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60minman2 84 M
26  questions
That Little Flag - 11/4/2011

...Next Friday is my wife's birthday. Yes its also Veterans Day. She first told me that she is honored to share that day with all Veterans..... In our home she has a small flag protected in a glass case. The flag is old, a little frayed, faded and worn. Its colors are not so bright anymore. You still can see the red border and the 3 blue stars on a field of white. Its a service flag and ...

6 response(s), 11 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
Cyber Tactics - 11/3/2011

.......There comes a time in everyones life certain decisions have to be made. In the real world its not all that difficult as you settle on a course of action and you do it. The Cyber world seems to have different challenges. The people you meet on the net you never really know what or who that person is until you meet........My dilemma is a certain person who lately is baiting me to ...

7 response(s), 17 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
Being Kept!!!! An Offer I am inclined to refuse - 11/2/2011

The Gentleman friend that I am seeing invited me to "move in with him" and stated that I didn't have to work. Dang! I don't think my car will pay for it all itself nor will the house that I have to maintain take care of itself on it's own either.

I just can't visualize me holding my hand out to a man and saying "Give Me Money!!!!"

It takes a tremendous amount of trust to ...

4 response(s), 5 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
Greed - 11/2/2011

.......Over in the Blogs I keep reading that the the Protesters of the Occupy Wall Street movement are upset at the greedy Bankers and the greedy Rich in general. They want their share of the pie but do not want to contributed to the production of the pie........ Well just what is Greed anyway? Its the excessive desire to posses material wealth or anything else of value. The 10 ...

9 response(s), 17 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
Herman Cain's Anita Hill....... - 11/1/2011

......Now that Herman Cain is in the spotlight for alleged sexual harassment 15 years ago and he has denied it, now the focus is on him again as it seems there was a settlement. His critics say that since there was a settlement he had to be guilty. What many do not realize is settlements are used to benefit both parties as often times the cost to defend a case is more than what the ...

4 response(s), 16 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
Playing the Race Card. - 10/29/2011

......Back in 2008 when Barack Obama was mocked and Criticized, his supporters were quick to shout Racism. Why even the Clinton's and Geraldine Ferraro were accused of being Racist solely because they were critical of his qualifications to be President....... .....Fast forward to now and Herman Cain is being mocked and criticized and I have yet to hear his supporters play the Race card. ...

11 response(s), 20 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Are you old enough? - 10/24/2011

Howdy folks. It is that time of year for the dreaded flu shot. Every one has their own idea if it works or not, I for one think it does. Have not had the flu for many years now, mind you I have had a few colds, but they did not last more than four or five days.

Now for the question are you old enough. Are you old enough for the pneumonia shot. Those 65 or older are at risk. The reason ...

2 response(s), 4 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
Fomal Attire - 10/24/2011

I am currently in a relationship with a man who likes to going to the Greenbrier where Formal Attire is required.

I have the challenge of finding formal attire. I have always been a working class, blue jeans type of Gal.

I can do Stuffy Professional and Bohemeian but Horty Torty Formal, that is a challenge.

Any Ideas, I think I'll find something on the E Bay that is ...

4 response(s), 4 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
A Reality Check.... - 10/24/2011

......Over the years I have posted lots of blogs. The purpose of which is to express my opinions on certain subjects as it allows the reader to know where I stand on issues. I cannot know where they stand so my only recourse is to comment on what they posted to me. I believe this exchange is healthy and meaningful. In some cases this also leads to insults as some are offended by my ...

7 response(s), 13 votes
Sunshine217 79 F
2  questions
Can Money Buy Friendship and/or Respectability? - 10/23/2011

I note in the headlines today that If the U.S. engages in war with Pakistan, Afghanistan will back Pakistan. At first, I thought, "we're spending billions $ daily in Afghanistan, and they would fight with Pakistan against us?" Then my larger brain kicked in, and I thought" Pakistan and Afghanistan are geographical neighbors that must live next door to each other forever; they share a similar ...

9 response(s), 4 votes
Sunshine217 79 F
2  questions
What Are Your Recommendations On Dating Etiquette After The Death of A Spouse? - 10/23/2011

If we live long enough, either we will expire or our spouse or loved one will, leaving us without the benefit of their companionship. That's just life. When we love someone dearly, we miss them, their habits, the combined routines, the little things we took so much for granted, now manifest as huge losses. If there are , even adult ones, they may be feeling similar losses and regrets. ...

3 response(s), 7 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
State Fair, NC style - 10/22/2011

......Yesterday it was our (my wife and pleasure on taking our guest from Australia to the North Carolina State Fair. We saw all the Craft and food exhibits from around the State, The Livestock winners and even the Harley Davidson booth which featured the Hog races. Gospel music, Country cloggers and even an Elvis impersonator........ ....Perhaps the amazing feature of the ...

4 response(s), 11 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief...... - 10/21/2011

.....I have heard this over and over that Republicans are for Rich people and Democrats are for Poor people. I do have to agree surprisingly as Republicans want everyone to be Rich. The want less regulations, less taxes, more opportunity and more freedom.........In other words Republicans are for you to succeed and get Rich... .....Democrats on the other hand want more regulations, more ...

14 response(s), 15 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
A Quick Trip ........ - 10/20/2011

.....Greetings to all my friends. I have just gotten back from a quick trip to West, by God smile when you say it, Virginia to see the foilage. First stop was the Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs. If you ever go there you will be amazed and I suggest you take the Bunker Tour. The next day we meandered through the Allegheny Mountains and the senic vista's were magnifiscent. ...

13 response(s), 13 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

I had been asked why I stopped writing about about my childhood and the few happy years I had with my father. I had shared the most precious moments that could remember and put them into words. This was taken and turned into something that was completely shocking to me by two members, one that is not here anymore and one that was gone for quite a while, but has returned as of late...


5 response(s), 15 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
How Great Thou Art......... - 10/16/2011

.....I like Tony Bennett. He has been a singing talent for a long time. Had a rough childhood growing up and served in the Army during WW2. What bothers me is that he is now 85 yrs old and I have doubts about his thought process. In an Interview with Piers Mogan he was asked that did he ever expect to see in his lifetime a Black man elected to the Presidency. A simple yes or no would have ...

8 response(s), 16 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

After three weeks battling the flu, yesterday was the first day I felt that I was going to live. I had four tickets to the symphony that had been offered to me at the last moment, I had not requested to go to that performance since I am not fond of heavy German composers.

When I was growing up in Peru, most of the music that I heard was the singing of the nuns in the chapel, this was a ...

8 response(s), 11 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
It Was the Best of Times , It was the Worst of Times.... - 10/14/2011

.....President Obama has told us on many occasion that the economy is the worst since the great depression. I don't think that is all that accurate but I do know one thing our social compact is much worse. My Brother and I were born at the tail end of it and have little recollection of what it was like. My Parents however knew all to well what it was like and what few memories I have they ...

12 response(s), 17 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
The U S Navy has a Birthday...... - 10/11/2011

.....This Thursday marks the US Navy's 236th Birthday. Being a US Marine I have very close ties and fond memories to the Naval Service. In 1961 as a very young Marine aboard Admiral Eugene Fluckey's flagship we had steamed out from Bathurst Gambia headed for Durban South Africa. ...... ......We reached the Equator at the zero meridian on 1 May. On that day we no longer were considered ...

12 response(s), 15 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
The Occupy Wall Street Mob...... - 10/10/2011

......In the Movie "Patton" it opened with George C. Scott who played General Patton, is giving a speech to his troops in front of a large American flag. One of the things he said was "Americans love a winner, and will not tolerate a loser." Thinking about that statement it certainly applies to sports for if a team constantly loses the Coach is soon fired. Players who under perform are ...

3 response(s), 19 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
Is this the RealAgenda? - 10/9/2011

....A couple of weeks ago Democrat NC Governor Beverly Perdue made a comment that at first I thought was far fetched. She advocated suspending the 2012 elections because it would give lawmakers time to work on the Countries problems instead of worrying about being re-elected. As I watch the recent event "Occupy Wall Street" I am thinking Gov Perdue's suggestion is not so far fetched after ...

3 response(s), 14 votes
60minman2 84 M
26  questions
Give me your thoughts........ - 10/7/2011

...I have been pondering about not blogging in the blog section anymore or at least not as much. Seems like any time you express an opinion about a situation be it a blog or even a comment on anothers blog, if its a sacred cow people go nuts. Sure it offends me when I am singled out as some kind of villain and untruths and out right lies are leveled at me. I think its time for me to not ...

11 response(s), 19 votes
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions

On the first day, God created the and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years." The said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"

So God agreed....

On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain ...

1 response(s), 4 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Why is it so hard for some to retire? - 10/2/2011

Ok, so I retired, or tried to anyway. After a couple of months away from work, I just felt antsy and had to do something, so after several courses, etc, I am waiting to be sworn in as a Peace Officer. As soon as my knee is back to normal that is.

When do you think a person should retire?

Is there a time when we are to old?

1 response(s), 3 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Had any close calles lately - 9/24/2011

Sunday 11 Sept, we were on our way home from camping, I was going 50mph down a secondary highway pulling our 27ft 5th wheel behind the truck. I saw movement in the trees by the road, and this doe, a deer, a female deer, jumped right out of the song and onto the highway. Mrsdinty and I saw it at the same time, she grabbed the dogs and I slammed the breaks on. The doe, just like a deer in ...

1 response(s), 2 votes
starwomyn 70 F
376  questions
The Opera and Live Theatre and Tragic Love Lives - 9/24/2011

I love Live Theatre and was thrilled to find out that the local Greenbrier Valley Theatre is presenting a series of Operas.

I just purchased a ticket for Anna Bolena and requested the day off to make sure that I can go. I am going to buy other tickets depending on my work schedule.

The Theatre also has a Pay Whatever you want to Night on the day before the Opening of the Plays. ...

2 response(s), 1 vote
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
why is it so hard to reach some online companies coment desk? - 9/24/2011

In order to watch some news items or even items a person needs a certain flash player. I had one that worked, and the mud house brick company decided to update their flash player to a 10. Well, for the past week I have been trying to down load it. No luck, so I called my in to do it. He uninstalled, installed, tweaked, got intallers, etc, etc, to no avail. Mrsdinty finds out that loads of people ...

0 response(s), 2 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
Ah, but do you have to be a farmer to use it? - 9/19/2011

"Fall" the time of year I buy my "old farmers almanac". There is something in it for everyone. My goes thru the Astronomical section(me too), mrsdinty reads the whole thing(me too), and we all look forward to the weather section and Zodiac.

Question: Do any of you on the porch read the "old farmers almanac" or other type of almanac?

Other Question: Which is your favorite ...

3 response(s), 3 votes
dinty3 79 M
116  questions
who is a country bumpkin? - 9/18/2011

How does that song go? "hello country bumpkin how is the frost out on the pumpkin", well if there are any country bumpkings on the porch I have to let you know that the frost was on the pumpkins in our area this morning. A heavy frost I might add, on the grass and the apples that are left on the trees.

Well are we all ready for the fall season?

What do you have left to do? ...

4 response(s), 1 vote
karinpepita 109 F
62  questions
HOW DO I DO THIS????? - 9/12/2011

I have an old AOL addi, that I had forgotten I had, not used it for years....Just got an email from a friend that says that it has been compromised, and somebody is sending Viagra advertisement to her law firm email.Do I just delete the account or how do I go about it??? Need help here please, thank you..K

0 response(s), 4 votes