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Life on Life's TErms

Astrology Chart - December/May Marriage Scenerio
Posted:Sep 9, 2008 9:53 pm
Last Updated:Sep 10, 2008 10:15 am
I was asked to do a Horary/Electorial Chart regarding a May/December Wedding. He's 69 and she's 34


Chart is Cast Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
Charlottesville, Virginia 78W29 38N02
542PM Eastern Time

The Ascendent is 9 Degrees Aquarius
Saturn is the Traditional Ruler of Aquarius

The Capricorn Moon is Keeping Company with Jupiter in the 12th House

The Player - Mr. Grumpy is represented by Saturn. Quite Appropriate since he's a Capricon
His May Bride is represented by the Sun which is the Ruling Planet of Leo and the Seventh House at Nine Degrees.

The Seventh House represents Marriage and Partnerships. This house starts at 9 degrees Leo but intercepts into Virgo where the two player Saturn and the Sun are conjuncting.

Will there be a marriage? - quite possible
BUT they would do beeter to tap into the Virgo Engery of a Autumn Equinox Wedding versus a Scorpio Wedding on Halloween.

Virgo Saturn can be challenging but it can also stabilize. The Sun is close to Virgo Saturn which puts Mr. Grumpy in the Hot Seat.

Does a Chart REALLY need to be cast to forsee the Scenerio of this Marriage?

Eye Wide Open

Capricorn Moon dances with Jupiter in the 12th House. Mr. Grumpy may have a major league secret agenda regardless.........

So...............When would be the best time for the Wedding - he asks. She wants a Halloween Wedding. Scorpio Energy. Hmmmmmmmm........
This could mean wild sheet tangling sensual gratification or a journey to the SpiritWorld.

My Advise was to do the Wedding on the Autumn Equinox with Virgo(Healing) and Libra(Partnership) Energy. If she insists that she MUST have a Halloween Wedding- Do A Handfasting Ceremony on the Equinox and the Actual Wedding on Halloween.

Also the Wedding Rings should incorporate Sapphires (Virgo) and Opals (Libra)
Where Should You Live Compared to Where You Do Live
Posted:Sep 8, 2008 3:54 pm
Last Updated:Sep 10, 2008 2:26 pm
ValleyBallGranny started the BlogThing Quizes so I tried one

Currently, I live in a Rural Community but close enough to Charlottesville, Virginia to be Urban. Charlottesville has a University and the former Abodes of James Monroe and Thomas Jefferson. In the Next Town Over is the Former Abode of James Madison.

My former Home in Covington, Virginia was a Snore but over the boarder was Lewisburg West Virginia with many interesting Historical places.

I LOVE LOVED Ojai California with Meditation Mountain, The Krotona Foundation with it's Metaphysical Library. There was also the Goddess Center and the Matillija Hiking Trails.

I felt totally out of place in Kaufman BumFiretrUCK, Texas which has no culture and no character.

Silver Spring BumFuCK, Nevada was even worse but at least we could have coffee in a Casino and drive by Brothels where the local politicans meet.

You Should Live in a Small City

You are definitely an urban person, but not any old city will do.
You want a city that matches you well. For you, big cities lack individuality.
You prefer a smaller city with lots of personality, local culture, and history.

High Tech Cash Registers and The Road To Charlottesville
Posted:Sep 4, 2008 5:38 am
Last Updated:Sep 8, 2008 3:37 pm
Yesterday was the first day on the Job- although it was mostly training on how to operate a cash register.

The last time I operated a Cash Register was in the Dinosaur Days on what are now Antique Cash Registers. We had to total the items, punch in the price and count out the change.

Now the Machine does all the counting.
Now the items are scanned, the total is counted and the $$$$$ given is punched in with the change already added up. There are also so many different ways to pay for items. Gift Cards, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Ad Infinitum. All done via the Cash Register.

In the olden days, we would slide the credit card image onto the sheet and mail it in. We can also take Credit Card Payments, and Add Minutes to Phone Cards via the cash register. The Challenge is remembering which button to push to do whatever.

It was certainly not my plan to be a Cashier at Sam's Club. I was very much in my comfort zone at the Wal-Mart Bakery and the Wal-Mart Meat Market was awesome. Nevertheless, My Higher Power knows what I will be good at so I have to trust.

It's a 27 mile drive to work versus the two miles that I used to drive. There are several different routes to getting there. Mostly country roads which alright with me. Virginia has rolling hills with Southern Style Homes. They all look like little baby Monticellos.

The first ten miles or so is the country roads which I am used to. The remainder of the trip is City which I am NOT used to. It is nothing compared to Los Angeles or Ventura County Freeways - which I used to drive in the olden days. Nevertheless, it will take some adjusting. City Drivers are so RUDE and Pushy. West Virginia Drivers will drive at top speed on black ice but in town they are very courteous. They'll wave other cars to move ahead of them. Oh Well, Life on Life's Terms

Life is Good because I can look forward to seeing Mr. Joe every evening.
cOOking JUST like mUm,,,,,,,,,,,NOT!!!!!!!
Posted:Sep 1, 2008 6:34 am
Last Updated:Sep 4, 2008 5:12 am
My Mum was not the world's Greatest Cook. There were a few things that she cooked well but most of the time. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Usually, it was Dad who did all the fancy cooking and we had to clean up the mess.

So When I got married the first time.........It was Betty Crocker who taught me how to cook. It didn't do any good because nothing compared to my first husband's Mother's Cooking. She was a Tennessee Farm Girl. Yeah Sure!

For various reasons, that marriage went South thus I was a Single Working Mother for two boys.
I learned the beauty of Crock Pot and Micro Wave Cooking. I learned to be a production cook. FAST!!!!!!

My second husband also complained about my cooking. He would always make a big giant mess when he cooked and it took forever for him to get it done. ( hmmmmm.............seems vaguely familiar) Fine Cooking can't be rushed, he would say. Fine, I'll do the dishes and make the reservations but if the were really hungry, I would cook.

]The Texas Trucker moved his in and she cooked all of her Daddy's favorite fried foods. Ugh! AND......... himself would belittle his for being on the chubby side, It was a minor detail that himself ate bigs bags of Snickers Bars and Gulped Down Bottles of Sugar Filled Dr. Pepper. He was also a major league Couch Potato when he was home from the road. It's a Lucky Escape that I didn't marry that guy. I would have been rolled down the asle at the wedding. I would have looked like a big fluffy white snowball.

I found Wal-Mart instead of Love. I worked for Wal-Mart in Texas, Nevada and Virginia. I was all alone so George Foreman did all of my Cooking.

Now Mr. Joe is in the picture and he is such a delight to cook for. He likes everything I cook. Of course, Dad never complained about mUm's Cooking but she sure did complain about the messes he made. I rely on my memories from Betty Crocker and consult with All Recipes. Top Chef is also showing me some great cooking tips. It's Surf and Turf for Mr. Joe tonight.

The Road To Sams Club And Kind Of Sort Of A Domestic Goddess
Posted:Aug 31, 2008 5:19 am
Last Updated:Sep 6, 2008 1:01 pm

Mr. Joe asked me if I wanted the Strightest Way or the Shortest Way to Sam's Club. We Opted to go the Stright Way to Sam's Club and the Shortest Way on the Return Trip.

The Stright Way goes right through Gordonsville which is a ticky tacky kind of town which I am used to. There is another town called Rucusville which is also a ticky tacky town. The Road finally leads to Charlottesville which is a Big City which I am NOT used to.

I will be a Cashier at Sam's Club. I will miss the physical work that I did in the Wal-Mart Meat Department but after seeing the way the Stocking is done at Sam's Club. I'm GLAD I am not stocking there. Although it might be interesting to learn to use a forklift. Joe commented on how I would just toss products in the cart. He should have seen the way I used to sling those big boxes of Merchandise around. Oh Well! Life on Life's Terms. It is always good to learn different jobs. It keeps life interesting.

When we were checking out - I asked the Cashier if my WallyWorld Discount Card was any good there. Nope! Also Sam's Club Associates don't get the WallyWorld Discount Card, however we do get a free Sam's Club Card. Joe also gets a Sam's Club Membership because we are Domestic Partners. WallyWorld would have required us to be legally married for the WallyWorld Discount Card, The Pay Raise that I am getting from Sam's Club will more than cover the 10 percent loss from not having a WallyWorld Discount Card.

The Road Back from Sam's Club is less city and more country roads which is more my style. There is Route 33 which is the Same Route I used to take from Ojai to Santa Barbara California. There is also Lover's Lane. Woo Hoo!
Next comes the Challenge of Kind Of Sort Of Being a Domestic Goddess. Most of what I know about Cooking, I learned from Betty Crocker but I haven't cooked in several years. Thus I had to pull out my memories to cook Stuffed Pork Chops. Corn Bread Stuffing, Peppers, Onions, Corn. Wrapped it in foil. Toss in some veggies and pop it in the oven at 350 for thirty some minutes Tonight, I am cooking Orange Roughy. Betty Crocker never told me how to cook Orange Roughy so off to the gOOgle University - I go. Add Yada Yada Yada and pop it in the oven at 450 for 6 to 12 minutes. That I can handle.

1 comment
My Last Day at WallyWorld and Mr. Joe's Abode
Posted:Aug 30, 2008 7:18 am
Last Updated:Sep 3, 2008 4:42 am
Yesterday was one of those days where everything seemed to go my way. I made it to work at 3:15 am instead of 3 am but with short timers attitude. Oh Well!

It is CoMac Time for WallyWorld which means lots and lots of Pallets of Merchandise to Stock. They had donuts, Strawberries and a Cake in the Lounge. Dang, Maybe they are celebrating my move to Sam's Club. Naw, they were celebrating 30 Days of no accidents. Minor Detail.

One of my co-workers presented me with a pair of earrings as a good bye present. I gave him my old box cutter. I was advised that I didn't have to work too hard on my last day. Heh! Heh! He's going to need that new box cutter stocking all that CoMac merchandise over Labor Day Weekend. Those new earrings are going to look good with my Blue Jeans at Sam's Club. No Dress Code and More $$$$$$ Yea Ha!!!!

When I got to my ex-apartment - My Landlord was there waiting for me with my return deposit plus and an extra hundred for moving out early. He's eager to rent it to someone else for more $$$$$. He helped load up the car. Anything that I can't fit in the car, I don't need. I advised him. I threw away a bunch of clothes that are now too big for me.

I stopped at the bank and started a saving account. I was advised that there is not a branch where I am moving too. I don't care. I had the same bank in West Virginia, Texas, Arkansas and Nevada. My paycheck goes into the bank by automatic deposit. I feel no need to change banks.

Afterwards, I stopped at the post office to turn in box office keys and submit a change of address. The last piece of mail I got came from Allegheny Regional Hospital. The Results of the Follow-Up Mammogram is that my Boobie is no longer the endangered list. Yeah!

Finally, Finally the One Hundred and Thirty Some Mile Journey to Mr. Joe's Abode. I observed the rolling hills of Virgnia and felt a tremendous peace.

For Several years, I spent my Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and the Fouth of July ALONE. I enjoy my own company but Hey........

Next Month is my Birthday and I'll not be alone for Labor Day Weekend. Mr. Joe's Bed with Mr. Joe in it is a VERY Good thing.

Sam's Club, No Dress Code and More $$$$$$ Yea Ha!!!!
Posted:Aug 28, 2008 12:18 pm
Last Updated:Aug 30, 2008 8:54 am
How did I ever survive without cell phones. Tuesday, I was on the road in the rain near the Tennessee Boarder and the Phone starts singing.

The Personnel Lady called to advised me that I start next Wednesday. I asked about the Dress Code. There is NO Dress Code. Heh Heh Heh! I can wear blue jeans to work. It was sure fun relaying that information to my WallyWorld Co-Associates.

I commented on Sam's Clubs "No Dress Code" Policy to one of the managers. He replied, "Gee you could go to work naked if you wanted." Laughing, "Naw, I would at least wear a thong but only after the Liposuction."

On a happier note, most of my Wally World Khaki Dungarees are too big for me but so are most of my blue jeans. Life on Life's Terms.

This Morning, Personnel Lady called during my lunch break and advise me of what the pay rate will be. Substantially Higher than what I am making at WallyWorld.

I will be able to afford new Jeans and even a few thongs.

I am going to REALLY REALLY miss have to get up at 3 am in order to get to work before the chickens. Yeah Sure!

Sleeping In, Mr, Joe and More Money. Sometimes Life is Good.

1 comment
Job Transfers, Free Cycle, My poor Endangered bOObie and Car Inspections
Posted:Aug 21, 2008 12:09 pm
Last Updated:Aug 30, 2008 8:54 am
Gadzooks! The preparation for the move to Gordonsville feels overwhelming but everything appears to be falling into place.

I requested the Job Transfer the beginning of July but wasn't sure where I was going to land. How did we ever survive without cellphones? Earlier this week, I was on the phone with the Manager of WallyWorld's Super Center in Culpepper, Virginia. I was also talking to Personnel at Sam's Club in Charlottesville.

I finally got the Message, I am starting at Sam's Club on September 3rd as a CASHIER! Gazooks! Working with the Public - I figure my Higher Power knows what I am good at so I am sure I will do just fine.

So.............I get a letter in the Mail. The Appointment to reexamine my poor endangered bOObie is on September 3rd. The same day I am due to start at Sam's Club 120 miles away. It would be a perfectly good excuse to forgo the test. Do I really want to know or would I continue to worry about it if I didn't.

I called the Clinic and was told that they would reschedule me when they got a cancellation. The cell phone rang when I was in the bathroom of all places. My boobie goes back under the light tomorrow.

Last night - A young Mother contacted me via Free Cycle. She needed a bed for her . So........... Hasta La Vista Bed! I slept on the floor last night but after next week, I'll be in Mr. Joe's nice big big with Mr. Joe in it. Yea Ha!!!!!!

Next week, I am driving to West Forgotten By Santa Virginity to get Turn Signal Blinker Fixed so the the Commonwealth of Virginity will be happy..................Ad Infinitum Life on Life's TErms.

1 comment
My Poor Endangered bOObie
Posted:Aug 18, 2008 2:16 pm
Last Updated:Aug 20, 2008 10:55 am
So I talked to the Doc today and he said the Right bOOb looks suspicious. They'll take more pictures and if they don't look any better, I'll be off to the University of Virginia for a Biopsy.

Gazooks! This is not the best case Scenario for starting a New Relationship. Nevertheless, since I am transferring to Sam's Club in Charlottesville, it will be an easy drive to get the bOOb fixed. I just hope they give me a newer firmer one and make the left one match.

Mr.Joe says smaller ones suit him just fine but I would rather have a smaller A$$.

The Chips will fall however they are going to. Life on Life's Terms. Cry A River, Build A Bridge, Get Over It and Deal with it.

Phone Call From An Old Boyfriend
Posted:Aug 18, 2008 8:30 am
Last Updated:Aug 18, 2008 2:03 pm
Late week, I was getting ready to go to work when I noticed a missed call on my phone. I kindof sortof recognized the number but wasn't quite sure who it was. I returned the call and got a recorded Message Since my number is on the 12 Step Phone list in both Virginia and West Virginia, it could be anyone.

"Hi the is the Mudpuppy and Dufus, We are not able to come to phone right now, Leave your Name and Number, we'll call you right back"

Several years ago, Dufus was my steady boyfriend. We got together shortly after Grumpy and I divorced. After the divorced, I lost my job thus I was in a major league depression. This is not good for the alcoholic that I am - practicing or otherwise. Dufus is a very radical 12 Stepper which is where I really needed to be at the time. Despite our differences, I respect his dedication to 12 Step recovery. He is one who will drag drunks off the streets and sponsor them. I tend to like sponsoring women after they have a few years of recovery. They are a little more willing to make changes at that point.

Two years into our relationship, he brought a woman to my home. "This is my new girlfriend, Can you do a tarot card reading for us." I gave them the Tarot Card reading from Hades, The Empress and Justice. Childbirth and the Legal System. What a great scenerio.

I just read what the cards said. He's the one who got her pregant and had to jump through CPS Hoops.

It turns out that he picked up a drunk woman on a 12 Step call and took her home. Maybe there are some women who can successfully FiretrUCK thier way to recovery. She wasn't able to do it. She started drinking and using again. She lost custody of the and Dufus had to jump through hoops for Social Service to gain custody of the .

So, Dufus finally returned the call that I returned. After the Mudpuppy left, his girlfriend before me returned. He tells me that Ms. Standby couldn't deal with an active four year old so she left last week. "It may be more than just the boy," "Why don't you try changing that phone message. It really disrepectful toward your current girlfriend. " I suggusted.

I don't know how to change it and I really need help with little Bubba so could you drive to Moron County and change the phone message for me.................. yada yada yada he rambles on.

I was totally heartbroken when Dufus ditched me for the Mudpuppy but in reality it was a lucky escape.

Cry A River, Build A Bridge, Get Over It

I made it over that bridge and eventually had to go over another one. Life on Life's Terms.

I advised him that I had no intentions of travelling to Moron County in West Forgotten By Virginity anymore. I have no interest in mothering a four old. I am transfering to Sam's Club in and I relocating to Charlotteville, Virginia and By the Way ...... I Have a New Gentleman Friend and he's a keeper. and thank you for making my day. Crossing over some bridges can be a very good thing.


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