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Life on Life's TErms

Foto Friday- MoreJJJJJJJoy4urJJJJJJJJingle
Posted:Dec 3, 2010 4:02 pm
Last Updated:Dec 5, 2010 5:20 pm
More JOY for Your JINGLE
This is the Motto at Sam's Club during the Holidays.
My attitude about Holidays is usually BAH HUMBUG!

But this year More JOY for Your JINGLE

may be the closer reality.

My needs a car. My plan was to get Monticello Blue the East Coast Malibu paid off which would be in July. give the car to him and buy a newer model.

The Dilemma is that my needs a car NOW!

He takes the bus to work and get a ride part of the way back home but has to walk up Ronceverte Hill at Night. Winter is approaching and this is not safe. He brought a car that is older than he is. No matter how much money he puts into that car, he can't get it out of the yard.

So this week, I cashed in my Wally World Stock - with plans to pay down Monticello Blue and use the Rest as a down payment for a new car.

I went to a car dealer today, and told him, I owe $1300 on my current car. I want to give it to my who needs a car and buy a newer car. I sold my stock and have $1,800 coming in the mail. Can we put a deal together.

So here was the Deal, The 2011 Nissan has a $2000 rebate. It will be used to pay off the Malibu AND the Down Payment for the Nissan.

and I still have the $1,800 check from selling my stock. Car Insurance, A New GPS, UNGRADED Triple AAA memberships for both me and my .

Happiness is not the Loot I get for the Holidays. It's being able to give to my sons and knowing they are safe.

That way this year is

More JOY for Your JINGLE

Star Runs Like an OLD!!!!!! Girl! The Ravanna River Trail
Posted:Nov 22, 2010 3:02 pm
Last Updated:Jan 1, 2011 2:07 pm

Every morning Freyja the Mutt wakes me up. Time to Run! She says. Groan Groan! I want to SLEEP! Nevertheless, I toss on some clothes, slip on my running shoes and out the door we go.

This morning, I had the day off! Yeah! Okay, Madam Mutt, you are staying outside until I decide we are going.

Ring Ring!

A Gentleman Friend calls and invite me to breakfast. Sure but the Mutt is going with us. Since the River Trail is on the way.

So we hop into Monticello Blue and take a drive to the other side of C-Ville. After Breakfast, I turn on the GPS to find the way to the Riverside Park where the Trail Begins.

The Biggest Challenge with Freyja is keeping her focused. She wants to check out the other dogs and the at the park always want to check her out. She wants to bark at deer unless they get too close in which case she wants to hide.

My older who has run with dogs told me to tell her, "Eyes Forward" give her a tug and keep going.

Autumn is an awesome time to run. The Weather is JUST Right! We ran and Walked the 3.1 Miles required for a 5K.

LAST CHANCE Do a holiday fun run. There are loads of 5-K Turkey Trots and Jingle Bell Runs to choose from this time of year. And even if you haven't been running regularly, there's still plenty of time to prepare for crossing the finish line comfortably, says c. Every other day, warm up, then run until you can hear your breathing. Walk until you can catch your breath. Repeat this cycle for 20 minutes. Over three to four weeks, work up to run/ walking for 30 minutes. On race day, leave the watch at home, use the same run/walk strategy, and have fun soaking up the festive cheer.
per Runner's World Website

December 11th is the Freedom 5 K Run. We BETTER be able to run the thing by that time.
Foto Friday- Procrastination and the MagicKal Ankh
Posted:Nov 19, 2010 1:50 pm
Last Updated:Nov 29, 2010 4:55 pm
I made a MagicKal Ankh in 2000 with Willow Branches wrapped in Hemp as a statement of my anti-establishment attitudes. I don't smoke the stuff that makes hemp but I DO believe that the Law that outlaws it is STUPID. I converted it to a Dreamcatcher and placed crystal and shells on it.

Three years ago, the MagicKal Ankh broke. All I have to do is remove the Hemp and replace the Willow. It sat in Delila the Dodge Dynasty's Truck for two years. Now it resides in the back window of Monticello Blue the East Coast Malibu.

It looks like a Pretty Decoration

Maybe by Spring, I will find some Blue Ridge Willow and return the MagicKal Ankh to it's former Splendor and Beyond.

It signifies a Spiritual Milestone in that journey called MY LIFE.

1 comment
Freedom 5K , Forgiveness and Soul Retrieval
Posted:Nov 18, 2010 8:56 am
Last Updated:Apr 9, 2013 11:37 pm
When my relationship with HIMSELF ended last year, I feel like I lost a piece of my soul and I haven't been able to get it back.

Cry A River, Build A Bridge, Get Over It.

I can't seem to get over that bridge because I am leaving my soul behind. HIMESELF was no great loss. I am sure that he treats the woman that he flaunted in front of my face with as much cruelty as he did me.

She thought she got the price but she got herself a booby price instead.

The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.”
Thomas S. Szasz

Folks who refuse to forgive burn the bridge that they too must cross.

Maybe that's why I can't get across that bridge.

Because of HIMSELF
I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of HIMSELF
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of HIMSELF
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of HIMSELF

I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of HIMSELF
I am afraid
paraphased Kelly Clarkson song

I just wish I could figure out the way to
uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-UNDO IT!!!!!
SO....................................paraphased CARRIE UNDERWOOD song

I'm going to buy me a dog,A dog?
A dog.
Why, cause I need a friend now.
Babe, you need all the friends you can get, I'm telling you.
I'm gonna buy me a dog.
HIMSELF don't love me no how.
Don't ruin my song, man.
It's the only song I have!The song was already ruined before it was wrote.

Monkees Gonna Buy Me A Lyrics

Now I have a and a Running Partner. I purchased a pair of running shoes on E-Bay

I signed up for the FREEDOM 5K in Crozet, Virginia on December 11th. I have plans to run a Half Marathon in Virginia Beach in March.

So at the Fishing Place, a gentleman quotes "I do triathlons and CAN out run you. Not even close. You may have the heart, but you ain't got the build for running. Thank God."

Dang! I may not have the build for running but I do have the part of my soul that I have to find. Running is the only way I can figure out how to find it and get it back.

FotoFriday-HOMEMADE CCC Cookies & Memories of BumFiretrUCK Nevada
Posted:Nov 12, 2010 12:31 pm
Last Updated:Nov 15, 2010 7:35 am

Written March of 2007
Last Week, I encounter a 12 Step Meeting full of men and what better way to make them feel loved than to bake them Cookies. But Alas no Cookie Sheet in the house and trying to cook them on foil is annoying.

Thus this - I drove through the desert for in the quest for the Perfect Cookie Sheet.
The Cow Towns in this desert don't believe in Grocery Stores. There are lots of Casinos and several Brothels but Grocery Stores are scarce.

From Silver Springs on 95 Alt - I reached the Cow Town of Fernley. After Driving Here and There - I spotted a Mickey D's. My sons used to say that no Town is civilized without a Mickey D's. I drove toward the Mickey D's and found Scolari's Grocery Store, Now I have the perfect cookie sheets (two of them) and a job interview for Monday. They have a bakery! YEAH!

I also have three dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies all baked up for the guys tonight. Next Week, I am making them Snicker Doodle Cookies.

Have you ever looked for one thing and found something else? Is there anything exciting near the closest Mickey D's (McDonald's) from your humble abode? ? I did buy a Quarter Pounder for Ferlin The Mutt but he can't eat the CCC's
1 comment
Hea Haw! These Shoes are Made For Running
Posted:Nov 6, 2010 11:43 am
Last Updated:Nov 7, 2010 4:18 pm
Texas isn't the only place where folks wear boots. This Morning Freyja the Mutt and I were running down the road. I was wearing my boots. I got an offer from a Married Tree Cutter Man that I declined.

I told him that if his wife was interested in playing, we might be able to work something out. That usually shuts them up quick. Lack of men has never been my dilemma. The problem is that they are all players and I am allergic to players.

So I started checking out the 5 K runs, acquired a and ordered a pair of running shoes on the bay. I've started checking out Lesbian Happy Hour Events. The beauty of being bi-sexual is that Switching Lanes is an option.

Venus is in Retrograde for another week, men have been coming out of the woodwork including old boyfriends. Player Player Player!
Now where did I put that Benadril at?

Why give my heart to a man only to get cast aside for what he thinks is better? My heart can't take any more hits.

I am open to the possibility of love but I have no expectations.

So I'll keep running instead. I can finally trade those boots in for running shoes.

My Shoes came in the mail this morning. Just in time to get broken in for a Five K Run in three weeks. These shoes are made for Running but I know what I'd to do with them boots.

Foto Friday - I For INCENSE & Female Deities
Posted:Nov 5, 2010 8:00 am
Last Updated:Dec 10, 2010 12:18 pm
Incense (Latin: incendere, "to burn")[1] is composed of aromatic biotic materials, which release fragrant smoke when burned. The term "incense" refers to the substance itself, rather than to the odor that it produces. It is used in religious ceremonies, ritual purification, aromatherapy, meditation, for creating a mood, masking bad odours, and in medicine.

is spelled God backwards - A Female is a Bitch. Nevertheless, the Bitch in my household bears the name of a Female Deity that does NOT start with I.

The Female Deities that start with "I" are Isthar from Babylonian Times, Egyptian Goddess Isis, Celtic Goddess Isolt, and Mayan Goddess Ixcel.

Freyja is the name of the female in my household who bears the name of a Nordic Goddess.

My Last Name starts with I which has an old testament connection and the first name of a famous Druid who entered the Spirit World this summer. If I had to choose my next name, it would be......................INEZ

but for now it is BonIjean

Life on Life's Terms

The Joy of Voting and Running Like An Old Girl
Posted:Nov 2, 2010 9:29 am
Last Updated:Nov 3, 2010 8:36 am
The advantage of having a in the household is that she makes me get out of bed, to get outside and run.

So this morning we did the usual two mile. It seems easier and easier. Yesterday, I actually got my butt back to the gym and did the treadmill and weights. It's so easy to get off track. All the weight, I worked so hard to lose can be regained in a weekend.

I got on the scales. I did some damage but not as bad I thought. So it's all good.

After the run, I drove over to the voting place and cast my ballot. My Daddy fought in two wars to assure that we continue to have a voice. No matter who wins, we will still be in a recession and still be in a war. I hope they both end soon

Life on Life's Terms.

The Courage to RUN LIKE AN OLD GIRL!!!!!! and the Dubious! great him
Posted:Nov 1, 2010 1:28 pm
Last Updated:Nov 2, 2010 9:13 am
I am far from being an expert on marriages and relationships. I've been married twice with the second marriage going terminus in 2002.

I've had two serious relationships and a boyfriend since that time. TWICE!!!!! I've been dumped for Blonde Alcoholic Bimbos.

I can't seem to fix that brokeness inside of me. The men I encounter are equally broken up inside. This is not a good combination.

The most common questions I get when doing Horary Astrology Charts is

When am I going to meet the GREAT HIM!
Is He the GREAT HIM!
The GREAT HIM runs around with other women. Will he change?
Will the GREAT HIM return?

Yada Yada Yada!

Horary Astrology is not about Absolutes. It's to help identify strengths and challenges via planetary energies and figuring out the best way to deal with them.

I've felt absolutely disenchanted with Love, Romance and the Dubious Great Him since the break-up with THAT MAN!!!! last year.

I can't fix it and I don't know how to so I just keep moving.

I recently purchased a pair of running shoes on the bay. It's not the ideal way to get running shoes but it works with my financial realities and I can always upgrade later on.

I acquired a running and we've been doing two miles a day. I wear either my shape-ups or my second hand store cowboy boots. My goal is to run a Five K in November and eventually a Ten K and even a Half Marathon. A full Marathon is not off the agenda but right now I can't think that far ahead.

One day at a time and we'll look back and figure out how far we've gone down the road.
Foto Friday - HALLOWEEN, Freyja & the MAGICKAL Caudron!!!
Posted:Oct 29, 2010 10:31 am
Last Updated:Oct 31, 2010 10:06 am
Last year, I purchased this Cauldron at an AfterHalloween Sale for 75 percent off.

I keep lit candles and burning incense inside the Cauldron along with crystals, affirmations, prayer ties, ad infinitum.......

Some folks call it spell work. I believe that Magick!!!! is simply creating the desired reality via affirmations and visualization.

Freyja is my recently acquired Mutt. There should be a black cat next to the Cauldron. Mooch the Gray cat is not too cooperative about posing for a picture.

For some reason the cats that I usually attract are Gray. Now I have a gray Mutt and it all about Halloween.

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