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un·a·pol·o·get·ically STAR!!!

Life on Life's TErms

Trolls, Spammers, Jailbirds & CRYSTALS!!!
Posted:Jan 12, 2022 8:34 am
Last Updated:Jan 27, 2022 4:08 am
If a blogger has a different political, religious, philosophical prospective or lifestyle than mine, that's cool. We are not a cookie cutter world. Bloggers have the right to express those views.

Trolls who engage in personal attacks and spammers who are downright disrespectful often end up getting booted out by the SFF Police. They come back with alternative profiles and it's business as usual.

There are some blogs that I usually don't bother to read. One blogger writes in loops and swirls with no respect for any prospective other than his own. The other one has wordy equivocation articulation usually C&P that make no sense at all but also no prospective other than his own. Hate Trump or Hate God Blogs also have a place in my iggie box. They have a right to write these ridiculous blogs and I have a right to scroll pass them.

There are some who enjoy stick measuring exchanges - Que Sera Sera!!!

Three of the trolls went on winter vacation for the holidays with the announcement - They ARE Back!!!! Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!!

My theory is that one of them is blogging while in a manic state while the other one is drunk blogging. I don't really know what is happening on the other side of the screen but that is my theory.

CPIII has morphed into CPIX. She claims that she deleted her profile, went on vacation, and recreated another profile. My inclination is to believe that she got a well deserved boot into SFF Jail. Bravo!!!! My Higher Self knows "not to feed the bullies and trolls. Toss them in the iggie box." My Shadow Self wants to push back.

My blog is "un·a·pol·o·get·ically STAR!!!" This means that I don't have to explain, justify, or apologize for my Religious & Spiritual beliefs, my political inclination, my science, my idiocrasies. AD INFINITUM!!!!!

If a SFF Bully, Troll, Retread Jailbird wants to use those reasons to attacks...........

My Higher Self and Shadow Self are going to have debate. As you like it or NOT!!!

Conversation With A Classmate From Decades Ago!!!!
Posted:Jan 12, 2022 4:11 am
Last Updated:Jan 13, 2022 6:53 am
A few years ago, I reconnected with a High School acquaintance through a 12 Step Friend on Social media. We have exchanged messages and I did a Natal Astrological Chart along with a Solar Return for her and her husband.

She asked me to do Solar Return Charts for 2022. I was working on the charts on my laptop and will often research with my cell phone. So tonight, I was looking at the charts and noted a message on my cellphone with her number. I decided to save the number and ended up calling her instead. It was a very nice conversation. We were able to discuss our 12 Step experiences and some of the things I found in her chart.

It amazes me how someone that I really didn't talk to in High School turns out to be a friend several decades later. I remember her from Junior High and High School and she remembers me but we never really conversed with each other.

I was unpopular in School but quickly learned that my peers wanted to know about themselves and particularly the romantic interest in their lives. They would ask me about Astrology and how it related to them.. I had something to offer the community. My passion for Astrology has grown and progressed.

The location of the Sun in a Chart gives a clue of where a person shines. Saturn indicates the life challenges that a person faces. My Sun and Saturn are both in the third house of communications. Thus where I shine and where I am challenged are in the arena. I grew up with a significant hearing and speaking disability. This forced me into an isolated existence as a y0ungster. Meanwhile, I read a lot, wrote poetry and journalized. I wrote letters to the President of the United States and the editor in various newspapers. I was quite talented with the written word. My challenge was spoken communication but I shined in written communication.

I actually became involved in Drama and Public Speaking in High School. I went from being a straight "D" student to an Honor Roll Student. Later I acquired hearing aids and joined Toast Masters. My Sun and Saturn have learned to work together. Now I am an Astrologer and life is interesting.

Dragons, Gargoyles, Scantily Clad Men & Drama Queen Karens
Posted:Jan 10, 2022 12:08 am
Last Updated:Jan 12, 2022 5:15 pm
I have been living alone for a over SlX years and my life has been relatively quiet and drama free. My Higher Power has a wicked sense of humor. A woman that I have known for quite a few years have moved right next door to me. She has turned out to be a real Drama Queen Karen.

She quickly advised me that she didn't care for the XII Step community knowing that I am a major league XII Stepper. She didn't like my Quaker friends and she sure won't like my GOP friends. She has gotten mad at me for the most dumb azzzzz reasons. I have been unfriended at least five time. She blocked me until I turned off my internet. I let her use mine until she gets her own.

She got the message and came over to make amends. I know better than to hold grudges but my inclination is to distance myself in hopes that she will find her own people. Church people, hikers, cat rescue folks - whatever.

So last week, she revealed to the wrong person that her cat had fleas. The landlord came to her door and started banging on the door. Next, we got a love letter from Inspector G that he intends to check all the units for flea infested animals.

I sent him a assuring him that the dragons and gargoyles in my apartment do not have fleas. He sent a message that he had to inspect my unit anyway. Perhaps to look for scantily clad men in my bedroom Yeah Right!

I tend to be a night owl and sleep until noon. So on the day of the inspection, he banging on my door with two state troopers. Apparently they were looking for my to go over a statement that he made XV years ago about a cold missing person case. My is not involved in any crime. I was sleeping and didn't hear the banging.

The Male Drama Queen aka my landlord left me a message to call him. He advised me that when the State Police knock on my door, I REALLY should answer it. I don't wear hearing aids when I am alone in my abode. If I am in the other room, I don't hear a thing. He convinced that my s0n hiding in the apartment. I told him that I my s0n to let him know the police were L00king for him. My s0n told me that he had already talked to them later that day. The next morning, he went to police station to go over the statement that he wrote XV years ago.

The Landlord said he would be at my place at 1O oclock the next day. Telling me in advance is a good plan. He commented on the water on the living room floor and I pointed out his snow covered boots. I placed the picture of Burt Reynolds on my bedroom door his for benefit. The unit passed inspection with flying colors. Life on life's terms.

PhotoFriday Baby It's ICE Outside
Posted:Jan 7, 2022 4:46 am
Last Updated:Jan 9, 2022 7:15 pm
We've had our second winter storm in a week. I had to cancel an appointment for an echogram earlier on Monday. The roads were ICY and closed. Cars were stuck on the INTERSTATE for hours. It was a good time to stay at home. Our Second Storm happened on Thursday. It's time to break out the fancy soups.

If I want to warm up, I can get into the freezer. I have ICE Cubes Pumpkin Curry Soup, Potato Soup, and Bone Broth in the Souper Cubes. A few minutes in the Microwave - Viola!!!
Beautiful Soup so rich and green, (with a little bit of help from Parsley Flakes, Chives, and Spinach) waiting in a hot tureen! Who for such dainties would not stoop. Soup of the Evening, Beautiful Beautiful Soup!

If I crave ICE CREAM, I have frozen yogurt as a reasonable facsimile.

January SlXTH (C&P)
Posted:Jan 6, 2022 11:00 pm
Last Updated:Jan 9, 2022 7:28 pm
Burning down American inner-cities, shooting and killing fellow citizens, and directly threatening officials were deemed “peaceful protests” during most of 2020. Few if any protestors were charged or jailed. You allowed “autonomous zones” to be established with no consequence. We were treated to justifications that peaceful protests weren’t effective so It natural and right for folks to employ violence in the name of social justice or fighting fascists. “By Any Means Necessary” (BAMN) activists were celebrated and welcomed to the civil discussion. We were told that police were part of the systemic racism inherent in this country and should be abolished or defunded.
Fast forward to today. It’s now “terrorism”, a “threat to democracy”, or a “coup”. Democrats and the media applaud the police employing tear gas and flash bangs against protestors. There’s no angst with deploying the National Guard or Federal law enforcement. Curfews are not questioned but approved. And OMG the “business” of the Congress is being interrupted.
I didn’t support violent protest this past summer, and I don’t support violent protest now. But spare me the sanctimonious, hypocritical bullshit because it’s your ox getting gored now. You’ve not only facilitated and set the conditions for this, you’ve enthusiastically applauded during the entire lead up to it. You are now reaping the whirlwind of your feckless partisan crap.
Consent of the governed indeed.

MMXXII and Let's Go Brandon!!! has been cancelled
Posted:Jan 1, 2022 5:12 am
Last Updated:Jan 6, 2022 3:58 pm
I was opting not to participate in the Shanghai Parade! Any kind of marching with a problematic hip would be a real pain (literally) and I wasn't interested in chanting "Let's Go Brandon!!!" The Local GOP Club was scheduled to march behind of the Local Women's Democrat Club. The Demo's claim to fame was to stand in the rain by the airport and give Mike Pence the middle finger salute as he rode by in his motorcade. I suspect that it didn't bother the former Vice President or the Secret Service.

Apparently their plan was to wave the "Hate Trump" signs and display their middle finger in the parade. It would have been hilarious if the local Women's Democrat was busy waving their middle fingers while the local GOP Club was chanting "Let's Go Brandon!!! behind them

I totally respect either party to express their Constitutional First Amendment Right for Free Speech. Agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. Nevertheless, I would find more happiness being a spectator versus a participant.

So.................We got the word earlier this week. The Shanghai Parade MMXXII has been cancelled courtesy of covid-19.

The morning of New Year's Eve was foggy and the fogginess remained until the darkness took over in the early eve. I was somewhat asleep when I heard Fireworks, loud noises, people shouting, and police sirens. The Year MMXXII has arrived. I don't have to worry about getting up early for the Shanghai Parade MMXXII.

Photo Friday - Finding The HAPPY Place!!!!
Posted:Dec 30, 2021 7:09 pm
Last Updated:Jan 6, 2022 11:06 pm
A DAR project in year MMXV!! to send blank Christmas Cards with stamped envelopes to hospitalized veterans so that they could send cards to their loved ones. I took the liberty of sending Hannukah and Yule Cards as well.

Some folks look forward to X-Mas. Halloween and the Haunted Farm along with my Herb Garden is where I find my HAPPY PLACE

2O21 has been a year of HEALTH Challenges I hope my problematic HIP gets fixed in 2O22. I would really love to get back to the Hiking Trails for Geocaching Adventures.

I can still cast HORARY ASTROLOGY Charts. This is one that I casted for a lost cell phone. It in my girlfriend's car. She sent me a message on FB and I walked over to the Greenbrier where she working to pick it up. According the Chart, the phone in the VIIth House aka with someone else.

X-Mas Trauma, Losses & Alicia Got Her Star!!!
Posted:Dec 25, 2021 11:07 pm
Last Updated:Dec 28, 2021 1:45 pm
I am not one of these Happy, Joy, Ho Ho Ho, Merry X-mas type persons. Usually, it's Bah Humbug!!! the Grinch is my buddy type attitudes. Somewhere I read that X-mas is dysfunctional families getting one roof in hopes that no one calls the cops on them.

There usually drama in my family during the holidays. We were in Germany when my parents brought my brother home for Christmas. A week later, my Mum ends up hospitalized for post partum depression. I remember being on the train with my dad, four siblings including my just born brother. We boarded a plane back to the states. Our Mum stayed behind in Germany and returned to the United States a few months later.

So FlFTY TW0 years later, my brother is diagnosed with cancer and gone a few days before his birthday. A month before, my best friend died of cancer. I took a plane to California. I able to help her partner because I know the challenges that a surviving spouse had to deal with.

I just found that another long time friend died a few days before Christmas this year. I remember when Alicia wanted become a deputy sheriff. I decided to go through the testing process with her even though I know that I would never become a sheriff. The written test easy but the agility test included climbing over a SlX feet wall, going through several windows, running a quarter of a mile and dragging a l5O pound dummy lOO feet. We would go the testing site and practice. My major challenge getting over that wall. I talked to local cops on how to do it. I actually dating a sheriff deputy at the time. I finally made it over the wall on the of the test but that about it. My timing for the rest way off. Alicia easily passed the agility test but there were other obstacles.

Fast forward a few more years. She got married. I got married and we lost touch. X-mas of 1995. My husband had a heart attack on Christmas Eve. My former Father-In-Law had a heart attack and died on Christmas . I called Alicia's Mum who one of my Spiritual Advisor. Her husband, Alicia's father also died on Christmas. My husband still hospitalized but I opted to go to the funeral. Alicia spoke at her Dad's funeral and never got the chance to tell her Dad that she finally got her star. She made it into the Sheriff Department. Frequently, Life is not fair.

Posted:Dec 24, 2021 4:25 pm
Last Updated:Dec 30, 2021 2:45 am
Every birthday, sobriety date, and even X-Mas, I ask for scantily clad men donning gifts of Chocolate and every year I don't get scantily clad men bearing gifts of chocolate.

However, this year, a scantily clad man arrived in the mail minus the chocolate. Groovy is a term that often used when I in my youth. Folks from my generation will remember when Burt Reynolds posed nude in Cosmopolitan Magazine.

I had the poster and pinned it above my grandmother's bed. Suddenly we heard. "Get that !@#$!!! thing off my ceiling!

I took the liberty of making grOOvy Burt a tad bit more Politically Correct with the help of George. It might make a few SFF Chosen Frozen folks happy but probably not. My intent is the same regardless. I am not sure I REALLY to see what grOOvy Burt is hiding.

The Celebration of Yule
Posted:Dec 22, 2021 12:02 am
Last Updated:Dec 25, 2021 5:19 am
When I married Grumpy, we created a blended family. He had four daughters from a previous marriage, and a from his second marriage.. My older was an oops while my younger resulted from my first marriage.

Grumpy's was technically an only but became a middle when my two sons joined the household. His mother also married a man with two sons thus making my stepson a middle in both households.

The dilemma was always which parent gets the for Christmas. We finally decided to celebrate Yule with the boys and let them spend Christmas with the other parent. Grumpy and I would go out to a Chinese Diner for Christmas.

My younger and I will keep this tradition on Christmas Eve. He'll spend Christmas Day with Friends. I have an invite to spend Christmas day with my Quaker Girlfriend. I am not sure if I will yet. I have to eat sparingly, and feasting is not a great plan. The company would be great regardless. My holidays are usually quiet and I am fine with that.

Yule is the darkest day of the year but when the light starts growing stronger. I can embrace the darkness and even my shadow self while looking forward to the growing light.


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