me that I should add one more card to the reading.

The Fool
How Often have I been the Fool?

As a card, the Fool ultimately stands for a new beginning often involving a literal move to a new home or job. The querent might be starting to date again, or trying out some new activity. There's more than just change here, there is renewal, movement, and the energy of a fresh start.

Back at zero, whether that be in romantic affairs, or career, work or intellectual pursuits. Far from being sad or frustrated by having to start over, however, the querent feels remarkably *free*, light hearted and refreshed, as if being given a second chance.

In addition, they likely have no idea where they're going or what they're going to do. But that doesn't matter. For the Fool, the most important thing is to just go out and enjoy the world. To see what there is to see and delight in all of it.

Unfortunately, this childlike state can make one overly optimistic or naive. A Fool can be a Fool. That business opportunity might not be so surefire or amazing as it seems, and that new lover might not be so flawless.

Like the Fool, you might be so busy sightseeing and imagining the possibilities that you completely miss the fact that you're about to go right off a cliff! The card advises that one listen to that watchful little dog, which might be a concerned friend, a wise tarot reader, someone harassing you from the sidelines, or just your instincts. However exciting new beginnings may be, you still have to watch your step.

Per gOOgle Research!!!!!!
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Fota Friday -
Posted:Mar 25, 2011 7:53 am
Last Updated:Mar 27, 2011 1:46 pm
This collection of shells and the tiny bottle of sand were collect along MoonStone Beach in California. I usully keep them in a check box. I will caress the stone when I want the memories of the Pacific Ocean.

This weekend, I made new Memories. Running along the Atlantic Ocean.

Relationship Advise From a Conservative - Thanks- Maniac005
Posted:Mar 22, 2011 7:45 am
Last Updated:Jun 27, 2017 3:41 pm

[post 134465]

I am Liberal - My heart has been broken thus I suspect it does bleed on occasion. The Primary Purpose of the Heart is to pump blood thus even a Conservative has a bleeding heart.

I am Pro-Choice and a former Welfare Worker. I DID NOT include my former exotic dancing job on my resume when I applied to work for Social Services.

It was my observation that the ones who DON'T control their numbers are the ones who expect hand-outs and a dismal lifestyle for their youngsters.

The Joy of Politics........ Yada Yada Yada

Still this was the advise from Maniac005 who describing Liberal Women Quotes

"Most of the are lonely old women.
Most of them do not have a mate at their sides and likely never will again.

Dang! I have been approaching the quest for LOVE incorrectly.
Freyja the Mutt and I spent all Winter running in Snow, Rain and Ice Storms with the Goal of running a mile in 15 Minutes.

Actually - 15 Minutes Times 3.1 or 15 Minutes Times 6.2

When I achieve this goal, I will be deemed worthy of Love.

So This Weekend - I ran 4.97 miles in an Average of 16.5 Minutes. I stopped for a pottie Break and stopped to take a picture of the Finish Line. It was magnificent.
AND when Freyja the Mutt and I do our Morning Routine. Freyja needs HER pottie breaks. I frequently stop to take pictures of the Dogwood Trees and Merging Daffodils. They are Magnificent.


If Maniac005 is correct. I don't have to run anymore.
All I have to do to Find Love is..................


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The Old Girl Ran - Shamrock 2011 8K Run
Posted:Mar 21, 2011 8:31 am
Last Updated:Mar 25, 2011 7:48 am
My Goal was to run a Mile in 15 Minutes. I can do one mile in Eleven Minutes but the challenge is to do 11 Times 4.97 or even 15 Times 4.97.

So I ran the 8.K in 1 Hour and 22 minutes and 8 Seconds which averages out to 16.5 Minutes. I made 7086th Place for the whole race and 140th Place for my Division. The Old Girl Division.

It's not too bad considering that I ran with minimal sleep and no carbo loading.

During the Race I stopped for a Pottie break and when I got to the finish line - I stopped to take a picture of it.

My said I should have been rushing to cross that line but what the heck. It was magnificent.

My ran the Race in 43 Minutes and 41 Seconds. 1090th Place for the whole race and 124th Place in his division.

Nevertheless my said the main objective is to have fun which we both did. Now I have to start training for a 10K in Atlanta and the Shamrock Half Marathon in 2012.
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Fota Friday - SPRING!!!!!!
Posted:Mar 10, 2011 8:19 am
Last Updated:Mar 13, 2011 5:29 pm
Freyja The Mutt and I have been running/walking along Dickerson Road since Autumn and Winter of 2010 when I decide to train for the New Year's Day 5 K Run in Free Union, Virginia.

We continued our Walk/Run Training though out the Winter of 2011 for the Shamrock St. Patty's Day 8K in Virginia Beach in next week.

Thank God for the Walking Part. I found one of the first signs of Spring during one of our routine morning adventures. This little guy looks like the "Feed Me" Plant on Little Shop of Horrors.


Foto Friday - Ten Minutes & 8K Runs
Posted:Mar 4, 2011 8:24 am
Last Updated:Mar 11, 2011 3:53 pm
My Goal was to run Ten Minutes and take a picture of whatever after Ten Minutes. That didn't happen. After a rough week at work- I didn't want to move nevertheless Freyja the Mutt MUST have her walk so we walked instead.

ACTUALLY - You can get the same benefits from Walking Two Miles as you can Running two miles. I am in it for the Challenge. Every morning before work,
the Mutt and I run and sometime trudge that old dirt road. It can be raining, snowing or sleeting. Freyja the Mutt doesn't care.

In a few weeks, I will be going to
Virginia Beach for an 8K Run. My older who is going to Georgia Tech will be driving to Virginia Beach to be in the run as Well.

Thank You God! We were too late to register for the Half Marathon. A Half Marathon is 12 Miles. An 8K is to 4.97 miles.
4.97 Miles is doable for this old Girl.

So Yesterday, I did NOT run a mile in Ten Minutes. I ran it in Eleven Minutes. All I have to do is run this 8K in 11 Time 4.97 Minutes but if it takes a little more time than that, I'll be happy.
Defining Someone Else's Spirituality
Posted:Mar 1, 2011 9:30 am
Last Updated:Mar 2, 2011 5:36 pm
When Former President George "Dubya" Bush defined himself as a "Born Again Christian" most folks never questioned the fact that he is a Christian. Even the folks who disagreed with his politics don't question his "Born Again" status.

It seems to me that the requirement for being a Christian is to simply declare themselves a Christian aka Accepting Christ as their savior.

They don't even have to be a nice person. A total azzzzzzzzzzzzzhole can be a Christian if they declare themselves one.

Now there is much ado about the Status with President Obama's claims Obama was born in Kenya and is a secret Muslim.

Obama belonged to a predominately Black Christian Church in Chicago. Even if Folks disagreed with Reverend Wright's rhetorics and define the man of the cloth as an azzzzzzzzzzzzhole. It still make him a Christian.

I have a Holier than Thou Sister-In-Law who has declared my sister and I "Wicked and Evil" because we do not follow the same Spiritual Path that she does.

My sister says there is a difference between Saying you are a Christan and Being a Christian.

I think my sister-in-law has to put others in a villain status to maintain her illusions of Spiritual Superiority. Nevertheless, I think my Sister-In-Law is a Christian because she declares herself one despite her flawed logic.

My Sister follows the Christian Path.
I consider myself a Deist.

Deism in the philosophy of religion is the standpoint that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that a supreme being created the universe. Further the term often implies that this supreme being does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe. Deists typically reject supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles, tending to assert that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life. Deists believe in the existence of God without any reliance on revealed religion, religious authority or holy books.per gOOgle Research.


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